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1,英汉语言的对比与翻译,衔接手段,2,衔接的手段,照应(reference) 替代(substitution) 省略(ellipsis) 连接(conjunctions),3,照应(reference),人称代词、指示词或表比较的词,指的是篇章中某个成分和另一成分之间的关系是一种指代的关系。 He has tried whisky and the red wine,but he doesnt like either (either whisky or the red wine) 他尝了威士忌和红葡萄酒,但对两种都不喜欢。,4,Mike is from EnglandHe teaches English,5,替代(substitution),避免重复同样的词、词组(group)和小句,作者会用某个其它的词来替换 Id like some big apples rather than the small ones(apples),6,省略(ellipsis),省略可称为用零形式替换,7,商务英语语篇的类型,商务信函 (Business Correspondence) 备忘录 (Memorandum) 会议纪要(Minutes) 广告(Commercials) 报告(Report) 通知 (Notice) 说明书(Specification) 协议或合同(Agreement or Contract),8,Example,1 In some cases the MNC retains a minority of interest, in others the host county owns 100 percent and the MNC stays on after the installation is completed to perform managerial and supervisory functions for a period of time.,在某些情况下,跨国公司拥有一小部分股权,在某些情况下所在国可拥有 100% 的股权,跨国公司只在机器安装完毕后,留下一段时间来履行管理和监督职能。,9,2. The financial statements are the means of conveying to management and to interested outsiders a concise picture of the profitability and financial position of the business.,财务报表是向管理层和有关的外部人士展示企业的获利情况和财务状况的精确的图表。,10,Dear Sirs, Our client in Bombay requests us to obtain from you a proforma invoice for color TV sets with the following specifications:“Haler”brand color TV sets 25-inch and 34-inch(each 500 sets) Would you please airmail us the soonest possible your proforma invoice for 1 000 color TV sets with prices CIF Bombay,so that we can obtain our clients confirmationThere is no question about our getting the necessary import license from our authoritiesAs soon as the said license is approved,we shall establish an LC in your favor Thank you for your close cooperation in this respect. Yours truly, John Smith,11,敬启者: 我们的一个孟买客户要求我们从贵方取得下列规格的彩色电视机形式发票:“海尔 ”牌彩色电视机 25 英寸和 34 英寸各 500 台。 请尽速航邮注有孟买到岸价格的 1000 台彩色电视机的形式发票,以便我们取得客户确认。从当局取得必要的进口许可证当无问题。 一俟获得许可证即开立以贵方为受益人的信用证。 感谢贵方的密切合作。 您真诚的, 约翰史密斯,12,文体特点 词汇使用特点 语句使用特点 语篇风格特点 汉译要点 准确了解词汇的意义 汉译句子既简洁畅晓,又庄重老练 语篇格式规范,13,文体特点,词汇使用特点:专业词汇、具有商务汉译的普通词以及缩略词 e.g. Sole licensevs. Exclusive license Offer , counter-offer, counter-suggestion, bid Surcharges, irrevocable letter of credit, insurance policy Property in goods vs. property of goods; appearance surface vs. surface appearance; partial shipments, instrument of payment, instrument of pledge, instrument of ratification, instrument of acquisition,14,文体特点,语句使用特点 信函:简洁,简单句 Please ship at the first available opportunity. 请将商品尽快交运 Thank you for your letter dated 7th October offering us Chinese embroideries. Subject to your confirmation.,see text p. 146,15,合同:长句和难句,This contract is made by and between the buyers and the sellers, whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below. 本合同由买卖双方订立, 因此买卖双方同意按照下面规定的条款购买以下商品。 NB: Please quote us the lowest price; we refer to ; we are informed that; it is subject to change without previous notice,16,频繁使用套语,Please quote us the lowest price ; we refer to ; we are informed that, it is subject to change without previous notice,17,文体特点,语篇风格特点seven Cs,completeness,Conciseness,concreteness,correctness,clarity,consideration,courtesy,18,汉译要点,准确了解词汇的意义 商务术语 一词多义 数字概念,19,汉译要点,准确了解词汇的意义 一词多义 Credit an arrangement where goods and services can be received now and paid for later, within an agreed period. 信贷,赊购 a sum of money paid into a bank account 贷记 v. to record the payment of a sum of money into an account 记入贷方,20,例如: Multinational banks services include issuing letter of credit, buying and selling foreign exchange, issuing bankers acceptances, accepting eurocurrency deposits, making eurocurrency loans, and assisting in the marketing of eurobonds. 错误译文:跨国银行提供的服务包括开立信用证、买卖外汇、开立银行承兑、接受欧洲货币储存、提供欧洲货币贷款以及发行欧洲货币债券。 正确译文:跨国银行提供的服务包括开立信用证、买卖外汇、开证行承兑、接受欧洲货币储存、提供欧洲货币贷款以及发行推销欧洲货币债券。 (“issuing bankers acceptances” 应译为“开立银行承兑”; “assisting in the marketing of eurobonds” 应译为“发行及推销欧洲货币债券 ),21,Engineering services are often handled through turn-key operations, contracts for the construction of operating facilities that are transferred to the owner when the facilities are ready to begin operations. 问题译文: 劳务工程常常是以全部包建的工程承包方式进行的,承建生产设施的合同规定工程完成时,将全部设施交付转让给业主。 正确译文: 劳务工程常常以交钥匙工程的方式进行,即以合同形式规定承建商在承建的生产设施准备投入运行时移交给业主。 (turnkey operations 应译为“交钥匙工程”, construct for 在本句是它的同位语,解释说明 turn-key operations ;而 transfer 在此句中的术语含义是“移交”,而非“交付转让”。,22,汉译要点,数字概念:时间、价格、数量、金额和规格 时间:on and after by the time not later than,23,数字的译法,数量的表达和译法 确定的数量 整 总共 增加 减少 间隔 平均 不确定数量 超过,以上 不足,少于 大约 倍数增减的译法,24,确定的数量 整exactly, clear, just, cleanly e.g. It is now exactly tow oclock. 现在正好两点钟。 总共 in all, gross, total, add up to, amount to, come to, sum up to e.g. The first order numbers two thousand pieces in all. 第一天订货共达2,000件,25,The popular film can gross five million pounds. 一部受欢迎的影片能赚取万英镑的总利润 He has $2,400 in the Bank, exclusive of the interest. 除利息不计外,他在银行有2,400美元的存款。 The exhibits totaled 3,500 pcs. 展品数总计达3,500件。,26,增加:increase by/to/fro
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