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呼吸系统疾病 (急性呼吸道感染) Acute Respiratory Infection 目的 1 、了解小儿呼吸系统的解剖生理特点 2、熟悉上呼吸道感染、急性支气管炎、毛细支气管 炎的病因、临床表现、诊断及治疗 3、熟悉支气管肺炎的病理生理 4、熟悉支气管肺炎的病因、并发症、实验室检查及 鉴别诊断 5、掌握支气管肺炎的临床表现,诊断及治疗 重点和难点 1.支气管肺炎的临床表现、诊断及治疗 2.几种不同病原体肺炎的临床特点 The most common disease in the childhood WHY? 第一节 小儿呼吸系统解剖生理特点 一、解剖特点 (anatomy) (一)上呼吸道 (upper respiratory tract) (cricoid cartilage) Nose no hairs of vestibule of nose narrowed nasal cavity rich blood vessels in mucosa Auditory tube(咽鼓管咽鼓管) is short, wide and horizontal tympanitis(中耳炎中耳炎) Pharynx Pharyngeal tonsil(咽扁桃体) develops well at 410 years old tonsillitis after 1315years old it atrophy Throat: narrowed cavity, rich blood vessels in mucosa asphyxia(窒息) (二)下呼吸道 (lower respiratory tract) the movement of epithelium s cilia is weak 20 million alveoli(肺泡) at birth underdeveloped elastic fibers atelectasis(肺不张肺不张) failure of lung function (三)胸廓 (thorax) 二、生理特点(Physiology) : one rapid (the rate of respiration ) two lower (the volume of tidal volume,TV潮气量) ( total lung capacity ,TLC肺活量) one high (the resistance of the airway ) 三、免疫特点(Immunology) the nonspecific immune reaction is low the specific immune reaction is low 第二节 急性上呼吸道感染 ( Acute Upper Respiratory Infection,AURI ) 病因etiology Rhinovirus Streptococcus Respiratory syncytial virus Staphylococcus Influenza virus S.pneumoniae aureus Parainfluenza virus Haemophilus Influenzae Coronavirus Adenovirus Enterovirus 临床表现clinical manifestations 2 、局部(local): nasal irritation, nasal discharge, sneezing(喷嚏) , sore throat, cough 1 、全身(systematic): fever, headache, myalgia(肌痛), malaise(疲乏) and diarrhea(腹泻) 3 、两种特殊类型上感 疱疹性咽峡炎(herpangina) fever laryngitis(咽炎) discrete ulcerative(溃疡) lesion in the mouth 咽结合膜热(pharyngo-conjunctival fever) fever laryngitis(咽炎) conjunctivitis(结膜炎) 并发症(complications) otitis media(中耳炎) Sinusitis(鼻窦炎) enlarged cervical nodes(颈淋巴结肿大) 诊断及鉴别诊断 (diagnosis and differential diagnosis) Measles(麻疹) Poliomyelitis(脊髓灰质炎) Encephalitis(脑炎) 治疗 (treatment) nonpharmacologic therapy pharmacologic therapy 预防 (prevention) 第三节 急性支气管炎 (acute bronchitis) etiology 细菌和病毒混合感染较常见 Clinical manifestations 1 、Systematic 2 、 Local: cough, sputum roughening of breath sounds dry and/or moist rales(啰音),changeful Eczema(湿疹) 1 、一般治疗(nonspecific therapy) 2 、抗生素(antibiotics) 3 、对症治疗 pulmonary drainage by frequent shifts in position relieve wheezing chest X ray Treatment 第五节 毛细支气管炎(bronchiolitis) Etiology and epidemiology 呼吸道合胞病毒 (respiratory syncytial virus, RSV) 副流感病毒,腺病毒、肺炎支原体 (mycoplasmal pneumoniae) 人类偏肺病毒 (hMPV) 鼻病毒 (Rhinovirus) 广东、广西以夏秋季多发 病变部位在直径为75300m的气道 Pathophysiology 免疫机制:抗RSV IgE 可溶性因子 接种RSV疫苗严重毛支炎 过敏体质者RSV或其他病毒感染更易引 起毛支炎 Clinical manifestations 180 /min,heart sound low or gallop rhythm(奔马率奔马率) 3 ) RR60 /min 4 )liver enlarge quickly 5 )oliguria or anuria,edema (少尿或无尿) ( 2 )神经系统(Neurology): 中毒性脑病(toxical encephalopathy) 脑膜炎(meningitis) 嗜睡(lethargy) 昏迷(coma) 惊厥(convulsion) 前囟隆起(bulging fontanelle) ( 3 )消化系统 (Gastroenterology) 消化道出血 gastrointestinal bleeding, asphaltic stool 腹胀 abdomen distension complication: 脓胸 (empyema) diffuse haziness shadow 气胸 (pneumothorax ) the air in the left pleural cavity has collapsed the left lung, shifting the heart and mediastinal structures to the right 液气胸(pyopneumothorax) 肺大疱(pneumatocele) black no vein X 线检查: (Chest X-Ray) 小斑片状阴影 (patchy infiltrates) 以中下肺野及 内中带明显 实验室检查(laboratory findings) 1、末梢血 WBC 计数及分类 2 、病原学检查:病毒、细菌、其他 Diagnosis and differential diagnosis 1. Bronchitis 2. TB 几种不同病原体肺炎的特点 1 、金黄色葡萄菌肺炎 (staphylococcus aureus pneumonia) 急、重、快 肺组织破坏严重易出现并发症,可有肺外迁 徒病灶 皮疹 (rash) 白细胞总数及中性粒细胞增高 scarlatina-like rash 2 、腺病毒肺炎(adenovirus pneumonia) 急、重 肺部体征出现较晚 易发生其他系统功能障碍 X线特点:病灶易融合 病程迁延 3、革兰氏阴性杆菌性肺炎 (Gram-negative bacillary pneumonia) 多见于4 岁小儿 起病亚急性 全身中毒症状重,易并发脓胸、脑膜炎、 败血症、心包炎等 胸片多样化,可呈支气管肺炎,大叶性肺 炎或肺段实变改变,常伴胸腔积液征 外周血白细胞增高 4 、肺炎支原体肺炎 (mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia) 年长儿:亚急性起病 刺激性咳嗽突出, 肺部体征轻或无 婴幼儿:喘憋(wheezing) X 线表现:肺门影增浓 支肺炎改变 间质性肺炎改变 均一的实变影 5 、衣原体肺炎 沙眼衣原体肺炎 (chlamydia trachomatis pneumonia ) 多见于5 岁小儿 起病隐匿,无发热, 咳嗽可持续 12月, 两肺可闻干湿罗音 胸片为浸润病灶表现 一般治疗 病原治疗 抗生素原则(principle of antibiotic) 抗生素停药时间 抗病毒 (antivirus) Symptomatic measures : 氧疗(oxygen therapy): nasal tube,flux 0.5-1 liter/ min 保持呼吸道通畅:祛痰、解痉、雾化、 吸痰、补液 心衰治疗:镇静,给 O2 西地兰 2 岁 0.02-0.03 毫克/公斤 首剂半量,余量分 2 次, 4-6 h 酌情给 im 或 iv 利尿 血管活性药:酚妥拉明 abdomen distension:hypokalemia(低钾
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