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解读影响土木工程施工过程质量的因素中英文土木工程作为现当代建筑工程的一个关键部分,它的施工质量必然会影响着工程 的整体质量。目前,土木工程项目的施工质量受诸多因素影响,如材料、控制方 法等因素都会对土木工程项目的施工质量造成重要影响。所以,必须采取相应措施对土木工程项目施工的质量进行有效控制,才能保证工程的整体质量。本文主要对土木工程项目施工过程中的质量控制进行了相关研究。Civil engineering as a key part of contemporary architectural engineering construction quality, it will affect the overall quality of the project. At present, the construction quality of civil engineering project is affected by many factors, factors such as material, control method will have an important influence on construction quality of civil engineering projects. Therefore, we must take corresponding measures to effectively control of civil engineering construction quality, in order to ensure the quality of the whole project. This paper mainly studied the quality control of civil engineering project construction process.近年来,由于我国经济得到迅猛发展,城市化进程日益加快,这在一定程度上促 进了建筑工程项目的快速增加,也较大程度地促进了我国工程建设的发展。土木工程是组成工程建筑的重要部分,它的项目施工质量如何将直接影响到工程建设 的整体质量。针对这种情况,怎样进行土木工程施工质量控制要点的设置,怎进行土木工程施工质量的控制与管理,逐渐成为当前施工单位面临的一个重要问 题。本文对土木项目施工存在问题进行了相关分析,并提出了相应的质量控制措施。In recent years, as Chinas rapid development of the economy, the process of city is accelerating, which promoted the rapid increase of construction project in a certain extent, has greatly promoted the development of construction of our country. Civil engineering is an important part of engineering construction, the project construction quality it how will directly affect the overall quality of construction projects. In view of this situation, how to carry out quality control points of construction of civil engineering settings, how to control and manage the construction quality of civil engineering, has gradually become an important issue facing the construction unit. Correlation analysis was carried out on the civil construction problems, and put forward the corresponding quality control measures.一 土木工程项目施工存在问题分析Analysis of the existing problems in a civil engineering construction近几年,在我国的工程建设中发生了许多质量事故,质量问题层出不限,究其原因主要是土木工程的施工质量控制和管理体系不健全。在现阶段的工程建设 中,仍有许多施工单位缺乏完善的质量控制体系,然后未能对工程施工进行质量控制点设置,结果造成大量的因素不受控,出现了各种各样的质量问题。为了解 决上述问题,在进行工程项目施工的质量控制时,工程施工单位必须根据本单位的工作特点并结合工程实况进行综合分析,以保证施工质量控制体系能够适应施 工过程,进而使施工质量控制和管理实施效果有所提高,最终保证土木工程的施工质量。In recent years, there have been many quality accidents in engineering construction in China, the quality problems that do not limit, the main reason is that the civil engineering construction quality control and management system is not perfect. At the present stage of the engineering construction, there are still many construction units and lack of perfect quality control system, and the construction quality control point settings could not, resulting in a large number of factors not controlled, appeared all kinds of quality problems. In order to solve the above problem, in the quality control of project construction, construction units must be based on the characteristics of the unit and in combination with the engineering reality were analyzed, in order to ensure construction quality control system can adapt to the process of construction, and the construction quality control and management of the implementation effect is improved, to ensure construction quality of civil engineering.二土木工程项目施工的质量控制Quality control two civil engineering construction1以工程实况为基础,合理设置质量控制点1 to live as the basis, reasonable set up quality control point在现代的土木工程施工过程中,要想保障施工的质量,施工单位必须将科学 的质量控制点作为控制对象,然后采用现代质量管理方式对其进行质量控制才能 实现。根据现代土木工程施工质量的控制要点情况,施工单位应该合理设置质量 控制点,然后根据科学的施工质量点开展施工质量控制工作,以实现施工质量的 管理目标。面对当前土木工程施工质量管理的情况,施工单位应该在工程技术交底时立即着手施工分析工作,把影响土木工程质量的每项因素作为控制重点,合 理进行施工质量控制点的设置,并以此保障土木工程施工的质量3。由于合理设置了施工质量控制点,使施工中影响施工质量的因素均受到控制,进而使施工质量工作也一直处于受控中,从而有效保障了工程整体的施工质量。In the construction process of modern civil engineering, in order to guarantee the construction quality, the construction unit must be the quality control point of science as the control object, then uses the modern quality managementto achieve quality control to the. According to the control points of construction quality of modern civil engineering, construction units should be reasonable to set up quality control point, then according to the construction quality of scientific work of construction quality control, to achieve the quality objectives. In the face of the current civil engineering construction quality management, the construction unit should start work immediately on the analysis of construction engineering technical disclosure, put every factors influence the quality of civil engineering as the control key, reasonable construction quality control point set, and to guarantee quality of 3 civil engineering construction. Because of a reasonable set of construction quality control points, so that the factors which affect construction quality construction are under control, and that the quality of construction work has been controlled, thereby effectively ensuring the construction quality of the whole.2严把工程施工过程质量控制关,实现保障土木工程施工质量的目标2 strict construction pr
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