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810 nm;8;4;48Inull(宁夏人民医院null 宁夏银川 750011)null nullKnull1null 目的:探讨 810 nm激光经巩膜睫状体光凝治疗难治性青光眼患者围术期的护理方法b方法:对 48例( 48眼) 难治性青光眼患者行 810 nm激光经巩膜睫状体光凝术, 并给予精心围术期护理b结果:本组无光感者 20眼, 12眼经一次光凝术后眼压低于 40 mm Hg( 1mm Hg= 0. 133 kPa), 7眼经 2次光凝术后眼压低于 40 mm Hg, 1眼经 3次光凝术后眼压低于 40mm Hg;光感及以上者 28眼, 15眼经一次光凝术后眼压为 5 21 mm Hg, 13眼行 2次或 3次光凝术及滴眼液滴眼后眼压可控制在 21mm Hgb结论: 810 nm激光经巩膜睫状体光凝治疗难治性青光眼相对安全a简便有效,可缓解眼痛a保存眼球,做好围术期护理是手术成功的关键b1oMnull 810 nm激光;经巩膜睫状体光凝术;难治性青光眼;围术期护理ms|: R473null77null nullDSM: Anull nullcI|: 1006- 7256( 2010) 02- 0023- 02Perioperative nursing care in the treatment of48 patientswith refractory glaucoma by transscleral cyclophotocoagulation with 810nm laserJia Qin(N ingx ia People sH osp ital, Yinchuan N ingxia 750011, China)null null Abstractnull Objective: To explore the perioperative nursingmethod in the treatmentof refractory glaucoma by transscleralcy-clophotocoagulation with 810nm laser. M ethods: 48 patients ( 48 eyes) with refractory glaucomawere treatedw ith transscleralcy-clophotocoagulation w ith 810nm laser and given careful perioperative nursing care. Results: No light perception occurred in 20eyes; intraocular pressure was less than 40mmHg in 12 eyes (1 mm Hg = 0. 133 kPa) after the first photocoagulation; itwasless than 40mm Hg in 7 eyes after the second photocoagulation and itwas less than 40mmHg in one eye after the third photocoag-ulation. There was light perception in 28 eyes; the intraocular pressure was 5 21mm Hg in 15 eyes after the first photocoagu-lation and the intraocular pressure was controlled at21mmHg in 13 eyes after the second or the third photocoagulation and eyedropswere used as wel.l Conclusion: Transscleral cyclophotocoagulation with 810nm laser for refractory glaucoma is relativelysafe, simple and effective and it can relieve eye pain, save the eye and good perioperative nursing care is the key to successfuloperation.Keywordsnull 810nm laser; T ransscleral cyclophotocoagulation; Refractory glaucoma; Perioperative nursing carenull null8;(TCP)X4;KZEb2008M3 2009M3,48( 48)4;810 nm;8;,|irTbC/b1nullZE1. 1null5nullF48( 48)(4;,331( 31) ,o17( 17) ;M-24 78,(48. 62b35;25,;10,7;m6,-4,j8MAA2,0;1b20;sV1QQF;mbm-28 78mm Hg( 1mmHg = 0. 133 kPa) ,( 42. 32null 12. 63)mm Hgbm-j;20,;8,m5,3, 0null02 0. 1 4, null 0. 1 8b(Ae,he,(V0sKv40,7?e,arVmb1. 2nullZEnullo810 nm8;Gh/b|G;8h=L,KvPq2 000 mW,Kl1 500 mW,HW1500 2 000ms,4GV?PlI2bSv35 mm HgH180null 270null,35 mm Hg120null,T,;S7b?gZ0. 25 g, 2Q/d,oo)A, 3Q/d,HW3 d 1b:c;SaP?#IQ;b1. 3nullNSnullISchlote1S,S:;.eh,F;01F;040 mm Hg;jz,;F;0F;05 21mm HgbQ;3 6Tb2nullT23Z2010M1622. 1null;F( 20) null;-40 78mm Hg,(56. 36mm Hg ,Q61512 39( 29. 67null 6. 79)mm HgbBQ;, 12esh, 1340mm Hg, 72Q40mm Hg,13Q1,17ob2. 2null;#F( 28) null;-28 62( 41. 32null 11. 58)mm Hg,Q613 32( 21. 42null 8. 22) mm HgbBQ;, 155 21 mmHg, 4jae,(40 mm Hg , 1312Q3Q;, 33Q;21mm Hg,0. 5%:A2Q/d,Ve21mm Hgb3null3. 1null-3. 1. 1nullnullsTCPERicaQbV1_W%;5a#;aZE#r,bHSzET,PDaa#EM,;%hb3. 1. 2null-!null-m_;!(g) ;J,JYJ;-30 min&14,hnafbN,nBtMh%hF,i4hfM,)b3. 1. 3null-null,O5*,9Fs,?U,UU4,iUE,fgUbo_Z,P?mTb3. 2nullnullmJ/,iMb#,V,f,iM4#38M
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