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,英语教学课件系列,Go,for,it!,八年级(下),.,Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?,Self Check,.,1. What do you think _ this dress? Do you think it looks good on me? 2. The little boy was so hungry that he didnt put his spoon _ at all. He just kept on eating.,1 Fill in the blanks with the correct words in the box.,of,down,down of about back up,.,3. She grew _ in a small town, although she lives in a big city now. 4. For homework, our teacher told us to write _ our summer vacation. 5. At the end of the day, the bus brought us _ to our school.,up,about,back,.,1. I _ (join) the book club last month and I _ (read) five books already. 2. I only _ (start) taking French classes last week and I _ (learn) 50 French words already.,2 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets.,joined,have read,started,have learnt,.,3. Tony _ (buy) a pop music CD yesterday but he _ (listen) to it yet. 4. They _ (listen) to many songs by The Beatles, but they cannot _ (sing) any of them. 5. She _ (see) the newspaper on the table this morning, but she _ (have) any time to read it yet.,bought,hasnt listened,have listened,sing,saw,hasnt had,.,3 Make a list of the things you have done and the ones you havent done yet this week. Then ask two other students.,.,你曾经吃过鱼和薯条吗? 2.我刚刚丢了我的化学书。 3.我以前从来没去过那个农场。 4.他已经吃过午饭,一、翻译下列句子:,Haveyoueverhad/eatenfishandchips?,Ihavejustlostmychemistrybook.,Hehasalreadyhadlunch.,Ihaveneverbeentothefarmbefore.,.,5.你已经看过这部电影了吗? 6.我哥哥还没回来。 7.这本字典我已买了三年了。 8.他离开中国三年了。 9.我认识他们五年了。,Haveyouseenthemovieyet?,Mybrotherhasntcome/get/beenbackyet.,Ihavehadthisdictionaryforthreeyears.,HehasbeenawayfromChinaforthreeyears.,Ihaveknownthemforfiveyears.,.,10.他们已去了美国五年了。 11.自从他搬到济宁,他就住这儿了。 12.我妹妹成为一个大学生已经三年。 13.自从1999年以来他们就认识。 14.我来到这个学校已3年多了。,TheyhavebeenintheUSAforfiveyears.,Ihavebeeninthisschoolforoverthreeyears.,HehasbeenheresincehemovedtoJining.,Mysisterhasbeenacollegestudentforthreeyears.,Theyhaveknowneachothersince1999.,.,1. Shes_(live)hereeversinceshewasten. 2. Bothofthem_(be)inHong Kong fortendays. 3. Bothofthem_(come)toHong Kong tendaysago. 4. Halfanhour_(pass)sincethe train_(leave). 5.Mary_ (lose)herpen._you _(see)ithereandthere?,二、用适当的时态填空:,lived,have been,went,has passed,left,has lost,Have,seen,.,6. _you_(find)yourwatchyet?7.-Areyouthirsty? -NoI_ just_(have)someorange. 8.We_already_(return)thebook. 9. _they_(build)anewschool inthevillage? 10.I_ (notfinish)my homework.Canyouhelpme? 11.Myfather_(read)thenoveltwice.,Have,found,have,had,have,returned,Have,built,havent finished,has read,.,1)Ihavebeentherefortwodays. _you_? 2)Myfatherhaslivedheresince2000. _yourfather_? 3)Helefthereyesterday. _he_? 4)Theyboughtabooktwohoursago. _they_abook?,三、划线提问,How long have been there,How long has lived there,When did leave there,When did buy,.,Homework,Review what you have learnt in this unit and try to make a summary.,Thank You!,
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