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Teaching material for the 9th week,篇章的联结手段(二)词汇衔接、逻辑联系语,3.2逻辑连接与逻辑联系语,逻辑连接是语篇内深层次的最普遍的连接,一个语篇如果想表达完整的语义必需用到表示各种逻辑关系的连接词,当然有些时候也存在隐性的逻辑连接,它是通过语境等实现的衔接。“通过连接性词语的运用,人们可以了解句子之间的语义联系,甚至可经前句从逻辑上遇见后续句的语义(胡壮麟,1994:92)。,逻辑联系语指的是表示各种逻辑意义的连句手段。其功能是表示两个或更多句子之间的某种逻辑意义,并指出句子是在什么意义上相互联系起来的。,从形式上看,逻辑联系语可以有一下三类语言单位充当:(1)词(包括连词和副词)如but, for and then yet, so therefore, anyway等等;(2)短语,如 in addition, as a result, on the contrary, in other words等等; (3)分句(包括非限定分句和限定分句),如considering as that, to conclude, all things considered, that is to say, what is more, what is more important 等等。,从意义上看,逻辑联系语可以表示很多不同语义关系,韩里德和哈桑(1976)把它们表示的关系分为四大类: 增补(additive); 转折(adversative); 原因(causal); 时间(temporal).,下面我们是几类比较常见的逻辑联系语所表示的语义关系。,3.2.1 表示列举 (enumeration) 这一语义关系通常由连接性状语(conjunct)表示, 它们对所叙述的事情逐一列举。常见的词有first, second,; firstly, secondly; for one thing and for another (thing); in the first place; first of all; to begin with; to start with; for a start; next; finally; last; in conclusion; last of all, to conclude 等等。,试翻译:,1)这里我想谈一谈中国是如何应对这场金融危机的主要包括以下几个方面: 一是大规模增加政府支出扩大内需。 二是大范围实施产业调整振兴计划。 三是大力推进科技进步和创新。 四是大幅度提高社会保障水平。(选自温家宝总理在英国剑桥大学发表演讲 2009-2-2),Reference,Its main contents are: First, substantially increase government spending to boost domestic demand. Second, implement a large-scale industrial restructuring and rejuvenation program. Third, make energetic efforts for progress and innovation in science and technology. Fourth, significantly raise the level of social security.,3.2.2 表示增补,1) The public can see the paintings next week. What is more, they can buy them for as little as 10 dollars upwards. 2) Im not looking for a job. Furthermore, I am not going to look for one.,3.2.3 表示转折或对比,1) I wish I could speak Chinese. The language is so expressive and so compact that I could speak more succinctly, but unfortunately I am not cultured enough. 2) 中英相距遥远,但两国人民的友好交往不断增多。 3)它(枯叶蝴蝶lappet butterflies)这样伪装,是为了保护自己。但是它还是逃不脱被捕捉的命运。(不仅因为它的美丽,更因为它那用来隐蔽它的美丽看枯槁与憔悴。),Reference,要是我也能将中国话就好了。 中国话这种语言十分简洁,又富有表达力。要是用中国话讲,我就可以讲得更简练了。可惜,我的文化素养还不够。 Despite the great distance between China and Britain, the friendly exchanges between our peoples have been on the rise. It disguises its shape and colors in order to protect itself, but it cant help ending up in being captured, nevertheless, not because of its beauty, but more because of the withered quality of its appearance that covers up its beauty.,3.2.4. 表示解释(explanation)对前面已经讲到的内容加以澄清、举例说明或进行精确的描述。如that is, that is to say, namely, for example 等。例如:,1) He is a scholar who is devoted to his research to a reprehensible extent. That is to say, he neglects his family and does not fulfill his responsibilities as a citizen. 2) Women actually rule the world. That is to say, men rule the world, but their mothers and wives rule them. 3) 我们坚持一个中国的原则是一贯的,明确的,这就是说,世界上只有一个中国,海峡两岸同属一个中国。,reference,他是一个对研究非常敬业的人,可是,在某种程度上应受到批评。也就是说,他忽略了家庭,也没能尽到作为公民应尽的责任。 女人统治这这个世界。这就是说,男人统治世界,但男人们的母亲和妻子统治着他们。 Our commitment to the one-China principle has been consistent and explicit. That is to say, there is only one China in the world.,3.2.5. 表示等同(equation),指逻辑联系语所引导的上文和下文说表示的意义相同或相似,或在重要性上差不多。因而也可把这种语义关系称为同位(apposition), 用于表示等同的逻辑联系语很多,常见的有 equally, likewise, namely, in the same way, in other words, I mean等等。,1) You must pack plenty of food for the journey. Likewise, youll need warm clothes, so pack them too. 2) Every year, when winter descends on the country, one of English literatures great works always finds itself pulled down from my bookshelf: namely, William Thackerays immortal Vanity Fair. 3)That is perfectly equivalent, and equally unambiguous statement.,reference,此次旅行,你们必须带上大量的食物;同样,也需要暖和点儿的衣服,所以也一同带上吧。 每年,随着冬季的降临,总有一部英国文学的伟大作品从我的书架上取下威廉萨克雷不朽的名利场。 这是完全相同的,毫不含糊的论述。,3.2.6 表示结果(result),这一语义关系可以用accordingly, consequently, hence, now, so, therefore, thus, as a consequence, for that reason, as a result, of course 等词语表达。,翻译下面的句子,1)他在工作中总是粗心大意、不负责任,结果给炒鱿鱼了。 2) 在现代社会里,每个人不是忙著工作就是读书。结果造成许多人有焦虑和过度紧张的困扰。,reference,He has been so careless and irresponsible in his work. As a result, he was dismissed. In modern society, everyone is busy in working or studying. As a result, many people suffer from stress and anxiety.,3.2.7 表示总结(summation),主要对前面的内容做出概括或总结。如altogether, overall, therefore, thus, all in all, in short , in sum, on the whole 等。 1) 他表丢了,车坏了,又接到一份顾客投诉信。总之,这一天过得糟透了。 2) 这部电影的情节很特别,演技和摄影都很出色。总之,这部电影不容错过。,reference,He lost his watch, his car broke down, and he got a letter of complaint from a customer: all in all, he had a bad day. This film has a very unusual plot, the acting and photography are excellent. To sum up, this is a film you should not miss.,3.2.8 表示转题(transition),指引进新的一层意思或话题。如now, incidentally, by the way, to change the subject等等。 1)We have settled that at last. Now, what were the other things we wanted to discuss? 2) 我现在要走了。噢,你有没有什么要买的,我回来时给你带上。,3.2.9 表示原因 (reason),1) 我非常喜欢胡杨(euphrates poplar),它是中华民族坚韧不拔精神的象征。 2) 生活中既有悲剧,文学作品就可以写悲剧。 3)但我是向来不爱放风筝的,不但不爱,并且嫌恶他,因为我以为这是没出息的孩子所做的玩意。(鲁迅:风筝),Reference,I like euphrates poplar because they symbo
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