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金融英语听说Unit 作者: 日期:Unit 5 Financial InstrumentsShort DialogsMultiple ChoiceScripts & AnswersDialog 1M: I dont know why the presentation of my check for payment is refused by the paying bank.W: Let me have a look. Oh, I see. Your check is written in lead pencil. It is not accepted by any bank. You should write it in ink.M: I see. Thank you very much.W: And your check has no signature by the writer. It is invalid, I think. It is a false check. Are you the named payee? Where did you get the check? You are kidding, arent you?M: Dont get mad, Im kidding. I only want to know how much youve learnt about a check.Question: What do you know about the check mentioned in the conversation? (C)译文 男: 我不知为什么付款行拒绝了我的支票提示付款。女: 我看看。哦,我知道了。您的支票是铅笔填写的。没有哪家银行会接受这种支票。您应该用钢笔填写支票。男: 我知道了。非常感谢。女: 还有,您的支票没有签发人的签名。这种支票是无效的。这是一张假支票。您是支票的收款人吗?你从哪里得到的这张支票?你在开玩笑,对吧?男: 别生气,我是开玩笑的。我只是想了解有关支票你知道多少。Dialog 2W: Did you hear about what happened to Mr. Williams last week?M: Yes, Ive heard it. Poor Williams. It is a great loss to him, anyway.W: Absolutely. 5,000 dollars is not a small amount of money. He should not have issued an open check payable to bearer. Anyone who got it would have the right to present it for payment to the paying bank. It is not the paying banks duty to verify the payees legal identity.M: He himself may be to blame for the loss.Question: What happened to Mr. Williams? (A)译文 女: 您听说了威廉姆斯先生上周的遭遇吗?男: 听说了。可怜的威廉姆斯。对他来说这可是个很大的损失。女: 确实是。5,000 美元可不是一个小数目。他不该签发普通支票给持有人。任何人得到这张支票,都可以到付款行兑现。付款行没有义务去确认收款人的身份是否合法。男: 只能是他自己承担这一损失。Dialog 3 W: Excuse me, Professor Chen. Could you tell me something about the special crossing? I dont understand it.M: No problem. The special crossing is the stamp of the name of the collecting bank on the face of a check, usually made by the collecting bank. The purpose is to inform the paying bank to credit the amount of the check only to the named banks account.W: So it acts as an order to the paying bank in the service of clean collection of some financial instruments. Thanks, Professor Chen. Ive got it now.M: You are welcome.Question: What will the paying bank do if there is a check with a special crossing on it? (B)译文 女: 打扰了,陈教授。您能告诉我什么是特别划线吗?我不懂这个。男: 没问题。特别划线是指盖在支票正面的有代收行名称的印章,通常是代收行盖的,其目的是通知付款行把支票金额付到划线指定的银行账户。女: 所以在金融工具的光票托收中,特别划线的作用就是给付款行付款指令。多谢,陈教授。我现在懂了。男: 不用谢。For Reference支票分普通支票(open check)和划线支票(crossed check)。普通支票可直接到付款行提示兑现。划线支票分为一般划线支票(general crossing)和特别划线支票(special crossing)。一般划线支票由持票人本人提示支票并请银行收款存入持票人的账户。特别划线支票是在平行线中写明具体代收银行的名称,表示该款项必须贷记到划线指定的银行账户。clean collection 光票托收,指委托银行从国外付款人处收取支票或汇票款项的业务,因为只涉及金融票据的收款,不涉及运输单据的交付,因此称为光票托收。Dialog 4 M: If a customer found his bankers draft lost, what should he do?W: He should report the loss to the drawer bank and the drawee bank as soon as possible.M: Will the draft be paid to the named payee after the loss is notified?W: It depends. If the draft is presented for payment, the drawee bank will verify the identity of the holder. If he is entitled to get the payment, the draft will be paid.Question: What will the drawee bank do after being informed of the loss of a draft? (C)译文 男: 如果客户发现他的银行汇票丢失,他应该做什么?女: 他应尽快通知出票行和受票行。男: 汇票挂失后,指定的收款人是否还可以拿到付款?女: 那要看情况。假如汇票提示付款,付款行会审核持票人的身份。如果他有权得到付款,付款行会付款给他。For Referencebe entitled to 有权Short Answer QuestionsScripts & AnswerDialog 1 W: Could you please tell me how to calculate the date of payment of an accepted draft?M: No problem. While a usance draft is accepted, the date of payment iscalculated by excluding the date of acceptance and by including the date of payment.W: All right. It means that we will completely ignore the date of acceptance in the calculation.Question: What is the date of payment if the bill is payable at 30 days after sight and it is accepted on July 7th?On August 6th.译文女: 你能告诉我怎样计算承兑汇票的付款日期吗?男: 没问题。假如一张远期汇票被承兑,付款日期的计算是除去承兑日,包含付款日。女: 知道了。就是说我们计算时可以不把承兑日计算在内。Dialog 2 M: Im told that a check is a special form of bill of exchange. Would you please tell me the difference between them?W: All right. A check is the same as a bill of exchange in the definition as an unconditional order in writing drawn by the drawer or writer to the drawee, and signed by the drawer, requiring the drawee to pay a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person or to the bearer. The difference is that the drawee of a check must always be a bank and it must be payable on demand. And the drawer of a draft may be a banker, an individual or an entity, and it would be payable on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time.M: So there is no usance check or tenor check but usance or tenor draft.Question: What is the difference between a check and a draf
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