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学 海 无 涯各类公示语英文翻译汇总旅游景区的标识语翻译1、湖区水深,注意安全。Deep water! Beware.2、珍惜文物古迹,勿乱刻乱涂。No graffiti!3、购票中请当面清点票款,门票售出,恕不退款。Check the change before you leave. No refund for tickets sold.4、游客必须每人持票入内,废票、伪造票不得入内。Admission by valid tickets only.5、爱护草坪,足下留情。Keep off the grass.6、心触一片净土,爱博一片蓝天。Keep the environment clean.7、禁止摆卖。No venders.8、六点停止入园。Last admission: 6:009. 请按门票所示线路参观 Please follow the visitor route indicated on your guide ticket.10. 请勿在本区域堆弃垃圾Please refrain from dumpling rubbish in this area.乘车的标识语翻译11.请沿站台过往Pass along the platform please.12.请在乘车前购买好车票Please buy your ticket before you board the train.13.请将机票或登机牌准备好接受安检 Please have your ticket or boarding card ready for inspection. 14.请协助确保列车准点运行Please help to run trains on time 15.请将此座位留给老年人、残疾人和抱孩子的人。 Please offer this seat to elderly or disabled people or those carrying children. 16.请仅在紧急情况下使用Please only use in an emergency. 17.请您在返回车前先付费 Please pay before returning to your car. 18.需要帮助 请按按钮 Please press for assistance.19.请系好安全带 Please wear the seatbelt provided.20.存放时请务必索取行李票。请将行李票的第二联粘贴在行李上。Please make sure that you collect a ticket for each piece of luggage. Please stick the second copy of your ticket(s) on each piece of luggage. 饭店宾馆的标识语翻译21.免费上网Free Internet access.22.请勿在本餐厅内进食非麦当劳食品Seating reserved for consumption of McDonalds food only23.酒水另付Beverage Not Included24.请牢记:将您需要清洗的毛巾放在地板上;将您准备继续使用的毛巾挂在毛巾架上。您的举手之劳将有助环保。谢谢! Please remember to: put towels you want washed on the floor. Leave towels you will use again on the towel racks. This simple gesture helps protect the environment. Thank you. 25.宾客请注意所有存放行李无论丢失,还是失窃均由物主负责,店方概不承担任何责任。 Please note that all luggages are stored at the owners risk. The hotel will not accept liability for any luggage lost or stolen.26.仅作火警安全出口Fire exit only27. 夜间有行李搬运服务生.Night Porter On Duty 28.使用此浴室时小心.Be Careful When Using The Bath. 29.保证干净舒适.Cleanliness And Comfort Assured. 30.中央暖气全部开放.Fully centrally heated. 强制性的标识语翻译31.警戒线 勿超越 Police Line Do Not Cross.32.严禁拍照 No Photography33.红线区内 严禁停车RED ROUTE No stopping at any time.34.禁止通行NO ADMITTANCE 35.非指定地点严禁吸烟No smoking except in designated areas36.禁止导游讲解 No briefing of groups.37.禁酒区Alcohol Free Zone.38.在本区域公开场合饮酒罚款最高至英镑/美元You can be prosecuted for drinking alcohol in public in this area MAXIMUM PENALTY $500.39.严禁张贴Post No Bill40. 禁携宠物No pets allowed.商场促销标识语翻译41.部分商品降半价50% Off on Selected Lines 42.跳楼价甩卖Sale at Breakdown Price 43.随时免费维修As Many Repairs As You Need, Free of Charge 44.最佳选择,最大优惠Best Choice and Best Discounts 45. 现货优惠,卖完为止Offer is subject to availability 46.买一赠一Buy One and Get Anyone Free 47.关门大甩卖Closing Sale 48.顾客至上Customer care is our top priority 49.清仓大甩卖Final Clear Out 50.免费送货上门Free Delivery to Your Door 3
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