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学 海 无 涯 1 1 Lesson 8 On my first day as an assistant professor of education at the University of Southern California, I entered the classroom with a great deal of anxiety. My large class responded to my awkward laser cutting system smile and brief greeting with silence. For a few moments I fussed with my notes. Then I started my lecture, stammering; no one seemed to be listening. 成为南加州大学教育助理教授的第一天,我十分紧张地走入教室。我笨拙地快速朝学生扫了一眼,笑了笑,算是问 候,但是我所要教的一大班学生都无动于衷。一时间,我纠结着自己的笔记。接着,我结结巴巴地开始讲课,然而, 似乎没有人在听。 At that moment of panic I noticed in the fifth row a poised 平静, attentive young woman in a summer dress. Her skin was tanned, her brown eyes were clear and alert, her hair was golden. Her animated expression and warm smile were an invitation for me to go on. When Id say something, she would nod, or say, Oh, yes! and write it down. She emanated 散发 the comforting feeling that she cared about what I was trying so haltingly 迟疑不决地 to say. 正当我不知所措的时候,我注意到第五排一位身着夏裙、姿势端正、聚精会神的女生。她皮肤黝黑,棕色的眼睛清 澈明净,眼神机警,有着一头金发。她表情活泼、笑容温柔,似乎在请我继续讲下去。我讲课时,她会点点头或者 说: “嗯,对! ”并动手记笔记。她散发着一种令人宽慰的感觉,好像她很在乎我想讲但没讲出口的东西。 I began to speak directly to her and my confidence and enthusiasm returned. After a while I risked looking about,The other students had begun listening and taking notes. This stunning young woman had pulled me through. 我开始对着她讲课,让我重新找回了自己的信心和激情。过了一会,我鼓起勇气看了看四周,其他同学也已开始听 课并做笔记了。这位女生帮我度过了难关。 After class, I scanned the roll to find her name: Liani. Her papers, which I read over the subsequent weeks, were written with creativity, sensitivity and a delicate sense of humor. 下课后,我浏览名册找到了她的名字:莉安妮。随后几周内我读遍了她的论文,这些论文写得富有创意、感性灵敏, 而且充满细腻的幽默感。 I had asked all my students to visit my office during the semester, and I awaited Lianis visit with special interest. I wanted to tell her how she had saved my first day, and encourage her to develop her qualities of caring and awareness. 我曾经要求所有我的学生要在当本学期内到我办公室一趟,我特别期待莉安妮的到来。我很想告诉莉安妮,她是如 何帮助我度过当教育助理教授的第一天,我还想鼓励她分发挥自己细心和灵敏的特点。 Liani never came. About five weeks into the semester, she missed two weeks of classes. I asked the students seated around her if they knew why. I was shocked to learn that they did not even know her name. I thought of Albert Schweitzers poignant 让人心酸的 statement: We are all so much together and yet we are all dying of loneliness. 然而,莉安妮从未到过我的办公室。开学大约五周后,她缺课两周。我问了坐在她周围的同学是否知道她缺课的原 因。但是,令我震惊的是:他们甚至不知道她的名字。这令我想到了阿尔伯特史怀泽一句让人心酸的话: “我们 经常在一起,但却死于孤单。 ” I went to our dean of women. The moment I mentioned Lianis name, she winced 怔了一下. Oh, Im sorry, Leo, she said. I thought youd been told. 我找到了学校的女生系主任。一提到莉安妮的名字,她不由一怔,说: “哦,莱昂,非常抱歉,我还以为你已经知 道了这件事了。 ” Liani had driven to Pacific Palisades, a lovely community near downtown Los Angeles where cliffs fall abruptly into the sea. There, shocked picnickers later reported, she jumped to her death. 莉安妮开车去了太平洋海崖,那是一个美丽的地方,靠近洛杉矶,山崖陡峭,直落大海。就是从那儿传来让人震惊 不已的野营者报道说:莉安妮跳崖自杀了。 Liani was 22 years old! And her God-given uniqueness was gone forever. 学 海 无 涯 2 2 可她才 22 岁!她那独一无二的天赋也永远地随风而去了。 I called Lianis parents. From the tenderness with which Lianis mother spoke of her, I knew that she had been loved. But it was obvious to me that Liani had not felt loved. 我给莉安妮的父母打了电话。从莉安妮母亲谈到莉安妮时的温柔中,我知道莉安妮的家人很爱她。不过,很显然, 我知道莉安妮并没有感受到爱。 What are we doing? I asked a colleague. Were so busy teaching things. Whats the value of teaching Liani to read, write, do arithmetic, if we taught her nothing of what she truly needed to know: how to live in joy, how to have a sense of personal worth and dignity? 我问一位同事: “我们都在做些什么?我们成天忙着教书。如果我们不教莉安妮真正需要知道的东西: 教她如何幸 福地生活,如何感受个人的价值和尊严,那么教她阅读、写作和算术又有什么价值呢?” I decided to do something to help others who needed to feel loved. I would teach a course on love. 我决定要做一些事去帮助那些需要感受到爱的人。我打算开一门关于爱的课程。 (would 译出时态,打算) I spent months in library research but found little help. Almost all the books on love dealt with sex or romantic love. There was virtually nothing on love in general. 我在图书馆里查阅了好几个月资料,但发现没有什么帮助的资料。几乎所有关于爱的书谈的都是性和浪漫的爱情。 几乎没有资料探讨广义上的爱。 But perhaps if I offered myself only as a facilitator 帮助者, the students and I could teach one another and learn together. I called the course Love Class. 不过,也许如果我自己仅仅成为帮助者,我和学生们便可以互相交流学习。我称这门课程为“爱” 。 It took only one announcement to fill this non-credit course. I gave each student a reading list, but there were no assigned 指定的 texts, no attendance requirements, no exams. We just shared our reading, our ideas, our experiences. 开设这个没有学分的课程,只要出个通知就行。我给每个学生发一份书单,但没有指定课文,没有出勤要求,也没 有考试。我们只是分享自己读到的东西,想法和体验。 My premise 前提 is that love is learned. Our teachers are the loving people we encounter. If we find no models of love, then we grow up love-starved and unloving. The happy possibility, I told my students, is that love can be learned at any moment of our lives if we are willing to put in the time, the energy and the practice. 我的前提是:爱可以学到。我们的“老师”是我们遇到的富有爱心的人。如果我们找不到爱的榜样,那么我们长大 之后便缺乏爱、没有爱心。我告诉我的学生:如果我们愿意花时间、花精力并身体力行,那么,很幸福的可能性是: 我们在一生中的任何时候都可以学到爱。 Few missed even one session of Love class. I had to crowd the students closer toget
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