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.,1,At the Surgical Department,在外科,江西教育网,.,2,Surgical diseases include fracture, disjoint, cramp, trauma, osteomyelitis, appendicitis, ulcer and so on. Fracture includes incomplete fracture, comminuted fracture, impacted fracture, complete fracture and the like. Trauma includes puncture wound, contusion, bruise, open fracture, bite and etc.,We will talk about three common surgical diseases acute appendicitis, laceration, and sprain in this unit.,.,3,Sentence Pattern,I feel like/ I feel Are you still? Are you going to? Wheres your?,江西教育网,.,4,Related Expression: acute appendicitis,What brought you to the emergency room? How long have you had this pain? Is it there all the time? Have you had any diarrhea? Is this regular for you? How about all this nausea and vomiting? Have ou had a temperature? Show me where it hearts most right now. Do you feel any pain when I press here?,江西教育网:,.,5,Situation A,你好,你来急诊室(emergency room)看什么病? 我肚子疼,总想吐(vomit)觉得很难受 你腹痛多长时间了? 昨晚开始的,在这边,不过今天早晨又到这边来了,痛得厉害 现在又转到别的地方痛了吗? 没,在这痛了大概两个小时了 一直疼吗? 不,一阵一阵的(come and go),现在又痛死(kill me)了 腹泻吗(diarrhea)? 没有,我已经两天没大便了(bowel movement) 你平时经常这样吗? 不,我通常每天大便一次,江西教育网,.,6,说说恶心和呕吐(nausea/vomit)的情况 现在好点了昨晚大约每两小时就吐一次,一疼就吐 你发烧吗? 今天一早我量过体温,是38.5C. 给我指指现在哪最痛? 就在这,右下腹 请躺到床上,我给你检查一下腹部(abdomen)我按这你疼吗?我突然松开手时疼吗?你得的是急性阑尾炎,需要马上手术,江西教育网,.,7,Hello. What brought you to the emergency room? Ive got awful pains in my belly. And I feel like Im going to throw up all the time. I feel awful. How long have you had this pain? It started last night, up here, but this morning its here, and it really hurts. Has it moved again? No. Is been steady for almost two hours. Is it there all the time? No, it just comes and goes, but now its really killing me. Have you had any diarrhea? No, I havent had a bowel movement for two days. Is this regular for you? No, I usually have one every day.,.,8,How about all this nausea and vomiting? Well, its gotten better. Last night I was vomiting about every two hours soon after the pain began. Have you had a temperature? Early this morning I took my temperature. It was 38.5C. Show me where it hurts most right now. Just here, on the right side of the lower belly. Please lie down on the bed. Let me examine your abdomen. Do you feel any pain when I press here? Does it hurt you when I withdraw my hand suddenly? I think that you have acute appendicitis. You need an emergent operation.,.,9,Related Expression: laceration,Whats the trouble with you? Well, this doesnt look too bad. Now you need local anesthesia.,江西教育网,.,10,Situation B,护士: 王大夫,急诊室里有个手指裂伤的韩国男孩,他母亲陪着,很着急. 大夫: 好的,我马上过去. 大夫: 你好,你怎么了? 男孩: 我在后院(backyard)踢球时摔倒了,手扎到旧窗玻璃上了(an old window pane). 大夫: 让我看看,好象不太严重. 大夫: 护士,请给我一个缝合包(suture set). 护士: 您要准备缝合(take stitches)吗? 大夫: 是的,只有两针,不会太痛的.请让他母亲在外面等会. 护士: 您需要局部麻醉吗(local anesthesia)? 大夫: 当然,与麻醉师(anesthetist)联系. 护士: 好的.,江西教育网,.,11,Doctor Wang, we have a patient in the emergency room who has a laceration on his finger. Its a Korean boy. His mother is with him and seems quite concerned. Thank you. I will go down and see him right away. Hello. Whats the trouble with you? I fell down and fell against an old window pane when I was playing football in the backyard. Let me see. Well, this doesnt look too bad. Nurse, please give me a sutrue set. Are you going to take stitches? Yes, two stitches. It wont be very painful. Please let his mother step out of the room for a few minutes. Now you need local anesthesia? Sure. Contact the anesthetist. Ok.,江西教育网,.,12,Related Expression: sprain,How were you injured? When did it happen? Id like you to have an X-ray. Well, theres nothing broken. Its just a sprain. Nurse will put on a supporting bandage.,江西教育网,.,13,Situation C,医生:你伤哪了? 病人:这儿,脚腕子(ankle) 医生:怎么伤的? 病人:我在人行道上绊倒(trip over)了,扭伤(wrench)了脚,又肿(swollen)又痛 医生:什么时候扭的? 病人:半小时前 医生:你去拍个X光片吧,取回片子再到我这来 病人:好的,大夫 (照完片子) 医生:哦,没有骨折,只是扭伤,护士会为你缠上弹力绷带(supporting bandage),要活动,每天冷热交替(alternately)泡脚三四次,肿痛(the pain and swelling)就会消失如果不见好,再来看看 病人:好的,谢谢你,大夫,江西教育网,.,14,Wheres your injury? Here, my ankle. How were you injured? I tripped over on the pavement and wrenched it. Its swollen and very painful. When did it happen? Half an hour ago. Id like you to have an X-ray and after youve had it, come back to me. Ok, doctor. (After examining the X-ray) Well, theres nothing broken. Its just a sprain. Nurse will put on a supporting bandage. Do exercises. Put your foot in hot and cold water alternately three or four times a day. The pain and swelling should go. But if it doesnt settle down, come and see us again. Ok. Thank you, doctor.,江西教育网,/10/29,.,15,
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