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八 十 天,环游地球,Around the world in Eighty Days,作者:儒勒凡尔纳 (法),法国作家,现代科幻小说的奠基人,被誉为“科学幻想小说的鼻祖”。凡尔纳生于法国西部海港南特,父亲是位颇为成功的律师,一心希望子承父业。凡尔纳在市区一个小岛上的中学学习,面对海洋,他产生了无限的向往,渴望出航冒险。11岁时,凡尔纳背着家人,偷偷地溜上一艘开往印度的大船当见习水手,准备开始他梦寐以求的冒险生涯。但是家里及时发现了这一情况,父亲在下一个港口将他追了回来,极其严厉地惩罚了他。梦想被打碎的凡尔纳流着泪向父亲许下诺言:“以后保证只躺在床上在幻想中旅行。”这使他彻底丧失了成为冒险家的可能性。也许正是由于这一童年的经历,客观上促使凡尔纳一生驰骋于幻想之中,创作出如此众多的著名科幻作品。18岁时,他遵从父亲的安排,去巴黎攻读法律,可是他对法律毫无兴趣,却爱上了文学和戏剧。一次意外的机会他结识了大仲马,开始了文学创作之路。毕业后,他更是一门心思投入诗歌和戏剧的创作,为此不仅受到父亲的严厉训斥,而且失去了父亲的经济资助。他不得不在贫困中奋斗,以读书为乐。决心写地理方面的题材,并逐渐开创了自己的文学特色。,代表作及写作背景,他的科学幻想冒险小说,总名称为在已知和未知世界里的奇异漫游,代表作为三部曲格兰特船长的儿女、海底两万里、神秘岛。主要作品还有气球上的五星期、地心游记、机器岛、漂逝的半岛、八十天环游地球等20多部长篇科幻历险小说。他的小说在世界各地广泛流传,家喻户晓,特别是八十天环游地球带有逼真的现实主义色彩,当它在时报上连载时曾一度轰动全世界,至今仍是一部受欢迎的作品。 凡尔纳的创作思想的直接渊源,是文艺复兴时代的人文主义思想、18世纪法国唯物论的思想和19世纪空想社会主义的思想,因此,科学与民主密切不可分。他的作品,是科学和艺术的水乳交融的结合,是生动地描绘先进的科学技术如何开拓新的世界的诗篇,又是科学和民主的赞歌。 凡尔纳的创作所反映的时代离开我们已经有100年了。小说中描述的科学也已经过时。鹦鹉螺号比起今天的核潜艇来,几乎就是孩子的玩具。搜索一个失事的船长,如今再也不需经历横越南美大陆、澳洲腹地以及海上的颠簸。80天环游地球在100年前应视为壮举,在今天科技的巨大成果前却黯然失色。但是,这些并不代表凡尔纳的小说已经成为历史的古董,它们在人类历史上曾经产生的作用不可磨灭,而且作品中的科学探索精神也将成为永久的精神财富。 凡尔纳的作品形象夸张地反映了19世纪“机器时代”人们征服自然,改造世界的意志和幻想,并成为西方和日本现代科幻小说的先河,我国的科幻小说大多也受到他作品的启发和影响。凡尔纳小说的爱好者包括许多人,甚至有当时的美国总统西奥多罗斯福(1901-1909年任美国总统),故事概要,八十天环游地球是凡尔纳一部著名的科学幻想小说,小说讲述的是这样一个故事:英国绅士福克与朋友打赌两万英镑,要在80天内环游地球一周回到伦敦。但他不幸被误当作偷窃英格兰银行的大盗,被苏格兰的侦探菲克斯通缉、追捕。随后他和仆人路路通克服了路途中的重重艰难险阻,在环绕地球一圈并回到伦敦时,却迟到第一时间五分钟,他自认失败,却又意外地获得胜利原来他自西向东绕地球一周,利用时差正好节约了一天的时间!一路上福克的机智、勇敢和毅力都表现了十足的绅士派头,最后抱得美人归他在印度救出了一个殉葬的王公妻子(艾娥达夫人)。,人物关系:,Phileas Fogg:菲利斯.福格A gentleman from England ,he was one of the most noticable members of the Reform Club,he is the very hero who had a bet with friends that he could travel the world in eighty days. Passepartout:帕斯帕图,绰号路路通. A Frenchman,Mr.Foggs servant,who accompany Fogg to finish the adventure. Aouda:奥达 a beauty who were saved by Mr. Fogg when he traveled in india,she was traveling with Fogg during the last adventure.and they get married at last. Fix:菲克斯 the detective from England,douted that Fogg was the person who robery a bank,so he was searching after fogg all the time.but at he last he feel sorry because he was wrong.,Phileas Fogg:a strange man ,if using three words to describe him,that is - rich,generous,crazy.first of all,he is a very rich man.After finishing the whole novel ,I still confused about his identity.In the novel ,there is no explaning about Foggs job.He was one of the most noticeble members of the Reform club.He lived in an appartment,and he is particular about everything. He has to chang servant frequently because