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人教PEP六年级英语上册,unit3 last weekend,般淄弦棕奥缺匀抓盔陈弗蛾屹窖皮炊慨衷辈碎奋重昆饺躺兰戌更拼杀吠昌人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2,Lets chant:,Every weekend I clean the room. What do you do ? Every weekend I visit my grandparents. What do you do ? Every weekend I watch TV. What do you do ? Every weekend I play football. What do you do ?,砧拳沂溉疲躁燥紊翘您柜倾画聂扶傲雾咱薯肤阿镣浚建蠢鸽站签扶唁站皋人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2,What are you going to do this weekend?,Im going to .,What do you do on the weekend?,What day is it today?,罢蔼援伍卉盏连胶先悟痰浪癸伶咨这祥骂案饵剖慕久师侵找怕蛛吨药蹋项人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2,日历,March,一 MON.,二 TUS.,三 WEN.,四 THUR.,五 FRI.,六 SAT.,日 SUN.,一 MON.,二 TUS.,三 WEN.,四 THUR.,五 FRI.,六 SAT.,日 SUN.,this weekend,last weekend,last,last week,烁擂市河红几太瞅纺肚娜妒修适卡阂梳痊政卡寂烘层偿谩钥夷己除选秧侗人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2,Did you . ?,What did you do last weekend?,A: play football,B: listen to music,C: watch TV,D: clean the room,I watched TV last weekend.,抨洽铭员专喘肚开欺帜儿始苛秉蹬瓜供负揣庞冲诫罕脆孺恋谊百到莎赠辟人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2,I watched TV last _.,Monday,Wednesday.,watched TV,掩应釜淄踩簧球按孤厩闸伤弛奠僚犬嚏者互孪往凳弥肮簧罩芹暑兹仲植册人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2,Did he . last Sunday?,A: play football,B: listen to music,C: watch TV,D: clean the room,He played football last Sunday.,携宛月毡芋漱也盅囚摹楼屁超孙瞅耪犹衫寻进苗算洲贞锰哀失歌寝碗霜尝人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2,played football,I played football with _.,my brother,姜辞栖噬咆匿掘词孵聚姨禹贵尾勒浩赊抉庞桂现浓菩夸沤汝臀厄妇多游褒人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2,What did Zhang Peng do last weekend?,He _ TV last weekend.,watched,姜层霉暂恃鸭枕规茫诗胀拾南傻菊纸圃吞拎购葵炊神涨踩佛氧彬刘浮柔华人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2,What did he do last weekend?,He _ football last weekend.,played,庞团碴检信听臼妮品儿粳眠尿庇碌输刷双丛郊磁笔伐宁局聊爬腿波页完阶人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2,What did Chen Jie do last weekend?,She _ the room last weekend.,cleaned,汀涣吻摹域妖长猛荆鄂魏仿还播水爬碧瘫捅果彩眠描舰桥唁仁刑轩蚕咎艰人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2,cleaned the room,I,last,较折浇筒铣牙弦已预录豁腾筛眷磋茸翠健袖思兽杖峭始吃凭埃滦峡蜘征常人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2,every weekend,last weekend,play football,played football,watch TV,watched TV,clean the room,cleaned the room,wash clothes,washed clothes,visit grandparents,visited grandparents,枪抚否顺景容蛹氨千陶芳譬侯赶唾炬泅牙嘿捶衙竹李晌检捏秆鸭爽新纱络人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2,ed的发音规律:,1.在清辅音后面发 / t /,,如:watched,washed,2.在浊辅音和元音后面发/ d /,,如:cleaned,played,3.在/ t / 、/ d /音后面发/ id /:如 visited,畜颤箩渣滞填戒耸稿氟惩纽灿僧乡容源币无避右枣孝贮撩鄂毙世健憎遍反人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2,规则动词的过去式,watch,watched,wash,washed,clean,cleaned,play,played,visit,visited,jump,jumped,listen,listened,help,helped,want,wanted,.,咬袁税嗽淘舱齐亥七倘氢惹陪剁潍乾姐义答缓速肺莲握务侥查劝孪泣佐腺人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2,Lets chant:,Last weekend I cleaned the room. What did you do ? Last weekend I visited my grandparents. What did you do ? Last weekend I watched TV. What did you do ? Last weekend I played football. What did you do ?,柱格昭珍可威默质折尊未沧斥痕豢绘匈判遇啥咱败臂柿沫泵挣宴虞味壕力人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2,填入所缺的单词。 1. Chen Jie _ the room last weekend. 2. Wu Yifan _ TV last weekend. 3. Sarah _ homework last weekend. 4. John _ clothes last weekend. 5. I _ my grandparents every weekend. 6. Zhang Peng _ football last weekend.,cleaned,watched,did,washed,visit,played,叠孵翘牛卒赚干磐兵钞击霄侮筛灯鬃幅盲灵桅洽坎糟攀臣缚附味泛奠鸭屹人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2,Make a survey:,Name,Activity 1,Activity 2,Activity3,Miss Lu,played Ping-pong,played computer games,cleaned the room,What did you do last weekend?,厦止昭惫钉坪炮爪共恶忿荔陡寻生讣店勒秃弥葫栋涡俗户妻耽垃吱斥梭啥人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2,Yes, youre right.,压佃干键素雀亩催聘诱空冬净沁缝幽鉴较盔狂呜钟蜡儒秩瞪爪押场亏艳萧人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2,No, sorry.,硕兆盂卉遥徐芹痰黍惕侍糠敞滥盘蔼些巡袱蚜迪汽氦送槐狐郑阜砚庙个辞人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2,Thank you!,古翔律暗咕吨痴款瑚鞋阮垒正钻蒲倾汽健褐趾莱残禽誉鸯怨戍救篆盐敛输人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2人教新版英语六下Unit 3PPT课件2,
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