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武威十六中2010-2011学年第一学期期中考试高一英语试卷满分:120分时间:120分钟第一卷(共90分)第一节: 单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1Merry Christmas to you!_ AThe same to you B You do tooC The same as youD You have it too矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖。2. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane_. 聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净。A. takes off B. is taking off C. has taken off D. took off残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟。3. We wont go unless you _ soon.A. had come B. came C. will come D. come4. He said, “Dont do that again.” He _ me _ that again.A. said to me; not to do B. said to me; dont doC. told me; dont do D. told me; not to do5.Excuseme,butcanyoutellme_? A.wherecanIgettothelibrary B.whereIcangettothelibrary C.howcanIgettothelibrary D.howIcangettothelibrary6.Johnaskedme_tovisithisunclesfarmwithhim. A.howwouldIlike B.ifornotwouldIlike C.whetherIwouldlike D.whichIwouldlike酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥。7.Can you believe that in _ a rich country there should be _ many poor people?彈贸摄尔霁毙攬砖卤庑。 A such; suchB such; soC so; soD so; such8.Allen had to call at taxi because the box was _ to carry all the way home.謀荞抟箧飆鐸怼类蒋薔。 A much too heavyB too much heavy C heavy too muchD too heavy much9.I will _ the story as it was told to me.A set aboutB set outC set downD set up10.-Why are you so late today? -It is _ my father-in-law was sent into hospital.厦礴恳蹒骈時盡继價骚。A becauseB why C sinceD while11 Mr. Huang will _ in the movement.A. play a leading part B. take parts 茕桢广鳓鯡选块网羈泪。C. play leading part D. take a part鹅娅尽損鹌惨歷茏鴛賴。12. _ of the students who took part in the military training is 450.籟丛妈羥为贍偾蛏练淨。A. A number B. A lot C. Lots D. The number預頌圣鉉儐歲龈讶骅籴。13. Sometimes _ English is quite different from _ English in many ways.渗釤呛俨匀谔鱉调硯錦。A. speaking, writing B. spoken, written铙誅卧泻噦圣骋贶頂廡。C. speaking, written D. spoken, writing擁締凤袜备訊顎轮烂蔷。14. Can you tell me if you have found the key _ your car.贓熱俣阃歲匱阊邺镓騷。A. for B. to C. about D. by坛摶乡囂忏蒌鍥铃氈淚。15. When we visited Zhangzhuang again ten years later, we found it changed so much that we could hardly _ it.蜡變黲癟報伥铉锚鈰赘。A. remember B. think about C. believe D. recognize買鲷鴯譖昙膚遙闫撷凄。16. Do you have any difficulty _ ?A. on listening B. to listening C. for listening D. in listening17.I came here with your mother _ to see you.綾镝鯛駕櫬鹕踪韦辚糴。A. specially B. special C. especially D. especial驅踬髏彦浃绥譎饴憂锦。18Did you walk to school this morning? No, we went by bus _ A.instead of feet B.instead walking C.instead of on foot D.instead on foot猫虿驢绘燈鮒诛髅貺庑。19Jumping out of _ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite _ exciting experience 锹籁饗迳琐筆襖鸥娅薔。A不填; the B不填; an Can; an Dthe; the20Rather than _ on a crowded bus, he always prefers _a bicycle構氽頑黉碩饨荠龈话骛。Aride; ride Briding; ride Cride; to ride Dto ride; riding輒峄陽檉簖疖網儂號泶。第二节:完形填空(共20题,每小题1.5分,共30分)A High school history teacher once told us, “If you make one close friend in school, you will be most lucky. A true friend is someone who stays with you for life.” _21_ teaches that he was right. Good friendship is just not easily _22_ .尧侧閆繭絳闕绚勵蜆贅。It is possible that we simply do not stay in one place long enough for a _23_ friendship to develop. However, there can be no disagreement on the _24_ for each of us to think carefully about the _25_ of friendship we want.识饒鎂錕缢灩筧嚌俨淒。To most of us, friendships are _26_ very important, but we need to have clear in our _27_ the kinds of friendship we want. Are they to be close or _28_ at arms length? Do we want to share ourselves or do we want to walk on the _29_ ? For some people, many friendships on the surface are _30_ enough and thats all right. But at some point, _31_ to make sure that our expectations are the same as our friends expectations. The _32_ of personal experience including our fears as well as our dark dreams is the _33_ way to deepen friendships. But it must be undertaken slowly and _34_ only if there are signs of interest and action in return.凍鈹鋨劳臘锴痫婦胫籴。What are some of the _35_ of friendship? The greatest is the attraction to expect too much too soon. Deep relationships take time. Another “ _36_ difficulty ” is the selfishness to think one “possesses” the other, including his time and attention. _37_, friendships _38_ actions in return. In other words, you must give as much as you take. _39_ there is a question of taking care of them. _40_ you spend reasonab
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