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初中英语人教版七上,Starter Unit2 Whats this in English?,Period 1(1a-2e),Review,Speak out the letters as quickly as you can.,以最快的速度说出你看到的字母。,these big letters. Check () the ones you found.,1a Look for the small letters in the picture for,A _ B _ C _ D _ E _ F _ G _ H _,Listening,1b Listen and repeat.,1c,Practice the conversations in the picture with your partner.,Its an orange.,Whats this in English?,Whats that in English?,Its a map.,Practice,Make your own conversations.,Whats this in English?,Its a pen.,Whats this in English?,Its a/an ,Listening,2a,Ii,Listen and repeat.,Jj,Oo,Kk,Pp,Ll,Qq,Mm,Rr,Nn,Listening,Listen and number the letters you 2b hear 1-10.,Writing,2c Look and copy.,Writing,Write the missing big letter or 2d small letter for each pair.,m,K,l,p,R,n,j,Q,O,I,2e Talk about what these letters mean.,P= parking,NBA =,kg =,停车场; 停车位(美国)全国篮球协会,National Basketball kilogram Association,千克;公斤,Talk about what these letters mean.,PRC = The Peoples Republic of China 中华人民共和国,cm,km,PK,厘米,千米,公里,单独挑战,Exercise,一、将单词与图片连线。,a ruler,a quilt,a pen,a key,An orange a map,A cup,a jacket,三、选择填空。,1. This is _ orange. A. aB. anC. / 2. That is _ map. A. aB. anC. / 3. Whats this? _ “I”. A. ItsB. This isC. Its,4. “千克”的英文缩写是 _。 A. UNB. cmC. kg 5. “(美国)全国篮球协会 ”的英文缩 写是 _。 A. NBAB. BBCC. UN,四、看图填空。, Hello, Helen!,Hello Oh, _, Eric., Whats _ in English?this, _ _ pen. Itsa, And _ _ in whats that,English? anorange Its _ _.,Homework,1.课下练习用英语询问你知道的事物,的名称。,2.背诵字母Ii到Rr。,
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