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祝您学习进步,生活愉快,万事如意,金榜题名!要相信一分耕耘一分收获,努力吧朋友! 祝您学习进步,生活愉快,万事如意,金榜题名!要相信一分耕耘一分收获,努力吧朋友 阅读提速练 ( 四) ( 建议用时: 40 分钟 ) 阅读理解 ( 共两节,满分40 分 ) 第一节 ( 共 15 小题;每小题2 分,满分30 分 ) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、 B 、C和 D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A (2017湖北黄冈高三质量检测) South Korea While many South Koreans prefer Western - style weddings in which the bride wears a white wedding dress, some couples are still carrying out the “ Pyebaek” a South Korean wedding custom. The Pyebaek is held after the official ceremony, and is when the bride pays respects to her parents-in-law for the first time.The new couple bow deeply before the parents, and they exchange jujube(枣) and chestnuts(栗子 ) symbols for children and good fortune. Sujean Park, HuffPost South Korea Japan For Japanese weddings, its customary for guests to bring cash as a gift for the new couples.The amount depends on the guests relationship to the couple on average, friends would give $300, and family members may give up to $1,000. The bills should be unfolded, freshly printed.Theyre typically put in a special envelope signed by the guest.Guests leave the envelopes at a reception desk at the ceremony and receive wedding favors in return. Ryan Takeshita, HuffPost Japan Brazil In Brazilian weddings, the best man cuts the grooms tie into several pieces and sells them to the wedding guests at whatever price they choose to pay for it.The money that s collected usually goes toward the couple s honeymoon. Brazilian weddings wouldn t be complete without pastries called “bem - casados ” , or “happily married ” These are tiny sweet cakes with a condensed milk( 炼乳 ) filling that are meant to bring good luck to the new couples. Andrea Martinelli, HuffPost Brazil 1In South Korean weddings,_ Aonly Western- style weddings are favored 祝您学习进步,生活愉快,万事如意,金榜题名!要相信一分耕耘一分收获,努力吧朋友! 祝您学习进步,生活愉快,万事如意,金榜题名!要相信一分耕耘一分收获,努力吧朋友 Bthe couple must both wear a white dress Cthe bride shows respects to her parents Dsome couples still observe their traditions 2When attending a Japanese friends wedding, youd better_ Afold the new bills in an envelope Bcontain $300 in a special envelope Ccarry an envelope with a letter as a gift Dgive more than $1,000 to the new couple 3Why do people make pastries in Brazilian weddings? ATo share the new couples stories. BTo raise money for the new couple. CTo show their excellent cooking skills. DTo express good wishes to the new couple. 4Whats the purpose of writing this text? ATo share some wedding customs around the world. BTo tell people how to make preparations for weddings. CTo show the different customs between different countries. DTo check how much you know about wedding customs. B (2017福建泉州检测) It was an old apartment building, in which many parts are made of wood.Regardless of the warning of firemen, the residents wouldnt move out because they were poor and had nowhere to go. One night, the building was on fire.The residents began to run for their lives.When half of the population had got themselves out, the wooden staircases broke down.The remaining residents rushed to the roof of the third floor, which had not been touched by the flames yet, waiting for the firemen to rescue them.Firemen did arrive in a short while.But the fire engines and ladders could not reach the building as the alley was too narrow to allow the passage.The situation was critical, since the fire might burn the roof at any moment.The firemen placed a few cushions on the floor, and got some quilts from the nearby houses to add to the pile.Then they asked the people on the burning building to jump on the pile after they had shown how.A man jumped down, bottom touching the pile, uninjured.Another person jumped down, uninjured.They jumped one after another, all safe. 祝您学习进步,生活愉快,万事如意,金榜题名!要相信一分耕耘一分收获,努力吧朋友! 祝您学习进步,生活愉快,万事如意,金榜题名!要相信一分耕耘一分收获,努力吧朋友 Finally, Singermary became the only remaining one on the roof, hesitating while the fire was swallowing the roof soon.People shouted, “Jump, jump !” Singermary jumped, but she jumped head down with open arms.People were amazed and greatly shocked.How could she do such a jump? It was a suicide gesture! Fortunately, the cushions were very thick.She did not die, but injured seriously, saying with what strength she got, “ Please take me to hospital!” She was pregnant, and she had jumped head down in order to keep the child safe.That was mothers love ! People were deeply moved. 5When did the wooden staircases break down? AAfter half of the residents ran out. BBefore the residents discovered the fire. CImmediately the firemen arrived. DThe moment the fire started. 6Why couldn t the firemen put out the fire? ABecause the cushions blocked the way. BBecause the fire engines were too old. CBecause the building was made of wood. DBecause the alley was not wide enough. 7Why did Singermary jump in a different way? ATo reduce the danger. BTo cover her fright. CTo protect her child. DTo shock her neighbors. 8
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