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Unit1 The first day at school在学校的第一天A Read and sayIt is the first day of the new term. All the students are back at school. They are happy to see each other again. 今天是新学期的第一天。所有的学生都回到了学校。他们对于彼此的又一次见面很高兴。Wang Bing: Hi Helen and Mike. 王兵:海伦、迈克,你们好。Helen & Mike: Hi, Wang Bing. 海伦和迈克:你好,王兵。Helen:Look, theres a new building. 海伦:看,有一座 新的大楼。Wang Bing:yes, there are a lot of rooms in it. 王兵:是的。大楼里有许多房间。Helen:How many classrooms are there? 海伦:(那里)有多少个教室?Wang Bing:There are twenty-four. 王兵:有24个。Mike:Are there any reading rooms in the building? 迈克:大楼里面有一些阅览室吗?Wang Bing:Im not sure. Lets go and see. 王兵:我不知道。让我们去看看。Wang Bing:Look! There are two reading rooms. 王兵:看!有2个阅览室。Mike:is there a table tennis room? 迈克:有一个乒乓室吗?Wang Bing:let me see. Yes, there is. 王兵:让我看一看。是的,有(乒乓室)。Helen:are there any computer rooms? 海伦:有一些电脑室吗?Wang Bing:yes, there are. 王兵:是的,有(电脑室)Helen: lets go and have a look. 海伦:让我们去看一看。B Look, read and leanA toilet .厕所, 洗手间A garden 公园A table tennis room 乒乓室A reading room 阅览室A swing 秋千A slide 滑梯E: read and actA: Is there a park near your house?B: yes. Its a small one, but there are a lot of flowers and trees.A: Are there any swings?B: Yes. And theres a slide, too.A: Shall we go and play there?B: Good idea.Unit2A new house 一栋新房子A Read and sayYang ling and her parents live in a new house now. it is near her school. They like the new house very much.杨玲和她的父母现在住在一栋新房子里。它(房子)就在她的学校附近。他们非常喜欢这栋新房子。Yang Liang:I live in a new house now.杨玲:现在我住在一座新房子里。Nancy:Is it big? 南希:它很大吗?Yang Liang:Yes, it is. There are three bedrooms, two bedrooms. a study, a kitchen, a dining-room and a large sitting-room.杨玲:是的。有3间卧室,2间浴室,1间书房,一间厨房,一间餐厅和一间巨大的客厅。Nancy:Is there a garden? 南希:有一个花园吗?Yang Liang:No, there isnt a garden. 杨玲:不,没有花园。Nancy:Whats in your bedroom? 南希:你的卧室里有什么?Yang Liang:Theres a desk near my bed. On the bed, there are some dolls.杨玲:在我的床的旁边有一张书桌。在床上有一些洋娃娃。Nancy:Are there any pictures on the wall? 南希:在墙上有一些图片吗?Yang Liang:No, there arent any pictures. Theres a map of the world on the wall. 杨玲:不,没有图片。墙上有一张世界地图。Nancy:Is there a telephone? 南希:有电话吗?Yang Liang:Yes. Its on the desk.杨玲:有。在书桌上。B: Look, read and leanA bed 床A sofa 沙发A telephone 电话A lamp 灯On 在.上In 在里面Under 在.下面Behind 在.后面E: Look and readLook! Theres a mouse in my desk.Now its on my chair.Now its under my desk.Now its near my school bag.Now its behind the door.Ah, look! Its in the cats mouth now.5A Unit3 At a Music lesson 在一节音乐课上A Read and sayIt is two oclock in the afternoon. The students are in the music room. They are having a Music lesson. 在是下午2点钟。学生们在音乐教室里。他们正在上一堂音乐课。Mr. Green: Boys and girls, can you sing the song We can sing and dance?格林先生:孩子们你们会唱“我们会唱歌和跳舞”这首歌吗?All: No, we cant 全体:不,我们不会。Mr. Green: What can you sing? 格林先生:你们会唱什么?Gao Shan: We can sing in the classroom. 高山:我们会唱“在教室里”。Helen: We can sing Colour song 海伦:我们会唱“颜色歌”。Mr. Green: Good. Lets sing In the classroom first 格林先生:好的。首先让我们唱:“在教室里”。Ben: Sorry, Mr. Green. I cant sing. 本:不好意思,格林先生。我不会唱。Mr. Green: What can you do? 格林先生:你会做什么?Ben: I can play the violin. 本:我会拉小提琴。Mr. Green: OK. Lets start. 格林先生:好的。让我们开始吧!Mr. Green: Shall we learn the song We can sing and dance now? 格林先生:现在我们来学习“我们会唱歌和跳舞”这首歌好吗?All: Yes. 全体:好的。Mr. Green:Listen to the song, please. 格林先生:请听这首歌。All: OK. 全体:好的。Mr. Green: Now, follow me, please. 格林先生:现在,请跟我(唱)。All: All right. 全体:好的。Mr. Green: Can you sing it now? 格林先生:现在你们会唱(这首歌)了吗?All: Yes, we can.全体:是的。我们会了。Mr. Green: Good, lets sing it together. 格林先生:好的。让我们一起唱(这首歌)。B: Look, read and lean,Sing 唱,唱歌Dance 跳舞Swim 游泳Skate 滑冰Ski 滑雪Make a puppet 做,制造木偶Make a model plane 做,制造模型飞机Play the guitar 演奏吉他Play the violin 演奏小提琴E: Look and read.I can ride a bike. Me, tooCan you put a book on your head? Yes, I can.Good.Can you have an ice cream? Sure I can.Aah! Oh, Dear!5A Unit4 Halloween 万圣节前夕Ben and his family are in the sitting-room. They would like to buy things for a Halloween party. What do they need? 本和他的家人正在客厅里。他们想为万圣节晚会买一些东西。他们需要什么?Ben: Mum, Its Halloween tomorrow. What do we need? 本:妈妈,明天是万圣节前夕。我们需要点什么?Mum:We need some chocolate, some flowers and a vase. 妈妈:我们需要一些巧克力,一些花和一个花瓶。Ron:Lets buy some masks! 朗:让我们买些面具吧!Mum: OK. 妈妈:好的。Dad:Do you like masks, Ben? 爸爸:本,你喜欢面具吗?Ben:Yes, I do. I like lanterns, too. 本:是的。我喜欢。我也喜欢灯笼。Dad:Lets buy a pumpkin lantern then. 爸爸:那就让我们买个南瓜灯笼吧。Assistant:Can I help you? 服务员:我能为你效劳吗?Mum: Yes. We need some chocolate, some flowers, a vase and pumpkin lantern, Please. 妈妈:是的。我们需要一些巧克力,一些花,一个花瓶和一个南瓜灯笼。(请给我们拿一下。)Assistant: What else do you need? 服务员:你们还需要什么?Mum: Some masks, Please.妈妈:请(拿)一些面具。As
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