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Made by 冯婷 15 张咪 16,Buzzword,裸婚 剩女 御姐 菜鸟 潜规则 伪娘 娘娘腔 蚁族,快闪 打酱油 炫富 闪婚 晒工资 面子工程 潮人 桑拿天,Definition,Buzzword, also called fashion word or vogue word, is a kind of idioms which usually be used in the technical, administrative, or political field. It is often neologism. The typical intent of using buzzword is giving the public a profound impression.,1、All kinds of tribes,Flash mob / 快闪族 A group of people who have never met before use network, mobile phone short message to get an prior agreement on theme, time, location; and then they make exaggerated actions together. This action is usually so short that others could not react. Flash mob is a kind of fashionable culture in the city, and it is a good joke that the modern people make.,flash play / 闪玩族,People who join the excursion, eating, singing Cara OK, outdoor sports and other activities through convenient web,and posting their willingness to find like-minded friends in a short time. flash play activity lasts less than a day cost AA Many netizens claim to be a flash play .,Green-collar / 绿领 Green collar is the people who are engaged in environmental health, environmental protection, agricultural scientific research, forest green industries. They love the outdoors and wild , and they are especially interested in the natural environmental protection action.,Cracker mob 崩炮族 Cracker mob is a name for those who claim to transfer and only throw firecrackers to the crowd. They claim that they are the variation of flash . They are pleased to throw firecrackers to the crowd to frighten.,BoBo group Bobo refers to those people, with higher education, high income, the pursuit of enjoyment of life, advocating freedom, positive and strong sense of independence. Group BoBo has already become a social hot issues ,it is used in applied writing course. In general, group BOBO not only can obtain the success of accumulated material wealth, but also can maintain the spirit of independence, freedom and rebellion.,NONO Group NONO- It means say NO to all fake , to artificial, to people who blindly follow the trend of individuality , to brand. So, NONO people have personal independence , never blindly follow. They are fashion rules decryption and subversive. They pursue high quality of life, pay attention to personal feelings, refuse to be fashion stylized and drown your personality.,The Freeter /飞特族 The so-called Freeter , is combined with English word free and German word labor ( arbeiter ) . Freeter represents a free working style. People maintain the livelihoods by work outside or do part-time jobs. refers to the young who engaged in part-time(freelance) job for less than 5 years.,Ads-on-cars drivers/ 甲客族,Private vehicle owners who allow advertising on their car bodies in order to get some benefit. It is an excellent way to earn extra money for your gas tank or an extra income if you need it.,2.Hot words,the rich second generation/ 富二代 Two rich generation, simply say that they are children of rich generation . Rich generation , private entrepreneurs ,is the first to be rich after the reform and opening up. Their children were born in the 1980s. They are in excellent living conditions, received a good education, have rich social resources.,gelivable / 给力 in local dialect - hard / cow /cool / beef up / giving power used as a verb, means to force / gas . Now, it is widely popular in the forum, games, chat. In fact, the first widely circulated on the network is the antonym of suck “-ungelivable. After this , the word awesome / gilivable appeared.,waterboarding 水刑 The history of the word can be traced back to the middle ages. It means that interrogees were tried on board, the faces were covered with cloth or paper, and then someone spray water onto their faces or their heads are merged down in the water , leading suffocating or drowning.,all-out donation / 裸捐 Bill Gates and Chen Guangbiao Bare ( all-out donation ), donated to a specific range of personal assets . The worlds richest man Bill Gates announced his retirement, the $58,000,000,000 personal assets donated in his and his wifes name, making the “all-out donation become the No.1.,seckilling/instant killing 秒杀 Seckill, the original is a computer game in the term, refers to the game player PK or fight with a sword, the other is too powerful, the game player did not counter, escape room conditions, were instant kill . seckill , is a kind of new way of network auction. Seller release the ultra low price goods, all buyers buy at the same time online in panic. this promotion shop called seckill shop .,special old-age care by hour/钟点养老 To offer some empty nester, “ a festival hour endowment services in festival, it is different from a monthly fee or annual fee, so it cannot be literally translated as hour care/service for the old , we translated as special old-age care we by hour . It offers new homes for the elderly, and it combined entertainment, sports, accommodation, medical treatment together. the old man spends on
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