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Unit 2,Help,Module 12,Unit 2,12,Module,Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.,2020/8/10,2,1. key vocabulary: earthquake, warm, inside, under, window, keep, clear, calm, brave2. key structures: keep calm, especially when you are with other people. In short, follow what you learn in school. you can be safe and you can also help others. 3. To understand the passage on safety and first aid in a earthquake.,Teaching aims,Objectives,2020/8/10,3,Did you hear about these words in newspapers or on the internet? 雅安,芦山县,7.0级地震,2020/8/10,4,This is the largest matural calamities after Wenchuan Earthquake on May 12,2008. 这是继2008年5月12日汶川大地震后,最大的自然灾害。,Lead-in,2020/8/10,5,What did the earthquake turn our homes into?,The houses have been destoried.,Lead-in,2020/8/10,6,Peoples normal life have been sharply changed.,Lead-in,2020/8/10,7,Remember: These thing should be avoided:,standing close to a building 2. standing under a tree (because buildings and trees may fall on you ) 3. going too close to power lines ( because you may be badly affected by electricity if they fall on you),Lead in,2020/8/10,8,/:keIk/ /w:n/ /In:saId/ /nd/ /ki:p/,地震 n.,earthquake,warn,警告;告诫 v.,inside,在里面;向室内 adv. 在.里面 prep. 里面的;内部的 adj.,keep,在.正下方; prep. 在.下面,under,保持;留在 v.,Words and expressions,Presentation,2020/8/10,9,/ wInd/ /klI/ keep clear of /k:m/ /breIv/ /helpfl/ /pa/,不和.接触,镇静的;沉着的 adj.,brave,勇敢的;无畏的 adj.,power,有用的;提供帮助的 adj.,calm,电;电力 n.,helpful,.,window,clear,不和.接触的; 不挨.太近的 adj. 清除;清理;移走 v.,窗;窗户 n,Presentation,2020/8/10,10,1 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and ask and answer the questions.,1 Where are the people? 2 What are they doing? Why?,Presentation,2020/8/10,11,hiding under a table,Inside the room,Presentation,2020/8/10,12,Outside the building,Moving away from building,Presentation,2020/8/10,13,In the bus,Staying in the bus,Presentation,2020/8/10,14,In the building,Leaving the building but dont use the lift.,Presentation,2020/8/10,15,2. Look at the title of the passage and think about what to do in the earthquake.,Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.,Whats else?,Do not jump out of high buildings. Hide under a table! Leave the building but dont use the lift! And,Presentation,2020/8/10,16,What to do in an earthquake Earthquakes always happen suddenly, so it is difficult to warn people about them. Usually people have little or no idea about what to do during an earthquake, so here is some advice: Inside 1 Do not jump out of high buildings. 2 Hide under a table. Stay away from windows and heavy furniture. Keep clear of fire. 3Leave the building quickly when the ground stops shaking, but do not use the lift.,3 Read the passage and check your answer to Activity 2.,keep clear of sth. 清除;摆脱;没有;不接触,Presentation,2020/8/10,17,4 Keep calm, especially when you are with other people. Be brave and be helpful. Outside 1 Move away from buildings, because parts of a building may fall on you. 2 Do not stand near street lights or under power lines. 3 Stay away from bridges and trees. If you are in a bus or a car, stay in it. 4 In the mountains, be careful of falling rocks. 5 On a beach, run away from the sea and more quickly to higher ground. In short, follow what you learnt in school. You can be safe and you can also help save others.,Presentation,2020/8/10,18,4 Read the sentences. Decide if the following actions are right () or wrong ().,When the earthquake started 1 I hid under a table. 2 Sam sat on his desk. 3 Alice ran out of the building. 4 Peter and Helen stayed in their car. 5 my family and I moved away from the beach.,Presentation,2020/8/10,19,5 Answer the questions. Use the words and expressions in the box.,brave inside keep calm power lines street lights warn,1 What is difficult to do before an earthquake? 2 Where should you stay before the ground stops shaking? 3 What should you do when you are with other people? 4 What shouldnt you stand near or under in the street?,Presentation,2020/8/10,20,1 What is difficult to do before an earthquake? 2 Where should you stay before the ground stops shaking? 3 What should you do when you are with other people? 4 What shouldnt you stand near or under in the street?,Its difficult to warn people before an earthquake,We should stay inside.,We should keep calm and be brave.,We shouldnt stand near power lines or under street lights in the street.,Presentation,2020/8/10,21,Language points,Earthquakes always happen suddenly, so it is difficult to warn people about them. 地震总是发生得很突然,所以很难给予人们预警。 句中的them指的是earthquakes。 warn sb. about sth.意为“提醒/警告某人注意某事”。 如: I was going for a swim in the sea. The people in the hotel warned me about the weather. 我要去海里游泳,宾馆里的人提醒我要注意天气。,Presentation,2020/8/10,22,2. Keep calm, especially when you are with other people. 保持镇静,尤其是当身边还有其他人的时候。 keep calm是系动词+形容词构成的动词短语。其他的行为动词还能作系动词的有: become, feel, look, seem 等。如: Everybody became quiet. 所有人都安静下来了。 He looked a little nervous. 他看上去有点儿紧张.,Presentation,2020/8/10,23,3. In sho
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