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英语写作中的总结用语一篇优秀的英语书面表达,不仅仅需要华丽的开篇和中段,末段总结虽然要求言简意赅,但也不可太过苍白无力,以免“虎头蛇尾”。巧妙使用合适的总结用语,必能让阅卷老师眼前一亮,尽显“低调的奢华”,从而得到满意的分数档次。一、插入语的使用,可为英语写作带来完美的结尾。常用的插入语有:all in all, altogether, on the whole, in short/brief/general/conclusion, in a/one word, generally/briefly speaking, to conclude, to sum up, to put it simply等。例如:(20196月浙江高考写作)All in all, words fail to express my thankfulness to you.总之,言语无法表达我对你的感激之情。In short, playing basketball enriches my life and makes me more confident.总之,打篮球丰富了我的生活,使我更加自信。(2019全国卷书面表达)To sum up, I wish you could live up to the expectations of our school.总而言之,我希望你不辜负我们学校的期望。In brief, we can not emphasize the essence of honesty too much.简言之,我们怎么强调诚信的重要性也不为过。(2019江苏高考书面表达)To conclude, the school uniforms are a better choice than the traditional Chinese dress for such an occasion.综上所述,在这种场合穿校服比穿中国传统服装更好。To put it simply, I would be more than grateful if you could give me an early reply.简而言之,如果你能早日回复,我将不胜感激。应用体验1翻译句子总之,环境保护很重要,它能使我们生活得更加舒服、更加健康。Altogether, environmental protection is of great importance, which can make us live more comfortably and healthily.总的来说,我发现自行车比摩托车更令人喜欢。On the whole, I find a bike more enjoyable than a motorcycle.总而言之,你诚挚的歉意比一切都重要。All in all, nothing is more important than your sincere apologies.简言之,如果你能给我一些指导,我将非常感激。To put it simply, I would appreciate it if you could give me some guidance.二、三大从句(定语从句、名词性从句、状语从句)、非谓语动词等各种语法结构的使用,无疑为收束总结全文锦上添花。 例如:As is stated above, a conclusion can be drawn that this volunteer activity is well worth taking part.综上所述,我们可以得出这一结论:这次志愿者活动非常值得参与。Based on the view above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that diligence is of great benefit to our development and improvement.基于以上观点,我们可以清楚地得出结论:勤奋对我们的发展和提高极有益处。Judging by the figures, we can easily be aware of the severity of the problem.根据以上数据来判断,我们不难发现问题的严重性。应用体验2翻译句子综上所述,我们可以得出一个结论:合作有利于成功。As is indicated above, a conclusion can be drawn that cooperation makes for success.基于以上观点,我们完全可以得出这个结论:诚信是第一要义。Based on the idea above, we can definitely draw the conclusion that honesty is the first policy.考虑到一切因素,我确信我相当适合这个职位。All the factors taken into account, I am convinced that I am quite qualified for the post.根据以上陈述判断,我们绝不能忽视优质服务的重要性。Judging from the statement above, never can we overlook the importance of good service.三、实战练习: 翻译下列句子1(2019全国卷书面表达)总之,我坚信努力工作会带来好的结果!2(20186月浙江高考写作)综上所述,我确信我完全符合您们的期望。3(江苏高考书面表达)一言以蔽之,某种程度上,网络投票有失公允。4根据以上所述,我相信:相互帮助一定会让我们都取得很大进步。 5. 总之,我坚信高中生在业余时间做兼职是大有裨益的。The key :1. To sum up/All in all/In short/In a word, I firmly believe hard work will bring good results! 2. As is stated above, I am sure that I can perfectly live up to your expectations.3. In short, Internet voting, to some extent, is unfair.4. According to what is mentioned above, I believe we both can make much progress with each others help. 5. In a word, I am convinced that it is of great benefit for senior school students to take part-time jobs in their spare time.
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