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北京市101中学高三英语3月月考试题北京101中学2018届下学期高三年级3月月考英语试卷本试卷总分120分,考试时间100分钟。第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。1. There is still a copy of the book in the library. Will you go and borrow_? No, Id rather buy _ in the bookstore.A. one; one B. it; one C. one; it D. it; it2. I think John will make a good monitor, _ Id like to vote for him.A. but B. so C. or D. for3. _colorful charts and graphs, he loaded a new software to help him.A. Create B. Created C. Creating D. To create4. Mum, wheres my packed lunch? In the kitchen. I _ you two sandwiches.A. make B. am making C. have made D. will make5. Jackson is cheerful about his life _ he is suffering from cancer.A. even if B. as long as C. as if D. ever since6. _ people food, housing and jobs is what a government should first consider after a natural disaster happens.A. Offered B. Offering C. Offer D. Being offered7. Mike, did you see Mr. Chapman in the office just now? Yes, he _, and he looked a little bit nervous.A. had interviewed B. was interviewedC. was being interviewed D. is being interviewing8. The young lady, _ several attempts to fix her cell phone, decided to have another try.A. making B. to have made C. having made D. made9. That must have been a terrible experience.Yeah. I_ in the damaged car, unable to move.A. was stuck B. have been stuck C. am stuck D. had been stuck10. The word media basically refers to _ we commonly call newspapers, magazines, radios and televisions.A. which B. that C. what D. where11. Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from _ effects the people are still suffering.A. that B. whose C. those D. what12. The writer has won the hearts of millions of children with the rich stories _ from her childhood memories.A. drawing B. to draw C. draw D. drawn13. But for your error, it _ easier for you to pass the driving test. After all, you had highquality training.A. must have been B. should be C. might have been D. could be14. Can I pay the bill by cheek? Sorry, sir. But it is the rules of our hotel that payment _ be made in cash.A. can B. will C. shall D. need15. Just hang the towel _ the back of the chair so that it will dry soon.A. over B. behind C. with D. from第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。The DoormanOn a trip to California, my family stopped for lunch. As we walked toward the entrance to the restaurant, a man, with a 16 beard and dirty hair, jumped up from a bench and opened the door for us. Regardless of his 17 , he greeted us in a friendly way. Once inside, my daughters whispered, Mom, he 18 . After we ordered our lunch, I explained, telling the kids to look 19 the dirt. We then watched other customers approach the restaurant but many 20 him. Seeing this rudeness truly upset me. The day I became a mother, I had resolved to set a good 21 for my children. Yet sometimes when things didnt go right, being a good example was 22 . When our meal arrived, I realized I had left the carsick pills in the truck. With the windiest trip ahead, the kids needed them, so I 23 myself from the meal and went for them.Just then, the doorman was opening the door for a couple. They rushed past him without even acknowledging his 24 Letting them in first, I said a loud thank you to him as I 25 .When I returned, we talked a bit. He said he was not allowed inside 26 he purchased food. I went back and told my family his 27 . Then I asked our waitress to add one soup and sandwich. The kids looked 28 as we had already eaten, but when I said the order was for the doorman, they smiled. When it was time to 29 our trip, I noticed the doorman enjoying his meal. Upon seeing me, he stood up and thanked me heartily. He then 30 his hand for a handshake and I gratefully accepted. I suddenly noticed his tears in eyestears of 31 .What happened next drew great astonishment: I gave the doorman a 32 ! He pulled away, with tears 33 down his face.Back in truck, I fell into deep thought. While we cant choose many things in life, we can choose when to show gratitude. I said thanks to a man who had 34 held open a door for me, and also said thanks for that 35 to teach my children by example.16. A. heavy B. long C. messy D. grey17. A. service B. appearance C. status D. attitude18. A. smokes B. smiles C. sniffs D. smells1
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