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,尼古拉斯凯奇,男。1964年1月7日出生于美国加利福尼亚州。父亲为意大利裔,大导演弗朗西斯科波拉的侄子,为免受其家族名声的影响,改姓“凯奇”。17岁进入电影行业,1992年因在大卫林奇的公路影片我心狂野中扮演男主角而获第43届戛纳电影节金棕榈大奖。1996年凭借离开拉斯维加斯中扮演的酒鬼一角夺得当年度奥斯卡最佳男主角奖。而后转型于动作类影片。,Nicholas Cage, male.Born in January 7, 1964 in the United States of California.The father of American Italy, director Francis Coppolas nephew, as from the family reputation, surname Cage.At the age of 17 entered the film industry in 1992, because of David Lynch road movie wild heart acts actor and won the Golden Palm Award at the forty-third Cannes International Film festival.In 1996 by virtue of Leaving Las Vegas plays drunkard a corner when Oscar won the best actor award.Then the transition in the action film.,Face - Johnwoos ultimate say , because face is by far the most successful of Johnwoo in Hollywood, but also play a decisive role in most of the works.The film either art or have reached the unprecedented and unrepeatable, box office success.Fifteen years later, review this classic still sigh.The mention of Johnwoo, we cant talk about his aesthetics of violence.So far, though I could not find the aesthetics of violence is clearly explained, violence and beauty, seemingly two have no relevance thing, let Johnwoo put them to play to the extreme.In his movies, violence accounted for a significant amount of the play, but is precisely this one or adventure, or tenderness, or touching scene, let us get full visual enjoyment!A killing Cage have be of no great importance, whether can change their face is weak.We in the film, see more of the complexity of human nature, and beautiful.Cage seems a behave in a vicious and unrestrained way of the devil, but usually be cynical him watching his only relatives from high-altitude crashed, my eyes are wet.After all he is human, perhaps most of the time, he is involuntarily working.The truth is always in the gun be inopportune or inappropriate in the surge, as Infernal Chen Yongren saw the yellow police officers had died, they are not painful?Maybe the next second, this emotion will drown in that seems to be decreed by fate of involuntarily.Cage in the face, as wife prepared a candlelight dinner, it is a lovely thing ah, we imagine, Cage knows what is home?He longed for, but fate can give him this opportunity, also will not allow him to have this opportunity, poor man, finally in a quiet night, and his beloved wife, together enter sweet dreams. For young Adam, this should be the sunshine rainbow childhood is merciless violence obliterated.A at the same time, step forward bravely, hugged Adam, rushed out, at that moment, they are beyond the human diaphragm, a father over FBI bullets. In fact, the movie is a character, twinkling light of humanity, and go through thick and thin together moral.And this is precisely the current society has not.Perhaps it is for this film, so many people remember Cage melancholy eyes, remember Adams lovely smile, remember that the most beautiful things in the world!,变脸吴宇森的极致之所以说极致,因为变脸是迄今为止吴宇森在好莱坞最成功、也是在最举足轻重的一部作品。这部电影无论是艺术,还是票房都达到了空前绝后的成功。十五年过后,重温这部经典依然感慨万分。提到吴宇森,我们不能不谈他的“暴力美学”。迄今为止,虽然我找不到对“暴力美学”的明确解释,暴力与美,看似两个风马牛不相及的东西,让吴宇森把他们发挥到了极致。在他的电影中,暴力占了大量的戏分,可正是这一个个或是惊险,或是柔情,或是感人的场面,让我们获得了充分的视觉享受!特拉沃塔杀不杀凯奇已经无关紧要,是否能换会自己的脸也无足重轻。我们在影片里,更多的看到人性的复杂,与凄美。凯奇看上去是一个穷凶极恶的魔鬼,可是在平时玩世不恭的他看着自己唯一的亲人从高空上坠落,自己的眼眶也湿润了。毕竟他也是人,或许大多数时候,自己都是在身不由己的工作。而真情也总是在枪火中不合时宜的涌上心头,如同无间道陈永仁看见黄警官坠楼惨死一样,他们不痛苦吗?也许下一秒中,这情感又会淹没在那种似乎是命中注定的身不由己里。凯奇在变脸后,为“妻子”准备了烛光晚餐,这是多么浪漫的事呀,我们想象,凯奇知道什么是家吗?他渴望,但命运无法给他这个机会,也不许他有这个机会,可怜的人,终于能在一个安稳的夜晚,和自己心爱的妻子,一起进入甜蜜的梦想.对于年幼的亚当,本应是阳光彩虹的童年确无情的被暴力抹杀了。特拉沃塔在此时,挺身而出,抱住了亚当,冲了出去,那一刻,他们超越了人性的隔膜,特拉沃塔的父爱战胜了FBI的子弹.其实,电影里的每一个人物,都闪烁着人性的光芒,与生死与共的道德。而这恰恰是当今社会所不具有的。也许正是这个电影,让无数人记住了凯奇那忧郁的眼神,记住了亚当那可爱的微笑,记住了世界上那最美的东西!,Abstract: Kester (Nicholas Cage Nicolas Cage) is a terrorist, he wanted to kill agent Sean (Johnn Travolta John Travolta), but by Seans son, Sean and married his feel irreconcilable hatred for sb.After Kesters arrest him, he thought he could change, but that Kester had a gas bomb bomb in a crowded corner.To find out the bomb sites, Sean decided to use the plastic operation, the coma in Kesters face change in my body, to impersonate Kester identity sets out his brother to tell the truth.It belongs to FBI highly confidential, only a few people know.Kester wakes up, when he has Seans face.So he decided to meet, then the insider to kill, he became Sean.,简介:凯斯特(尼古拉斯凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)是一个恐怖分子,他本想杀死探员西恩(约翰特拉沃塔 John Travolta 饰),却误杀了西恩的儿子,西恩更与凯斯特结下不共戴天之仇。在逮捕凯斯特归案之后,他以为可以划上句号,却得知凯斯特已经把一枚毒气炸弹投放在某个人群密集的角落。为了查出炸弹地点,西恩决定利用整形手术,将昏迷中的凯斯特的脸换在自己身上,去假扮凯斯特身份套出他弟弟说出真相。这件事属于FBI高度机密,只有寥寥几人知情。凯斯特醒来,此时他有着西恩的面相。于是他决定将计就计,将知情人杀掉之后,他就变成了西恩,
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