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Parallels between Biology & Social Development,by Garry Jacobs The Mothers Service Society Pondicherry,Theme of the General Assembly,Relationship between humanity, the physical environment and biosphere,Requires a knowledge of,Physical processes influencing relationships & interdependences within and between species Biological processes governing interactions between living species and their environment Principles governing the dynamics and balancing of ecosystems Principles governing the evolution of individual species Processes governing the interactions between humanity, the physical environment & the biosphere Processes governing the human ecosystem which interacts with the physical and biological ecosystem of earth Processes governing social interactions between human beings within the human ecosystem,Human ecosystem consists of,The individual members of our species The social collectives, systems and organizations through which it operates Common laws or principles governing the growth, development and evolution of society in all fields,Hypothesis,Similar principles are valid in biology and society These principles are applicable to all fields of life and all the social sciences The same principles are applicable to Individual Organizations Societies,Energy,Biological Food Chain,Ecology describes the cyclic processes known as the food chain by which Inorganic energy is absorbed by lower life forms Serves as fuel for the survival, growth and development of higher order organisms Recycles as nutrients Surplus of energy in organic form is the essential basis for growth and flourishing of life.,Social Energy,Growth and development of human society is also governed by energy cycles Accumulation of surplus social energy is the fuel for new patterns of behavior and higher order social formations,Social energy expresses in,Olympics: Mass enthusiasm over Olympics Markets: fervor of competition Urban Intensity: New York City Financial panics: Crisis becomes an epidemic Elections: contention of political parties Social Networking: MySpace, Facebook, etc. Terrorism: fear & outrage at a bomb blast Fashion: craving for the latest fashion War: Massive mobilizations for war,Energy Conservation vs. Creation,Physical Energy Biological systems appear to be wholly dependent on physical sources of energy which are finite and fixed in quantity. Social Energy Energy that governs the development of the collective is psychological energy. Expression of individual & collective psychology. Generated by the mindby ideas, aspirations, ideals, values, attitudes, emotion and desire Released by imitation & contagion, endorsed & multiplied by society,Evolution vs. Entropy,Evolution of the universe created material forms Energy Elements & Molecules Physical ecosystem is slowly running down hill Matter Energy Biological systems continuously evolve Organic Energy Biological Forms Social ecosystem is constantly rising in energy as Social Energy Social forms (organization) Population from 10M to 7B in 10,000 years Communication & transportation Higher levels of education release energy,Limits to social energy?,No reason or evidence of limits. Mind, imagination and creativity are not subject to limits. It rises in on a logarithmic scale from Inertia & unconsciousness dynamic enthusiasm & expanding consciousness.,Individual & Organization,Role of the Individual,Neo-Darwinism Mutation new characteristics with adaptive advantage in individual member of the species. Replication of characteristics evolution of the species Role of Pioneers in Social Development Individual represents the collective, acts on its strength Individual conscious modifications new behavior Collective adopts replicates organizes new patterns in the society as a whole.,Destiny of the individual,What does this tell us about the direction and process of social evolution? In biology, the individual is an unconscious medium for genetic transmission In society the individual has the potential to consciously evolve new characteristics One implication - speed of social development is not limited to generational mutations.,Organization in Nature,Biological form is an organization Evolution more complex, adaptive forms Environment (Nature) as a whole is an organization = web of life Organization of interdependent species and processes determines the behavior of individual life forms & species within the wider environment.,Human Organization,Human society = web of relationships Multidimensional organization of human beings and human activities that determines the behavior and development of individuals and subgroups within the social collective. Organization harnesses the available energy and converts it into higher order results. Development is largely a result of the progressive release of greater amounts of energy and their increasing organization.,Social Organizations,Language Military Government Transportation Law Markets Money Communication & Media Education Internet,Evol
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