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小学英语日常生活用语100句一.见面问候:1. Good morning.2. Good afternoon.3. Good evening.4. Good night.5. Hi / Hello.6. How are you ?7. Fine, thank you.And you?8. Im OK,thanks.9. How do you do?10. Hows it going?11. Hows everything?12. Hows your family?13. How are you doing?14. Nice to meet you.15. Glad to see you.二.介绍:16. My name is Jack.17. I am Sally.18. This is Ben. 19. This is my friend,Tom.20. This is my classmate, Rose.三.道别:21. Goodbye / Bye-bye / Bye.22. See you. / See you tomorrow.四.感谢:23.Thanks.24.Thank you.25.Thank you so much.26.Thank you very much.27.Not at all.28.Youre welcome.五.道歉:29. Sorry.30. Im really sorry.31. Thats all right.六.邀请:32.Would you like to play football?33. Do you want to swim?34. Yes, Id love to.35. Yes, Id be glad to.36. No, thanks.七.请求允许: 37. May I come in?38. Can I have a pizza? 39. Sure.40. Certainly.41. Yes , of course.42. No problem.43. Yes, please.44. Yes, Here you are.八.祝愿:45. Happy birthday to you.46. Happy New Year.47. Happy Childrens Day.九.提供帮助48. Can I help you?49. Yes , please.50. No, thanks.51.What can I do for you?52. Id like a pair of shoes.十.请求帮助:53. Could you help me? 54. Can you help me?十一.打电话:55. A: May I speak to Mrs Chen.B: This is Mrs Chen speaking.Whos that, please?C: Its Miss White.56. A : Hello.This is Jack speaking.B: May I speak to Tom?A: Hes not here,Im afraid. Can I take a message for him.B: No , thanks.57. A: Hello.B: Hello. Can I speak to Mary?A: Speaking.Whos that , please?B: Its Xiaoling here.A: Hello,Xiaoling. How are you?B: Very well,thanks.58. A: Whos calling , please?B: This is Yongxian speaking.59. A: Hello. Is that 83354601?B: Sorry, wrong number. Please check the number.60. A: Shes not in. Would you like to leave a message?B: No, thanks . Ill call back later.61. A: Please give Miss Li a message for me.Ask her to call me. I need to talk to her.B: OK.十二.约会:62. Are you free now?63. Are you free tomorrow?64. Yes, I am.65. Sorry, I am busy.66. Lets meet at the gate of the park at 8:00.67. Shall we meet at KFC in Xingye Road at 4:40?68. All right. / OK. / Fine.十三.就餐:69. Would you like some orange juice?70. Yes, please. / No, thanks.71. Nothing for me, thanks. 十四.购物:72. A: Good morning. Can I help you?B: Yes, please. Id like to buy that blouse. How much is it?A: Its ninety yuan.B: OK. Ill take it.73. A: Good afternoon,sir. What can I do for you?B: Id like to buy that blue shirt.A: Yes , sir. Here you are.B: How much is it?A: Forty-five pounds.B: All right. Ill take it.A: Here you are.Thank you.74. A: Can I help you?B: Yes, How much are the carrots?A: They are one dollar a kilo.B: OK. Id like half a kilo , please.A: Sure. Do you want anything else?B: No. Thats it , thanks. 75. A: What can I do for you?B: Mmm.These tomatoes look good.A: Yes.They are really fresh.B: How much do they cost?A: They are 2 dollars 60 cents a kilo.B: Mmm, Id like four , please.A: OK.Lets see. 2 dollars 60 cents a kilo.Thats 40 cents , please.B: OK.Thank you. Heres the money.A: And heres your change.76. A: Whos next , please?B: Id like a kilo of apples.A: Anything else?B: And two kilos of potatoes.A: Anything else?B: No,thats it.十五.问路:77. A: Excuse me.Could you tell me the way to Guangzhou Zoo,please?B: Yes.Turn right out of the hotel. Go straight ahead and take the first left.A: OK.Turn right out of the hotel and then go straight ahead and take the first left.B: Right. A: Is the zoo on the right or on the left?B: Its on the right.78. A: Excuse me. Im lost. Could you tell me how to get to the canteen?B: Of course. Go straight ahead . Take the third right and the cantee is on your right.A: Thats easy. Straight on, third right and the canteen is on the right.79.You can take a No.216 bus to get there.80. Its not far from here. You can walk there.十六.愿望:81. What do you want to be when you grow up?82. I want to be a lawyer.83. I hope I can be a teacher.I hope I can run for China.84. I wish I could be a fairy.I wish I could fly in the sky.注意:I hope I can . (这里后面跟的部分是可实现的)I wish I could .(这里后面跟的部分是不可实现的)十七.关心:85. Whats wrong? 86. Whats wrong with Ben?87. Whats the matter, Sally?88. Whats the matter with you?89. I feel tired.90. I dont feel well.91. He feels ill.92. She has a toothache.93. Dont worry. Shell be all right soon.94. Whats wrong? I dont like the play.Its boring.十八.祈使句:表示命令、请求语气或劝告等意思的句子,叫祈使句。通常是动词开头,没有主语。否定的祈使句是以 dont开头,表示劝告的意思,如:95. Dont leave litter.96. Dont feed the animals.97. Dont throw things at the monkey.98. Dont take photos here.99. Dont walk on the grass.100.OK. / All right.
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