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学科教师辅导讲义 课 题Unit1:Relatives in Beijing授课日期及时段2010-09-04 12:5014:50教学目的1 记忆本课生词、短语。2 理解课文内容,了解文化背景。3 掌握完成时的结构和用法,并能熟练应用4 掌握形容词、副词的比较级、最高级的变形教学内容 U1 RelativesinBeijing .Words: 1. invite(v.)邀请-invitation(n.)请帖 2. expense(n.)费用-expensive(a.)昂贵的 3. agent(n.)代理人-agency(n.)代理处 4. nation(n.)国家,民族-national(a.)国家的-international(a.)国际的 5. interest(n.)趣味-interesting(a.)有趣的-interested(a.)感兴趣的 6. wonder(n.)奇迹,(v.)想知道-wonderful(a.)精彩的 二.Phrases: 1. relativesinBeijing在北京的亲戚 2. planatripto,plantovisit(plan-planning)到。旅游的计划 3. getaletterfrom+人=hearfrom+人收到某人的信 4. invitesb.To+地点:eg.inviteyoutodinne邀请某人去。invitesb.todosth.eg.:inviteyoutohavedinner邀请某人去做某事 5. staywith和某人呆在。 6. inAugust,in+年、月、星期 7. on16August,on+具体的几日 onMondayon+星期几 onMondayafternoon在几日的上午/下/晚上 onthemorningofAugust16 8. on16August(onthesixteenthofAugust);onAugust16(onAugustthesixteenth) 9. attheendofAugust在八月末/底 at the end of (时间或地点)eg: He lives at the end of this road. 他住在这条路的尽头。 We will travel to Beijing at the end of August. 我们会在8月底去北京旅游。 by the end of (时间)通常用完成时 at the end of (时间)通常用一般时eg: We had finished all the work by the end of last month. We finished all the work at the end of last month.10. sendusaphotograph,sendaphotographtous 给我们寄了一张照片11. traveltoBeijingbyplane 乘飞机去北京旅行12. cheaperandmoreinteresting 更便宜、更有趣13. talktosb,对某人说 talkwithsb,和某人说 talkaboutsth.谈论某事 14. getsomebrochuresfromthetravelagent从得到 15. thenamesofourcousins。的名字 16. atthetravelagents=atthetravelagency在旅游代理处 17. Thatsexpensive/cheap. 18. inearly/lateAugust在八月初/末 19. staytherefortwoweeks在那儿呆了两周 staythereuntil staythereattheendof comebackat(theendof) stay是延续性动词,come是非延续性动词 20. Thankyouforsth. Thankyoufordoingsth.因为做而感谢21. cost作及物动词时, cost表示某物值多少钱,花费多少钱。主语必须是物,通常是所买的东西或代词 it , 不能是人。cost 后跟钱数,也可跟双宾语,意为“某物花某人多少钱”eg: The ticket costs me 549 yuan. The ticket costs a lot of money. spend指人花费, 表示某人花费多少钱在某物上,或者某人花费多少时间做某事。Spend的主语必须是人, 不能是物。Spend 后不可跟不定式。Sb. spend (some time or money) on sth.Sb. spend (some time or money) in doing sth.eg: She spent a lot of money on this project. She spent a lot of money in doing this project. take指某物花费或需要多少时间,也指做某事花费或需要多少时间主语不能是人,一般用 it 作形式主语。It takes sb. some time to do sth.eg: It takes me about two hours and a half to travel from Garden City to Beijing.pay意思为“付款”, 用作及物动词时,它的宾语必须是人或钱,不能是购买的东西,如果要跟购买的物品,必须用 pay for。pay sb. 付某人钱 pay money 付多少钱pay sb. money付某人多少钱, pay for sth. 为某物付款 pay money for sth. 为某物付多少钱22. Why dont we + 动词原形 (提建议)我们为什么不 呢 ?Why not + 动词原形 ? 为什么不 呢? What about doing ? 做.怎么样 ? 这几组表达方式意义相近。 Why dont you join us ? = Why not join us ? = What about joining us ? 为什么不加入我们呢?23be excited about + n. 因 。 而兴奋三.Practise:I. Choose the right word finish, write, see, read, thank1. Mary already reading all the “Harry Potter” books.2. Black a novel these days.3. I the newspaper while Mary was singing in the next room.4. I Tom yesterday afternoon.5. for inviting us for dinner.II. Rewrite the sentences as required:1. It was Dec. 8 yesterday.(对划线部分提问)What was yesterday ?2. It is very cold today. (改为感叹句) it is today ?3. Mary likes Western food better than Chinese food.Mary Western food Chinese food. (保持意思不变)4. She goes to school by bike. she go to school ?5.Peter had some wonderful paintings. (改为否定句)Peter _ _ any wonderful painting.6.Dr Li doesnt smoke, He doesnt drink, either. (合并成一句)Dr Li _ smokes _ drinks. 7.The journey is very exciting. (改为感叹句)_ _ exciting journey it is !8.Allen wrote many stories about the detective in 1997. (划线提问)_ did Allen _ many stories about the detective ? 9.How much did you spend on these clothes ?(保持原句意思)How much did you _ _ these clothes ?10.The nurse is so busy that she has no time to look after her family. (保持原句意思)The nurse is _ busy _ take care of her family.Translate:1) 我们想到北京去旅游。2) 我收到一封我兄弟的来信。3) 你叔叔寄来一张相片。4) 飞机票非常贵。5) 这张机票多少钱?Translate answers:1)Wed like to travel to Beijing.2)Ive had a letter from my brother.3) Your uncle has sent a photo.4) The air tickets are very expensive.5) How much does the air ticket cost ?四. 现在完成时用法现在完成时的构成:助动词have(has)+ 过去分词,1表示过去发生
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