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WRITING CLEAR AND INTERESTING SLIDES 2005,Shanghai,THE BOSTON CONSULTING GROUP,WRITING CLEAR AND INTERESTING SLIDES,TODAYS OBJECTIVE,To give you the tools to write slides that communicate the results of our work in a way that helps clients understand, accept, and use those results This session will help you through the process of writing slides From choosing the most appropriate slide type words, tables, graphics To writing a slide that is clear and interesting,WRITING CLEAR, SUCCINCT, AND INTERESTING SLIDES,How to use slides in a presentation How to choose among words, tables, graphics How to display information on slides effectively,Good slides, bad slides,STRONG GROWTH IN OTHER PRODUCTS OFFSET BY PARTS DECLINE,Alarm HOLT Value Model,CFROI (%),Lifter Bore (Volume),Example,Is the complexity necessary?,PREMIUM LOW CALORIE SWITCHING OCCURRING WITHINPREMIUM SEGMENT, NOT NEAR PREMIUMHalt the Leaks to Competitors,1990 Consulting Analysis,91(68)23) 267(19)248) 5(82)(77) 31(37)(6) 109(11)98) 412(149)263) - 98(155)(57) 218(97)121) 0(21)(21) 316(273)43) 102(90)12) 75(19)56) 26(33)(7) 312(45)267) 1,8661,334(677)657),Starting Base,Won +,Lost =,Competitor B,Net,Total Super Prem.60(98)(38) Product 1198(56)142) Product 26(52)(46) Product 325(81)(56) Other153(29)124) Total PFC382(218)164) Near Prem. Product 197(218)(121) Product 279(224)(145) Product 3-) Other1(55)(54) Total PLC177(497)(320) Other Segments Segment 162(104)(42) Segment 2110(29)81) Segment 322(69)(47) Segment 4324(72)252) Total2,8361,137(1,087)50),Starting Base,Won +,Lost =,Client,Net,Brand/Segment,Raw data only, no analysis presented to support the conclusion (hypothesis),Example,Good slides are:,Bad slides are:,WHAT DO YOU SEE IN A GOOD OR BAD SLIDES?,We will revisit toward the end of the session,WRITING CLEAR, SUCCINCT, AND INTERESTING SLIDES,Good slides, bad slides How to use slides in a presentation How to choose among words, tables, graphics How to display information on slides effectively,SLIDES ARE VISUAL AIDS,Focus the audiences attention on message Help explain the message Provide another means for the audience to process the information Reinforce the messageaid to memory Should not compete with the presenter Presenter is primary means of communicating difficult to read and listen at the same time,Calls for simple slides - simplicity means clarity in thinking,SLIDES ARE ALSO A RECORD OF THE PRESENTATION,Left behind for clients to read Creating tension between The need for a stand-alone explanation and The need for a simple visual aid,Appropriate compromise depends on the audience and the purpose of the presentation,SEVERAL COMPROMISES ARE POSSIBLE,Prepare report or annotated slide book as leave-behind Display information more effectively Choice depends on Complexity of message Desired future use of presentation,Usually preferable to keep slides simple and select an alternative option,COMPROMISE MUST BE CONSISTENT WITH AUDIENCE AND PURPOSE,Client Case Team Business Managers Board of Directors,High As necessary Low,2-4 hrs. 1-2 hrs. 20-30 min.,Participative discussion Question and answer Formal presenting,Type of Audience,Level of Detail,Length of Presentation,Presentation Style,Source,Source: Consulting Experience,WRITING CLEAR, SUCCINCT, AND INTERESTING SLIDES,Good slides, bad slides How to use slides in a presentation How to choose among words, tables, graphics How to display information on slides effectively,Graphics Tables Word slides Combinations of the above,FOUR WAYS TO PRESENT INFORMATION,BASIC GUIDELINES HELP YOU SELECT FORMATS,Do I need to illustrate a reasonably simple relationship? Use a table or a graphic Especially when showing numerical data Do I need to illustrate a complex relationship? Use a table Do I have something other than a relationship? Use a word slide or a conceptual graphic,BUT THE FINAL SELECTION DEPENDS ON THEMESSAGE YOU WANT YOUR AUDIENCE TO TAKE AWAY,Use graphics if you want audience to Remember relative trends Picture the flow Use tables when you want the audience to know or be able to refer to Specific numbers Methodology to calculate numbers Use word slides if you want audience to understand Specific logic flow Recommendations,GRAPHICS HELP THE AUDIENCE VISUALIZE THE POINTS,Help audience identify important points quickly Best suited to display relationships, both quantitative and qualitative Where relationship is too complex for words not too simple nor too complexmultiple relationships can be obscured by graphic Where visual impact will help convey message,Graphic format should be considered first;if a graph is not optimal, then consider words or a table,Steady growth of banking assets,Lending balance keeps stable,CHINA COMMERCIAL BANKING SECTOR IS LARGE WITH STEADY GROWTH,829,997,1,068,1,067,CAGR(97-99): 10%,YoY: 0%,Banking(1) asset at the end of the period(2) (USD BN),Lending outstanding balance at the end of the period(3) (USD BN),Excluding post office fi
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