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年级高一学科英语总课时 课题M1U3 Looking good, feeling good-project 第_课时 主备人审核人上课时间 锁定目标找准方向备注 1. To master the main idea of the passage. 2. To master the usage of some words and phrases. 3. To learn to make a booklet on keeping fit. 4. To improve students health consciousness. 自我构建快乐无限 独学 1). Read the article quickly and try to find out the main idea of each paragraph. Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4 Para. 5 Para. 6 2). Read the article again to get the main idea. 3). Healthy eating 1.Approximately _ of teenagers: going on a diet and skipping meals. 2. drinking _ of water a day regular exercise: at least _ a day _ a week having a good sleep: _of sleep each night 合作探究携手共进 对学 群学 展示 1. life-style n. way of life 生活方式 eg: He and his brother have quite different life-styles. _ 青少年的生活方式。 _ 2. energy 精力 , 精神 , 活力 , 物能量 a speech made with energy and emotion. 一个充满力量及激情的演说 Young people usually have more energy than the old. _ 这项目需要大量时间和精力 _ atomic energy 原子能 3. regular adj. 有规律的 ,定期的 有规律的习惯 _ a regular customer _ Johns our regular caller. _ regularly adv. 邮件每天早上8 点按时送到。 The post arrives regularly at eight every morning. 1). A new _ bus service to Tianjin Airport started to operate two months ago. (2007 天津) A. normal B. usual C. regular D. common 4. along with 与 一道prep. Along with the letters there are answers written by people who are supposed to know how to solve such problems. 与这些读者来信一起还刊登对这些问题的回答,由那些被认为能够解决这些问题 的人来撰写。 请和你的妻子一道来参加晚会好吗? _ in the long term 就长期而言 in the short term 就短期而言 就长期而言,这件事是值得做的。 _ 5. skip vt. 跳过 , 略过 We skipped science class again. 我们又一次逃了自然科学课 A newspaper reader can select what he is interested in and skip what he thinks is boring or irrelevant. _ 6. control vt. so _ my sister. _ 相关链接: 1).Neither/ Nor +助动词 /系动词 /情态动词 +主语表示上述否定情况也适用于该 句主语。 2).It is the same with + 名词 /代词宾格 So it is with +名词 /代词宾格 表示上述混合情况(肯定和否定的混合没有统一的助动词)也适用于该句主语。 3).So + 主语 + 助动词 /系动词 /情态动词表示对上述情况的赞同或证实,前后主 语一致。 4).主语 +动词 +so 主语做了前文所述的事情。 1. If Joe s wife won t go to the party, _.(2007 全国) A. he will either B. neither will he C. he neither will D. either he will 2. My room gets very cold at night. _. (2007 江苏) A. So is mine B. So mine is C. So does mine D. So mine does 拓展提升学以致用 10. concentrate v.集中 concentrate on/upon sth. 吵闹声不绝于耳,我精神无法集中于学习。 I can t concentrate on my studies with all that noise going on. 集中精神工作,否则你将被解雇。 Concentrate more on your work or you ll be dismissed! 11.a good amount of “许多,大量 ” ,修饰不可数名词。 1) a good / great many a large/ great / good number of a good few / quiet a few +可数名词复数(作主语时谓语动词用复数) 2) many a/ an +单数可数名词(作主语时,谓语动词用单数) 3) a great/ good deal of a good/ large amount of +不可数名词(作主语时,谓语动词用单数) 4) a lot of=lots of plenty of +可数名词复数或不可数名词(作主语时谓语动词根据名词确定) a large great quantity of large quantities of +可数名词复数 (作主语时谓语动词用复数)或不可数 (作主语时谓语动词由 quantity 的单复数决定) 反馈检测体验成功 Make a booklet. 我的收获
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