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. . . 广告设计专业英文自荐信(精选多篇) dear tianchang technology leadership:hello!see the first letter i wish you good health and smooth work; company flourishing. we appreciate your taking the time to read my cover letter down, believe me, an enthusiastic job-seekers will not let you down.i have admired for a long time we had company. the companys online products, “big tang fengyun”, “tang” i am very familiar with the company we can make such a wonderful product deeply appreciated. today, lets candidate is “game senior project officer”, “trade commissioner.” here i briefly explain my candidates strengths.1 has a good sense of cooperation and teamwork.2 has a strong market analysis, marketing and game operations for the games have a certain understanding.3 on the balance of the game have their own opinion.4 can be skilled office software applications.5 has a professional knowledge of network security.6 of online game players have a complete psychological studies.7 there is a strong self-learning ability and the spirit of hard study; the dedication, you can work under tremendous pressure.8. the game plan has its own unique perspective.9 for the overall operation of the game can make their own comments and suggestions.10 wide range of interests and active thinking.this is a brief summary of my own, i hope you enjoy.thank you again for taking the time to read my cover letter down, i will wait for your notice.sincerely,salute广告设计专业的英文自荐信参考,关键词是自荐信,广告设计专业,dear tianchang technology leadership:hello!see the first letter i wish you good health and smooth work; company flourishing. we appreciate your taking the time to read my cover letter down, believe me, an enthusiastic job-seekers will not let you down.i have admired for a long time we had company. the companys online products, “big tang fengyun”, “tang” i am very familiar with the company we can make such a wonderful product deeply appreciated. today, lets candidate is “game senior project officer”, “trade commissioner.” here i briefly explain my candidates strengths.1 has a good sense of cooperation and teamwork.2 has a strong market analysis, marketing and game operations for the games have a certain understanding.3 on the balance of the game have their own opinion.4 can be skilled office software applications.5 has a professional knowledge of network security.6 of online game players have a complete psychological studies.7 there is a strong self-learning ability and the spirit of hard study; the dedication, you can work under tremendous pressure.8. the game plan has its own unique perspective.9 for the overall operation of the game can make their own comments and suggestions.10 wide range of interests and active thinking.this is a brief summary of my own, i hope you enjoy.thank you again for taking the time to read my cover letter down, i will wait for your notice.sincerely,salutexxx distinguished leadership:* i see from your companys recruitment of inspiration. * would like to job positions!your reputation at home and abroad, such as your company able to engage in creative work, i would be very honored. the brief i tell you. i am * years old, *, live *。 school of advertising is now the department of xx * * specializing in design, this year * on graduating. “*” my graduation project was rated “outstanding professor of design “,* designed specifically recommended by this author to the” * “magazines. last summer, i should be invited to the city television station, participated in public service ads “*” creative, production, the advertisement broadcast in the city, and the community. my graduation project teacher, the famous professor xx is willing for me to write letter of recommendation from employers.i love creative advertising, advertising production, and in practice there have been some successes. i studied for four years i have been in this industry has laid a solid foundation, i am confident that your company can do creative work, please give me the opportunity to your company.if your company agree to accept me, please contact me. my mailing address is a postal code :*, xxxxxx, phone xxxxxxx, e-ail :*sincerely,salute广告设计专业大学生的自荐信,关键词是自荐信,广告设计专业大学生,尊敬的领导:您好!非常感您在百忙之中阅读我的自荐信!我叫黄xxx,是xxxx学院200x届毕业生,得知贵企业为积极谋求发展招贤纳才。我真诚的渴望能加入贵企业,为贵企业的发展壮大贡献我的才能和智慧。在大专三年中我认真努力,各门基础课程和专业课程均取得了较好成绩,在我努力下掌握了扎实的专业知识,并有意识的通过各种实践活动提高自己的动手能力,为今后工作奠定了良好的基础。我注重培养自己多方面的能力,尤其在广告设计专业,熟练的掌握了平面广告设计、等。能熟练运用word、excel、办公软件及photoshop、flash动画等应用软件、 制图设计pro/engineer、cad等 我具有较强的组织能力和社交能力,能很好地独立开展工作,并与其他人协手合作,发扬团队精神,在各项活动中均取得较突出的成绩。我在思想上要求进步,”敬业”是我的人生信条,”年轻”、”适应性强”是我的资本。我将以饱满的热情、一丝不苟的态度迎接挑战,并运用自己所学的知识和技能,为企业的发展和祖国的富强奉献自己的青春!最后,再次感您对我的关注,并真诚希望我能够成为贵单位的一员, 为贵单位的繁荣昌盛贡献自己的绵薄之力。期盼您的回音!诚祝贵单位万事亨通,事业蒸蒸日上!此致敬礼!
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