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UNIT One:InternationalRelations,Section A Warming Up Section B Micro Listening Section C VOA Special Section D Weekly Address Section E VOA Standard Section F Listening strategy,Word bank in Section A warming up,breakthrough n. 突破 demarcate v. 划分界线 deport v. 驱逐 diplomatic a. 外交的 dispute n. 争端 embassy n. 大使馆,expel v. 赶走,驱逐 expulsion n. 驱逐,逐出 long-term a. 长期的 partnership n. 伙伴关系 planeload n. 一飞机的人或物 unity n. 团结,联合,Directions: listen to the following news leads once and supply the missing information,Britain says Turkeys _ Cyprus should not hold up(耽误) the opening of negotiations next month on Turkeys eventual membership in the European Union. The Bush Administration said Monday that progress is being made toward _ with Libya, though it discouraged talk of an imminent(即将来临的;紧迫的) breakthrough.,dispute with,normal relations,3. Russia has _ a planeload of Georgians it accused of(指责) being illegal migrants, and continued a crackdown(打击) on Georgian-owned business. 4. The leaders of Brazil, India and South Africa have called for(呼吁) greater _ between the worlds developing countries.,deported,unity,5. The United States has _ to Syria for preventing an attack on the U.S. _ in Damascus(大马士革) in which three gunmen were killed and a fourth man was captured. 6. Chadian President Idriss Derby _ diplomatic _ with Sudan Friday after what he said was a “Sudanese-backed rebel attack” on Chads capital Ndjamena(恩贾梅纳 ). Mr. Derby also has threatened to _ 200,000 refugees in Chad.,embassy,expressed gratitude,cut,ties,expel,7. Chad and Sudan have _ their common border and _ diplomatic relations only a few months after the two countries nearly _ over alleged(声称的,所谓的) Sudanese support for Chadian rebels. 8. Relations between India and Pakistan have _ with a mutual _of diplomats. Officials in India said theyd given a Pakistani diplomat 48 hours to leave the country after Pakistan ordered the _ of an Indian diplomat.,opened,reestablished,went to war,cooled,expulsion,expulsion,9. Lebanons Prime Minister Fuad Siniora has _ Syria to established diplomatic relations and _. 10. Afghan President Hamid Karzai says he is preparing a formal request to President Bush for a long-term security _ that would include a permanent U.S. military presence.,challenged,demarcate their border,partnership,Word Bank in Section B Micro Listening,accidental a. 意外的 agent n. 探员;特工 asset n. 财产 asylum n. 庇护;收容所 depose v. 免职,废黜 freeze v. 冻结 grant v. 许可;给予,institution n. 公共机构;制度 intelligence n. 情报 mutual a. 相互的 oust v. 驱逐,革职,罢黜 ouster n. 驱逐 refuge n. 庇护,避难;避难所 row n. 吵架,争吵,Tapescript 1.North Korea says it wants a relationship of trust and mutual respect with the Untied States.,1. A. North Korea wants an improved relationship with the U.S. B. The U.S.- North Korea relationship is one of trust. C. North Korea says its relationship with the U.S. is based on mutual respect. D. North Korea is optimistic about its future relationship with the U.S.,North Korea wants an improved relationship with the U.S.,2. And Brazil has granted asylum to deposed Ecuadorian president Lucio Gutierrez who has taken refuge in the Brazilian embassy since his ouster Wednesday.,2.A. Ecuadors president has made an asylum offer. B. Mr. Gutierrez sought protection in the Ecuadorian embassy. C. Lucio Gutierrez has been ousted. D. The Brazilian embassy has taken in some refugees.,C. Lucio Gutierrez has been ousted.,3. The us government has frozen the assets of over 150 individuals and institutions from Zimbabwe.,3. A. The estates of 150 US citizens were frozen. B. Some Zimbabwean institutions will be unable to access their property in the States. C. 150 US institutions and individuals are barred from entering Zimbabwe. D. The US has frozen all assets of the Zimbabwean government.,B.,4. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has again expressed regret to Italy over the accidental killing of an Italian intelligence agent in Iraq.,4. A. An Italian special agent was killed in the US. B. Condoleezza Rice has condemned the killing. C. Italy has expressed regret over the killing. D. The US described the killing as an accident.,D.,5. Diplomatic relations between Venezuela and Mexico have worsened sharply in a row over comments by the Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez about the Mexican leader Vicente Fox.,5. A. Relations between Mexico and Venezuela have been worsening 5 years in a row(连续). B. Vicente Fox made some critical remarks about bilateral relations(双边关系). C. Venezuela and Mexico are involved in a dispute over some remarks. D. Hugo Chavez is critical of Mexicos foreign policy.,C.,VOA Special: Education Report-New School Trains in Different Religions(2011-09-23),This is the VOA Special English Education Report.这里是美国之音慢速英语教育报道。Claremont Lincoln University in California is a new _ school for religious education. It hopes to change the way religiou
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