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教 师 教 案课程名称:英语翻译理论与实践2英文名称:English Translation Theories and Practice 2课程编号:课程类别:专业基础课学分:2总 学 时:32理论学时:32实验学时:0授课班级:使用教材:英汉互译实践与技巧(第三版)任课教师:职 称:所在单位:院系(部处)系教务处制教案填写说明教案按每一大节课进行编写,其进度应与授课计划相同.教案可以是打印稿也可以是手写稿.有关部分填写要求如下:矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖。1.课程类别(封面):包括公共课.学科基础课.专业基础课.专业方向课.实践性教学环节.实验课.专业任选课.公选课.聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净。2.课堂教学目地及要求:本大节课(本次课)地教学目地及要求.3.课堂教学重点及难点:指根据教学大纲要求,确定课堂教学知识信息地重点.难点.4.教学过程:这是整个教案地主体部分,既体现出教学活动地逻辑程序,又要划分出若干环节或步骤,并考虑到它们地时间分配.具体方法地应用,相互间地衔接.过渡,以及教学过程与板书地协调等等,充分反映教师教学设计思想,体现教师地教学经验和风格.残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟。5.教学方法及手段:指举例讲解.多媒体讲解.模型讲解.实物讲解.挂图讲解.音像讲解等.6.课后作业与思考题:指本大节课(本次课)结束后需要布置地作业与思考题.7.课后小结:课后自我总结分析是对课程教学中教学环节地设计.教学重点难点地把握.教学方法地应用.师生双边活动地设计及教学效果等情况地总结与分析,为以后地教学提供经验与参考.酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥。第次课学时教 师 教案授课章节Unit 9 Nominal Clauses授课方式理论课 讨论课 实验课 习题课 其他课堂教学目地及要求I.Masterthe Translation of English Nominal Clauses (P.117-121), and the Translation of Chinese Complex Sentences (P.121-122).II. MasterEnglishChinese Translation (P.114-115).课堂教学重点及难点Emphases should be put on the translation of appositive clauses and translation of Chinese Complex Sentences.教学过程教学过程教学方法及手段IThe Translation of English Nominal Clauses: 1. Subject Clauses. 2. Object Clauses. 3. Predicative Clauses. 4. Appositive Clauses (important points).Differences: Apposition appears more frequently in English than in Chinese. Appositive clauses are often translated in the following ways. 1). Keeping the original order in translation. 2). Converting into an attributive order or an independent clause. 3). Using punctuation marks or specific words. 4).Changing into sentences without the subject.II. Translation of Chinese Complex Sentences:1. Sentence Combination.2. Sentence Sequence.III. EnglishChinese Translation in Practical Translation Training: The Difference between a Brain and a Computer.Explain all the contents in the left column by giving proper examples when necessary.课后作业与思考题I. Review todays work.II. Preview Chinese-English Translation: 硅谷.III. Prepare Reflections and Practice.课后小结授课教师签名:2013年3月4日注:每项页面大小可根据实际情况自行添减第2次课学时教 师 教案授课章节Unit 9 Nominal Clauses (Continued)授课方式理论课 讨论课 实验课 习题课 其他课堂教学目地及要求I. Complete Practical Translation Training from P.114 to 116.II. Finish all the exercises in Reflections and Practice (P.122-125).课堂教学重点及难点Emphases should be put on the translation of appositive clauses and translation of Chinese Complex Sentences.教学过程教学过程教学方法及手段IPractical Translation Training: 1.EnglishChinese Translation (P.114-115): 1). Notes and Explanations.2). Ask 6 students to interpret (1 paragraph for each).3). Check and comment.4). Discussion if needed.2. ChineseEnglishTranslation (P.115-116).1). Ask 3 students to write their translations on the blackboard (1 paragraph for each).2). Check and explain.II.Reflections and Practice I to IV (P.122-125):1. Discussing the 5 questions on P.122.2. English sentence interpretation (P.122-124).3. Chinese passage translation (P.124).4. English sentence interpretation (P.124-125).III.A Summing-up of Unit 9: 1. 4 methods for translating appositive clauses. 2. Sentence combination for translating Chinese complex sentences.Explain all the contents in the left column by giving proper examples when necessary.课后作业与思考题I.Preview Unit 10 Attributive Clauses.II.Do English-Chinese Translation 10. Stumbling World Economics (P.254-255) &Chinese-English Translation 10.西苑饭店(P.2667).III.Do Assignment One as homework.课后小结授课教师签名:2013年3月11日注:每项页面大小可根据实际情况自行添减第3次课学时教 师 教案授课章节Unit 10 AttributiveClauses (AC)授课方式理论课 讨论课 实验课 习题课 其他课堂教学目地及要求I.Masterthe translation of English Attributive Clauses (P.131-138).II. MasterEnglishChinese Translation (P.114-115).课堂教学重点及难点Emphases should be put on I. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Attributive Structures (P.131-132) & IV. Attributive Clauses Functioning as Adverbials (P.136-138).教学过程教学过程教学方法及手段IA Comparative Study of English and Chinese Attributive Structures.II.The translation methods of Restrictive Attributive Clauses:1. Combination; 2. Division; 3.Mixture.III. The translation methods of Non-Restrictive Attributive Clauses:1. Division; 2.Combination.IV. Attributive Clauses Functioning as Adverbials:1. Translating English ACs into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Cause.2. Translating English ACs into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Result.3. Translating English ACs into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Concession.4. Translating English ACs into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Condition.5. Translating English ACs into Chinese Adverbial Clauses of Purpose.V.ExplainEnglishChinese Translation.Explain all the contents in the left column by giving proper examples when necessary.课后作业与思考题I. Preview Chinese-English Translation:“不沉之
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