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八年级英语下册Unit5WhatwereyoudoingwhentherainstormcameSectionB1a_2b同步测试新版人教新目标版Section B (1a2b).根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1. When Rose _(认识到) her mistakes, she started to hate herself.2. It took Miss Jones twenty minutes to explain the two _(段落).3. Like other _(学生), Dave dislikes the uniform.4. There isnt any difference between the two _(塔).5. What was the _(日期) yesterday?.根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。recently, shock, complete, terrorist1. Many people think this event has something to do with those _.2. Everyone was _ when they heard the bad news.3. Hes a good boy. I trust him _.4. Jane _ borrowed some books from Bill.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。1.开始下雪时,我正在往学校赶。When it started to snow, I was _ _ _ to school.2.史密斯夫妇沉默无语地走了一会儿。The Smiths walked for a while _ _.3.你能帮我把这个帐篷拆了吗?Would you help me _ _ the tent?4.那是史上最严重的事故。That was the worst accident _ _.5.莫莉如此害怕以至于她都不能动了。Molly was _ _ _ she couldnt move.答案Section B (1a2b). 1. realized 2. passages 3. pupils / students 4. towers 5. date. 1. terrorists 2. shocked 3. completely 4. recently. 1. making my way 2. in silence 3. take down 4. in history 5. so scared / afraid that2
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