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人教新目标八年级上册-课文填空练习-(全册) 作者: 日期:人教新目标八年级上册 课文填空练习 (全册)Unit 1 2b I _ ( arrive ) in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family. It _( be ) _( sun ) and hot, so we decided _( go ) to the beach near our hotel. My sister and I _( try ) paragliding . I _( feel ) I was a bird. It was so _ ( excited ) ! For lunch, we _( have ) something very special Malaysian yellow noodles. They _( be ) delicious! In the afternoon, we _( ride ) bicycles to Georgetown. There _( be ) a lot of new _( build ) now, but many of the old buildings _ ( be ) still there. In Weld Quay, a _( real ) old place in Georgetown , We _( see ) the _( house ) of the _( China ) traders from 100 years ago. I wonder what life _( be ) like here in the past . I really enjoyed _( walk ) around the town. What a _( different ) a day _( make )! My father and _( I ) decided _ ( go ) to Penang Hill today. We wanted _( walk ) up to the top, but then it _( start) _( rain ) a little so we _( decide ) to take the train. We _( wait ) for over an hour for the train because there _( be ) too many _( people ) . When we _ ( get ) to the top it _( rain ) really _( hard ). We _( have ) an umbrella so we _( be ) wet and cold. It was _( terribly)! And because of the bad weather , we _( can ) see _( something ) below. My father _( bring ) enough money, so we only _( have ) one bowl of rice and some _( fish ). The food _( taste ) great because I _( am ) so hungry!2e Today _( be ) a beautiful day. My father and I _( go ) to Penang Hill again, but this time we _( walk ) to the top. We _( start ) at 9:30 a.m and _( see ) lots of special Malaysian _(flower) along the way. About one hour _(late), we _( stop ) and _( drink ) some tea. Then we _( walk ) for another two hours before we _( get ) to the top. I _( be ) quite tired , but the city _( look ) wonderful from the top of the hill!Self Check Last August , our class _( do ) something very special on _( we ) school trip. We _( go ) to Mount Tai. We _( start) our trip at 12:00 at night. Everyone in our class _ ( take ) a bag with some _( food ) and water. After three hours , someone _( look ) at the map and _( find ) out we _( not be ) anywhere near the top. My legs _( be ) so tired that I _( want ) _( stop ). My classmates _( tell ) me _ ( keep ) _( go ) , so I _( go ) on . At 5:00 a.m , we _( get ) to the top! Everyone _( jump ) up and down in _ ( excite ) . Twenty minutes _( late ) , the sun _( start ) _ ( come ) up . It _ ( be ) so beautiful that we _( forget ) about the last five hours!Unit 2 2b Last month we _( ask ) our students about _( they ) free time _ ( activity) . Our _( question) were about exercise, use of the internet and _( watch ) TV. Here _( be ) the results.We _( find ) that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day. Forty- five percent exercise four to six _ ( time) a week. Twenty percent exercise only _( first ) to three times a week. And twenty percent _( do ) exercise at all.!We all know that many _( student ) often _( go ) online , but we were _( surprise ) that ninety percent of _( they ) use the Internet every day. The other ten percent use it at _( little ) three or four times a week. Most _( student ) use it for fun and not for homework.The answers to our questions about _( watch ) television _( be ) also _( interest ). Only two percent of the students watch TV one to three times a week . Thirteen percent watch TV four to six times a week . And eighty- five percent watch TV every day! _( although ) many students like to watch sports , game shows are the _( popular ).It is good _ ( relax ) by _( use ) the Internet or _( watch ) game shows , but we think the best way _ ( relax ) is through exercise . It is _( health) for the mind and the body. Exercise such as _ ( play ) sports is fun
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