few servants can bear his strange habits and peculiarity .Why he is richer than Bill Gates?it is a question. Secondly,generous .i have to say he is too generous to make us believe that there is a person named Phileas Fogg.For example ,during his journey ,he spent 1000 pounds on buying an elephant and hired a local guide .Of course,he paid the guide at a high salary,and at last he gave the guide the elephant as a reward.Beacuse they went through the indian forests and he didnt need it any more.besides,he rent a vessel(船舶) to carry him to yokohama(横滨).In a word,in which Phileas Fogg secures a curious means of conveyance at a fabulous price. Thirdly, he is really a crazy person .In other word,he is a brave ,obsessed(执着的)and kind-hearted man.but sometimes ,he is really impulsive (冲动的).,About:小说中的男主角福格先生,环游世界80天之路线篇,“既然大印度潘尼苏拉铁路线上从罗特大阿拉巴德的路线全线开通,那么八十天就足够了.做过这样的估计.”-Philles Fogg. London-七天坐火车轮船-Suez-十三天坐轮船-Bombay-三天坐火车-Calcutta-十三天坐轮船-HongKong-六天坐船Yokohama(横滨)-二十二天坐船-Sanfranscio-坐火车七天-New York-九天坐火车和轮船-London 总共80天.,读之收获篇,Why Fogg identity is equivocal? Why aouda fall in love with Fogg at last? 殉葬制度 主仆制度 Something I found from the novel.,Why Fogg identity is equivocal?(模棱两可的),我觉得这个就是完全的剧情需要,小说中并没有详细介绍福格的身份背景,我唯一知道的就是他很有钱,而且很会乱花钱.我当时很疑惑,作者为啥不一次性介绍清楚.但是仔细想想这是为了让情节更加合理化的发展下去. 1.福格后来被菲克斯侦探怀疑并阻挠他完成旅行.2.福格的人格魅力再后来得到发现,采用了先抑后扬的手法.3.使福格更具神秘感.让小说有种神秘的氛围. 所以,福格模棱两可的身份是作者故意安排的.,Why aouda fall in love with Fogg at last?,英雄救美. beauty always falling love with hero.in an emergency time,Fogg saved Aouda.i think just at that moment she found his charming prince.Mr Fogg is a kind hearted man. 高大威猛.i think first of all,he is handsome and brave,this is very important.tall , strong ,cute 三. 成熟的人格魅力.he is a kind hearted man,he take risks to save Aouda and his servant with all his own conscience.besides,he is mature guy.no matter what had happened ,he was always self-possessed and calm. 四.钻石王老五.idont know why he has so much money,but the truth is he is very rich.i dont mean that Aouda love his money.but why he didnt love Passeparto.because passeparto is a servant and he is not taller and stronger than Mr Fogg.if you have to choose you husband between them,I believe 99% girl would love Fogg.And the last 1% are blind and deaf,because they cant see them.,殉葬制度,男尊女卑,古今中外,不乏其例。但印度教却把它淋漓尽致地发挥到了及至。这方面的典范就是印度的嫁妆和殉葬习俗。 殉葬制度又称“萨蒂”,大约最早是从王公逝世时妃嫔殉葬之风发展而来,进而扩大到上流阶层,以后普及于一般妇女。,印度教时代在上层和拉其普特人中,寡妇殉葬的风俗非常盛行,死者若有数妻,则正妻与死夫一起殉葬,其余妻子要单独自焚。此外,为丈夫殉葬有两种形式:一种叫同丈夫一起殉葬,即妻子与死夫尸体一起火化;一种叫模
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