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第二章 词汇的翻译,2.1. 英汉词汇对比 2.1.1 词类系统 2.1.2 用词倾向 2.1.3 词义关系,2.2. 词汇的选择 2.2.1 识别“假朋友” 2.2.2 正确理解原文,根据上下文选择词义 2.2.3 词义的广与狭 2.2.4 词义的褒与贬 2.2.5 词汇的语体色彩 2.2.6 词汇的搭配,2.3. 词汇的翻译技巧 2.3.1 抽象 is conducive to;,如蒙早日寄来样品,不胜感激。 It would be appreciated if samples could be soon forwarded to us. 贾母责怪王熙凤又提起黛玉父母双亡之事,惹自己伤心,叫她“快别提了”。 a. “So dont reopen the subject.” (选自外文出版社译本) b. “So lets have no more of it.” (选自霍克斯译本),2.2.6.词的搭配,任何语言在长期使用过程中,都形成了一种常见词组和固定搭配这种比较固定的说法,有些可逐语译出,但多数不行,否则令人有不符合习惯,生硬感觉。,谓语和主语的搭配,马克思主义告诉我们,民主属于上层建筑,属于政治这个范畴。 -毛泽东选集第五卷 Marxism teaches us that democracy is part of the super structure and belongs to the realm of politics. 如:这件事告诉我们,无风是不起浪的。 This event makes it clear to us that there is no smoke without a fire. 如:这些材料告诉我们,运动是健康的。 -毛泽东选集第五卷 The material shows that the movement is healthful.,定语与中心语的搭配,大城市 大雨 大志 大人物 大道理,a big city a heavy rain a high aim an imprtant person general principle,好教徒 a faithful/pious/sincere/devout/devoted Christian 好父母 a loving/caring parent 好儿女 an obedient/filial child 好妻子 a virtuous wife 好丈夫 a dutiful/responsible husband,红心red heart 红茶black tea 红糖brown sugar 红运good luck 红榜honor roll(board) or the roll of honor. e.g. His name is mentioned on the roll of honor. 红颜beauty(young beauties 指单个人);young, rosy cheeks. 贾宝玉看破红尘。 Jia Baoyu has seen through the vanity of the world. Or: Jia Baoyu has been disillutioned with this world.,进行社会主义革命 进行一场激烈的争论 进行实地调查 进行亲切的谈话 进行侵略 进行协商 进行核试验,to carry out socialist revolution to carry on a spirited debate to make an on-the-spot investigation to have a cordial conversation to commit aggression to hold consultation with to conduct a nuclear test,动词与宾语的搭配,打开电视 打开信纸 主动打开门 应声打开门 个人卫生 公共卫生 环境卫生,turn on the TV unfold the letter open the door answer the door Personal hygiene Public health Environment sanitation,上当 上瘾 上告 上年纪 上钩 上任 上刑,to be taken in to be addicted (to sth.) Get into the habit to complain to the higher authorities or appeal to a higher court to be getting on in years To rise to the bait fall into a trap to take up an official post/ assume office to put sb to torture,2.3. 词汇的翻译技巧,2.3.1.抽象与具体 2.3.2.增词与减词 2.3.3.,2.3.1 抽象 all his books are dog-eared. 你不要过早乐观,真正的困难还在后头呢。 Dont count your chickens before they are hatched. The real difficulties still lay ahead.,他在演讲中用了许多术语,使听众听了莫名其妙。 He used so many technical terms in his speech that the audience could make neither head nor tail of it. 我不想依靠父母过日子。 I dont want to hang on my parents sleeves. 你应该把好坏分清楚。 You should separate the sheep from the goats.,同反复无常的人没法相处。 Its hard to get along with a man blowing hot and cold. 他们的见解非常相似。 Their ideas run in the same groove. 我知道你现在是进退两难。 I know you are holding a wolf by the ears.,工地上传来马达声。 From the construction site comes the rumbling of the machines. 清幽的小巷里想起了清脆的自行车铃声。 I heard the crisp jangling of the bicycle rising form the quiet alley. 刹车声刺激了我的神经。 The screeching of the breaks got on my nerves.,为了译文的忠实与通顺,我们往往有必要把原文中带有具体意义或者具体形象的单词、词组、成语或句子进行抽象化处理。这种翻译方法叫做抽象译法。,暴力事件 混乱状态 隔离政策 轻松愉快的心情 解决方法,violence confusion segregation light-heartedness solution,谦虚态度 发展过程 稳定性 灵敏度 无知的表现 残暴行为 同情心理,modesty development stability sensibility innocence brutality sympathy,鸡毛蒜皮 开门见山 狗急跳墙 顺手牵羊 守株待兔 铜墙铁壁 唇枪舌剑 黔驴技穷 单枪匹马 生龙活虎,trifling come straight to the point do sth desperate walk off with sth trust to chance and stroke of luck an impregnable fortress engage in a battle of words at ones wits end all by oneself bursting with energy,我们要重视沿海与内地的贫富差距问题。 we must pay close attention to the problem of the gap between coastal and inland areas. We must pay close attention to the gap between coastal and inland areas. 我们必须与腐败和各种不公正现象作斗争。 We must fight against corruption and injustice. 你必须提出一些解决方案。 You must work out some solutions.,想起他年轻时的一些事情,他心里感到安慰。 It was the memories of his youth that gave him comfort. 我知道我会碰到严寒酷暑。 I knew I would encounter extremes of weather. 那辆小汽车是他刚弄到手的值得夸耀的东西。 The car is a proud new acquisition of his.,他瞪着她来,急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。 He waited for her arrival with a frienzied agitation. 允跪而言曰:“百姓有倒悬之危,君臣有危卵之急,非汝不能救也”(罗贯中三国演义) Wang Yun knelt saying,The people are on the break of destruciton, the prince and his officers are in jeopardy, and you are the only saviour. 妈妈非常激动,我感到她的背在颤抖,就在那一刻,我第一次明白妈妈也有脆弱的一面。 In that moment, feeling mothers back racked with emotion, I understood for the first time her vulnerability.,这是他们夫妻之间的事情,你去插一脚干嘛? Thats a business of their own, between husbnd and wife. Why should you get involved in it? 别人家里鸡零狗碎的事情你都知道得这么全,真是个顺风耳啊! You know all the bits and pieces of trifles of other families. You are really well informed.,这消息让我出了一身冷汗。 I was extremely terrified by that news. 半夜听到狼嚎,他感到毛骨悚然。 He was horror-stricked when he heard the cries of the wolves at midnight. 她毛遂自荐来这所小学做老师。 She volunteered for the teaching psot in this primary school.,你应该大刀阔斧。 You should be bold and resolute. 毛泽东同志指出的骄傲自满、固步自封、夜郎 自大的毛病, 我们的思想理论工作者同样要竭 力避免。 Also, our ideological and theoretical workers should always guard against self-satisfaction, narrow-minded conservatism and ig
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