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八年级英语下册Unit3AnimalsAreOurFriendsLesson16ThePearEscaped同步练习(新版)冀教版Unit 3 Animals are our friendsLesson 16 The bear escaped同步练习 根据汉语意思填空1. We are _ for Danny, but we cant find him.2. I have fed my pet dog, but I _. So I fed it again.3. There are no donuts today. You can eat some bread _.4. A fierce bear is coming here. Please _ yourself.5. Today is April Fools Day. And we can play _ on each other. 介词填空1. We are looking _ Danny, but we cant find him at all.2. Dont laugh _ them. You should help them.3. They waited _ Jenny at the gate of the zoo.4. Why are you so angry _ me?5. She wants to go to the zoo _ Saturday. 英汉互译1. 明天请早点儿把我叫醒。 Please _ _ _ early tomorrow.2. 看!地上躺着一只猫呢。 Look! There is a cat _ _ the ground.3. 他们在找李明,是吗? They are looking for Li Ming, _ _?4. 张平,你一定要保护好自己。 Zhang Ping, you must _ _ very well.5. 请给我一些面包圈好吗? Will you please give me _ _? 句型转换1. They walked to Danny quietly.(改为感叹句) _ _ they walked to Danny!2. She heard about the news on the radio.(改为否定句) She _ _ about the news on the radio.3. There are some bears in this zoo.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ bears in this zoo?4. The bear is coming to get his donuts.(对划线部分提问) _ _ the bear coming _ _?5. He wants to give him some donuts.(改为同义句) He _ _ to give him some donuts. 阅读理解从 Many people like to keep dogs as their pets. But do you know dogs were wild animals long, long ago The _1_ wild dogs were trained by _2_ in Europe about 10,000 years ago. These first “dogs” were not like _3_ we have now. They might have been small wolves. These dogs often came near human to _4_ food. Some of the young dogs were adopted (收养) by people. Human found the _5_ were a help to them in many ways. The dogs helped them to hunt. They could smell and hear danger _6_ people could. They helped people keep _7_ on cold nights. So it was _8_ to raise the dogs. Now, there are many different kinds of dogs _9_ they may look quite different from each other. Dog trainers think there are more than 400 different types in the world. The number keeps increasing with new kinds. Since those early days, human and dogs have always been together. We should _10_ them because they are really our friends.1. A. first B. lateC. last D. whole2. A. wolves B. catsC. humans D. students3. A. where B. whatC. when D. which4. A. steal B. wasteC. make D. serve5. A. rabbitsB. foxesC. wolvesD. dogs6. A. whenB. afterC. before D. as soon as7. A. cool B. warmC. hot D. cold8. A. hardB. uselessC. easilyD. useful9. A. so B. andC. from D. although10. A. hurtB. killC. protect D. see答案和解析 根据汉语意思填空1. looking 2. forgot 3. instead 4. protect 5. jokes 介词填空1. for 2. at 3. for 4. with 5. on 英汉互译1. wake me up 2. lying on 3. arent they 4. protect yourself 5. some donuts 句型转换1. How quietly 2. didnt hear 3. Are there any 4. What is, to do 5. would like从15 ACBAD 610 CBDBC5
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