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精品资料推荐摘 要随着经济的快速发展,中小企业在中国的发展日益壮大,为中国国民经济的发展做出了巨大的贡献。可是应该看到,融资困难也在制约着中小企业的发展,企业无法融资就无法扩大其生产经营的规模,也就无法为国民经济做出更大的贡献,这种循环模式引起了学者的关注。融资难问题的根源还在于中小企业信用的问题,因此建立一个科学合理有效的评级体系就是解决这类问题的关键举措。目前中国采用的各类指标体系都是依照大型企业的特点而构建的,很多指标并不适合中小型企业,也就无法准确的反映中小企业的信用状况。综上所述,迫切需要根据中小企业实际的情况来进行分析,从指标体系构建的角度出发,建立一套合理有效的指标体系,以实现对中小企业信用状况的合理评价,预期达到缓解融资困难的难题。本文以中小企业信用评级的基本理论为出发点,首先从现状分析,得出中国中小企业评级体系目前的发展状况,并且对现有评级体系的弊端和不足进行了阐述,并借此指出构建一套合理有效的评级机制的重要性。随后文章就指标体系构建的原则以及指标选取的内容进行了详细的叙述,根据设置原则利用定性和定量分析的方法,在已有指标体系的基础上加入了一些分析的因素,例如还款意愿以及现金流等。希望通过文章的叙述,让中小企业评级体系的构建成为中国经济发展中的一项重要措施,从而能够有效的防范信用风险,为顺利解决中小企业融资难问题提出有效措施,最终推动中国经济的更快更好发展。关键词:中小企业,信用评级,指标体系,构建AbstractWith the rapid development of economy, small and medium-sized enterprises in the development of Chinas growing, as China has made great contributions to the development of national economy. But it should be noted that the financing difficulties are also restricts the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, businesses cant financing will not be able to expand the scale of its production and operation, also wont be able to make more contribution to national economic development, the circulation pattern to cause the attention of scholars. The root of the financing difficult problem is that small and medium-sized enterprise credit problems, therefore to establish a scientific and reasonable effective rating system is the key to solve this kind of problem. China currently used in all kinds of index system is built according to the characteristics of large enterprises, many indexes are not suitable for small and medium enterprises, also wont be able to accurately reflect the status of small and medium-sized enterprises credit. To sum up, an urgent need to according to the actual situation of small and medium-sized enterprises is analyzed, from the perspective of index system building, to establish a set of reasonable and effective index system, in order to realize the reasonable evaluation for small and medium-sized enterprise credit conditions, is expected to ease the financing difficult problem.In this paper, the basic theory of small and medium-sized enterprise credit rating as a starting point, first of all, from the status quo analysis, it is concluded that the development of Chinas small and medium-sized enterprise credit rating system at present situation, and the shortcomings and the insufficiency of existing rating system, and points out the importance of a set of reasonable and effective mechanism of rating. Then the paper the principle of index system construction and the content of the index selection has carried on the detailed narration, according to the principle of setting by using the method of qualitative and quantitative analysis, on the basis of the existing index system joined the analysis of some factors, such as the repayment willingness and cash flow, etc. Hope that through the narration of the article, for the construction of small and medium-sized enterprise credit rating system to become an important measure in the development of Chinese economy, which can effectively prevent credit risks, to solve the problem of small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficulties smoothly put forward effective measures, eventually to promote better and faster development of Chinese economy.Keywords:Smallandmedium-sizedenterprises,Thecreditrating,Indexsystem,build目录摘 要IAbstractII第1章绪论11.1研究目的及意义11.2研究内容与研究方法11.2.1研究内容21.3创新点2第2章相关研究32.1关于电子商务信用的相关研究32.1.1信用的相关研究32.1.2电子商务信用的相关研究32.1.3电子商务概念52.1.4电子商务的主要类型52.2关于信用评价的相关研究62.2.1企业信用评价指标的相关研究62.2.2信用评价模型的相关研究62.3关于电子商务信用评价体系的相关研究72.4研究评述8第3章电子商务环境下中小企业信用评价体系分析93.1中国中小企业信用评级的发展历程93.2中国中小企业信用评价体系特点103.3中国中小企业信用评级体系存在的问题及原因113.3.1偿债能力分析欠缺123.3.2信息获取难度较大133.3.3评级体系较为繁琐133.3.4现金流量分析欠缺133.3.5评级机构独立性较差14第4章MY公司信用评级指标体系构建144.1MY公司信用评价体系分析144.1.1公司简介144.1.2MY公司指标体系现状144.1.3MY公司指标体系存在的问题及原因164.2MY公司信用评级定性指标的构建184.2.1定性指标的选择184.2.2指标具体含义及评分要点194.2.3评级指标权重的确定224.2.4指标体系权重情况244.3MY公司定量分析模型的构造254.3.1定量分析模型的选择254.3.2对Z-score的调整264.2.3Z-score模型信用级别的判定26第5章中小企业信用评级体系应用275.1案例企业基本情况275.2案例企业信用等级的综合评判285.2.1案例企业定性指标分析285.2.2案例企业定量分析模型应用分析315.3两种评级结果的比较分析36第6章结论376.1研究结论376.2研究展望38参考文献40致 谢1第1章绪论1.1研究目的及意义自20世纪初世界上第一家信用评级机构建立以来,信用评级行业的发展己经有近百年历史。随着现代市场经济的不断发展,信用评级行业在整个社会信用体系中发挥着至关重要的作用。在警示企业规避风险、规避行业整合、提高生产效率、降低交易成本等方面发挥了重要作用。近年来,企业信用评级结果对投资者和其他市场参与者的重要性可谓不言而喻。美国的证券交易委员会(SEC)认为,企业信用评级结果的影响力越来越广,贯彻到整个企业资本的运营当中。目前企业信用状况和信贷活动中的信息不对称,加重了企业评级的重要性。中国经济正是由传统的计划经济转型而来,企业状况良荞不齐,财务数据造假现象较为普遍,信贷活动中信息不对称现象严重,加上部分企业主观上存在故意赖账不还的不良倾向,给信贷管理带来许多隐患,使得市场经济的信用基础非常薄弱。MY公司为典型的中小型第三方信用评级机构。MY公司现行的信用评级指标体系主要依据大公国际和我国银行业信用评级体系构建而来,但其定性指标在选择上还不够科学,定量分析模型引入的财务数据不够全面,导致其评级结果不能客观、公正地反映评级对象的实际情况,因此,研究并完善MY公司信用评级指标体系具有重要意义。1.2研究内容与研究方法信用评级是弥补市场上信息不完全和不对称性的一项重要制度,在西方国家己成为证券市场风险监控的主要手段之一,己形成成熟的信用评级系统。反观我国,由于起步时间短,目前存在着较多的问题,信用评级
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