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Knowledge Management Research: A Personal Experience,T.P. Liang National Sun Yat-sen University November 7, 2006,迅达商务资料网,Importance of KM Research,The importance of knowledge in business Managing knowledge is a difficult and continuing process A challenging question: How can knowledge be managed properly to improve firm performance?,迅达商务资料网,知識管理是21世紀的管理趨勢,迅达商务资料网,資料、資訊、知識、智慧關係,迅达商务资料网,內隱知識與外顯知識的比較,迅达商务资料网,不同的知識特性,迅达商务资料网,知識、智慧資本與企業價值,迅达商务资料网,個人知識與組織知識的轉換,迅达商务资料网,Nonaka的知識成長模式,迅达商务资料网,知識管理的基本工具,創造 分類/儲存 索引/檢索 過濾/篩選 導覽 使用分析 知識推薦,迅达商务资料网,Research in Knowledge Management,Conceptual Knowledge management cycles Framework of knowledge management Technical KMS development Knowledge recommendation Managerial Knowledge management implementation KM and performance,迅达商务资料网,Major constructs of KM,Nature of knowledge Organizational environment Nature of organization Knowledge management activities and processes (cycles) KM platform: infrastructure and KMS Nature of users and intermediaries Effect of KM on organizations,迅达商务资料网,Sample Studies,Effect of Knowledge Diversity on Firm Performance Capability and Task Technology Fit on Individual Performance Personalization and Customer-Centric Systems,迅达商务资料网,Effect of Knowledge Diversity on Firm Performance,迅达商务资料网,Research Problem,Should an industry focus on a few key categories of knowledge or a broad coverage of all knowledge in order to be competitive? Does the adoption of IT have any relationship with the value of knowledge and firm performance?,迅达商务资料网,Ecological model in Organization,Hannon and Freeman (1989) proposed the ecological view of organization that seeks to understand how social conditions affect the rates in which new organizations and new organizational forms arises, the rates at which organizations change forms, and the rates at which organizations die out.,迅达商务资料网,何謂生態學?,生態學(Ecology)是研究生物與其周圍環境相互關係的科學。亦即,生態學是研究在某一特定範圍內,生物與生物之間、生物與環境之間相互影響關係的科學。 生態學亦可以被視為是一種巨觀的生物學 生態學以不同層次的角度觀察生物,包含: 個體(Organism) 物種(Species) 族群(Population) 群落(Community) 生態系統(Ecosystem),迅达商务资料网,生態學的DICE模式,基於生態學理論的歸納,生物族群在生態系統內的關係,主要可以分成分佈、互動、競爭、演化四個階段,並形成一個循環,命名為DICE模式。,迅达商务资料网,分佈(Distribution),在研究的本質上,生態學探討、描述生物體之間及生物體與環境之間的相互關係。 如何去描繪目前生態系統的狀況便是生態研究 的基礎。 生物分佈狀況或空間塑模(Spatial Modeling): 以數學方法對生態系統進行描述,包含對於各個生物族群數量的計數、地理區域的分佈狀況。 生態研究的第一步工作。,迅达商务资料网,分佈構面的子構面,族群的強度 族群強度在衡量不同族群之間的相對強度,藉以分析族群間的強弱關係並可定義它們之間的行為關係。一般而言,族群的強度可以利用族群的種類、族群內生物體的個數、分佈區域、及在食物鏈上的關係等構面來衡量,可用來描繪群落內族群的分佈輪廓。 物種的多樣性 衡量群落內物種的豐富程度,生態系統的一個重要觀察指標。 多樣性與穩定性關係法則(Diversity-stability principle),迅达商务资料网,A Knowledge Ecology,Basic species in a knowledge ecology is different types of knowledge that belong to the organization. The goal of KM is to build a mechanism by which a healthy balance of knowledge can be maintained for achieving superior performance.,迅达商务资料网,Diversity vs. Stability,In ecological rules, the diversity-stability relationship is a major principal, which says an ecology is more stable if it maintains a certain level of diversity. Similarly, we would like to examine whether the same rule holds in a knowledge ecology, ie, organizations with more diversified knowledge are more stable in performance.,迅达商务资料网,Research Framework,迅达商务资料网,Hypotheses (1),H1: Relationship Between IT and Knowledge Ecology H11: Higher IT capabilities support higher knowledge ecology H12: Higher IT capabilities support higher knowledge diversity,迅达商务资料网,Hypotheses (2),Relationship between Knowledge diversity and firm performance H21: Higher knowledge intensity results in higher average performance H22: Higher knowledge intensity results in lower performance variations,迅达商务资料网,Hypotheses (3),Relationship between knowledge diversity and firm performance Higher knowledge diversity results in lower average performance Higher knowledge diversity results in lower performance variations,迅达商务资料网,Criteria for Choosing Industries,Four industries were chosen based on their knowledge intensity and environmental uncertainty. Knowledge intensity is measured as the ratio of product price by the tangible costs (including material costs and depreciation of fixed assets). Environmental uncertainty is measured by the changes in technology (measured by the number and importance of patents) and product lifecycle.,迅达商务资料网,The Chosen Industries,迅达商务资料网,Twelve Knowledge Types,Twenty companies were chosen (five in each category) for study. Value chain activities are used to differentiate 12 categories of knowledge, such as raw material acquisition, product manufacturing, distribution, marketing, customer services, strategic planning, general management, financial management, quality management, human resource management, R&D, and IS management.,迅达商务资料网,Data Collection,A group of experts was invited to fill out the questionnaire for assessing the relative importance of a particular knowledge in an industry and the relative strength of the twelve types of knowledge among the companies A total of 58 responses were collected, among which 17 for
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