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八年级英语下册Unit1SpringIsComingLesson3SunIsRising同步练习(新版)冀教版Unit 1 Spring is comingLesson 3 The sun is rising.同步练习 阅读理解What a fine day! _1_ Can you feel the heat when you stand under the sun? The sun gives heat from very far away. _2_ The sun looks small because it is so far from us, but its really very huge. _3_ It takes one year for the earth to go around the sun, at the same time the earth itself is spinning (旋转) around once every twenty-four hours. _4_ It makes things grow. Plants, animals and people need the sun. _5_ 根据首字母填空1. Look! The sun is r_ in the east now.2. The sun is hot and the s_ on the ground is melting.3. Danny, please dont p_ flowers in the park.4. The weather becomes warmer and warmer when s_ comes.5. The wind b_ gently through eth trees. 填空1. The students walked out of the classroom one _ one.2. Whats the weather _ in spring in your hometown?3. Can you go to the park _ me, Li Ming?4. Danny rose _ the chair and walked towards the door.5. Jack ran _ the hall into the meeting room. 英汉互译1. 太阳已经升起来了。 The sun _ _ already.2. 什么会带来季节的变化? What can bring the _ _?3. 听!风在轻轻地吹。 Listen! The wind is _ _.4. 琳达喜欢听流行音乐。 Linda enjoys _ _ pop music.5. 春天,天变得越来越暖和了。 In spring, the weather is becoming _ _ _. 情景对话从A: Hi, Li Ming!B: Hi, Danny!A: Nice weather, (1) _ it?B: Yes, it is spring now. The weather is (2)_ warmer and warmer.A: Trees turn green and flowers blossom.B: Look at the people in the park. They are (3)_ exercise in the warm sun.A: (4)_ wonderful!B: Lets go and (5)_ them.A: OK. Lets go.答案和解析 阅读理解15 DAEBC 根据首字母填空1. rising 2. snow 3. pick 4. spring 5. blows 填空1. by 2. like 3. with 4. from 5. through 英汉互译1. has risen 2. seasons change 3. blowing gently 4. listening to 5. warmer and warmer1. isnt 2. becoming 3. taking 4. How 5. join4
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