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一,二,三,四,一、从短文中找出与下列汉语对应的短语 1.在的边缘 2.绕圈 3.快速地 4.跳进,跳入 5.被覆盖 6.朝的方向 7.被绑/系在上 8.最后 9.接载 10.突然,on the edge of,go round and round,at great speed,dive into,be covered with,in the direction of,be tied to,in the end,pick up,all at once,一,二,三,四,二、根据所描述的使用情境及首字母提示填写单词 1.You can call something h when it causes you to feel fear or shock,etc. 2.Something that f lies on or just below the surface of a liquid when it is put in it and does not sink. 3.If something t you,it makes you feel extremely frightened. 4.If you e from a place,you succeed in getting away from it. 5.If something or someone s,it continues to exist even after being in a dangerous situation or existing for a long time. 6.When you r from an illness or an injury,you become well again.,horrible,floats,terrifies,escape,survives,recover,一,二,三,四,7.When someone s,he makes a very loud cry,for example because he is in pain or is very frightened. 8.If a boat s,it disappears below the surface of water. 9.If you r someone or something,you know who that person is or what that thing is. 10.The o of someone or something is the person or thing that is most different from them.,screams,sinks,recognise,opposite,一,二,三,四,三、阅读课文,选择正确答案 1.What did the writer and his two brothers do when they were caught in the storm? A.They were fishing. B.They were playing on the islands. C.They were returning home. D.They were swimming in the sea. 2.What made the brothers go in the direction of the whirlpool? A.The wind and wave. B.The brothers themselves. C.Nothing. D.The God.,C,A,一,二,三,四,3.“It” at the beginning of Part A refers to . A.that the brothers were on the edge of the whirlpool B.that the brothers were in a terrible storm on their way home C.that the brothers were going in the direction of the whirlpool D.that the writer felt calmer at that moment 4.The writer tied himself to a barrel . A.to make himself heavier B.to help himself float C.to make himself smaller D.to make himself lighter 5.How can we describe the story? A.Sad.B.Interesting. C.Moving.D.Surprising.,D,B,A,一,二,三,四,四、根据课文内容填空 It may seem 1.s,when we were on the 2.e of the whirlpool,I felt calmer than when we were moving towards it.Suddenly,we went over the edge.I thought my life was 3.o.The boat was on the inside of the huge 4.w and we were going round in circles 5.a great speed.I saw clearly that there were other objects in the whirlpool.My brother was 6.t and stayed in the heavy boat.7.W waiting,I 8.d into the sea to try and 9.e. I did escape at last.Some time after I left the boat,with my brother in it,it 10.s into the bottom of the whirlpool.The sky was clear,the wind 11.c and the moon was 12.s.In the end,a boat 13.p me up.I got safe.,strange,edge,over,whirlpool,at,terrified,without,dived,escape,sank,calmer,shining,picked,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1.We went round and round,nearer and nearer to the horrible edge of the whirlpool. 我们旋转着,越来越靠近那个恐怖的漩涡的边缘。 考点horrible adj. 可怕的;令人厌恶的 The hot weather has been really horrible all these days. 这些天的高温天气真是可怕。 I shouldnt have watched that movieitll give me horrible dreams. 我不该看那部电影它会让我做噩梦的。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,考点延伸 (1)阅读下面的句子,体会horrible的含义。 I have a horrible feeling that were going to miss the flight. 我有一种不好的感觉我们要错过航班了。 含义:不好的;不快的 Why are you so horrible to me?你为什么对我那么无礼? 含义:无礼的,粗鲁的,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,(2)阅读下面的句子,体会黑体词的词性和含义。 Henry was horrified by what had happened. 亨利被所发生的事情吓坏了。 词性:动词含义:使恐惧 You should have seen the look of horror on his face. 你该注意到他脸上的恐惧神色。 词性:名词含义:恐惧;恐怖,活学活用用horrible,horrify及horror完成下面的句子 (1)Im trying to overcome my of insects. (2)I was to hear that news. (3)The weather has been really all day.,horror,horrified,horribl,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,2.I tried to make my brother understand,but he was terrified and stayed in the heavy boat. 我努力让我的哥哥明白这一点,但他十分恐惧,呆坐在沉重的木船里。 剖析 这是but连接的并列句,前一个分句中包含两个不定式:to make.作tried的宾语;understand作make的宾语补足语。 考点terrify vt. 令人感到恐惧 It terrified him to think that he would have to stand up in front of a class and teach them something. 想到要站在学生们面前并教他们些什么就让他感到害怕。 They terrified her into handing over the key to the safe. 他们恐吓她,让她交出了保险柜的钥匙。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,考点延伸 与terrify相关的分词形式的形容词: (1)terrified adj. 很害怕的,极度惊慌的 She was absolutely terrified at the thought of jumping off the bridge. 她着实被从桥上跳下去的想法吓了一跳。 Mice are naturally terrified of cats,and usually panic or flee at the smell of one. 老鼠天生怕猫,通常一闻到猫的气味就惊慌失措或逃跑。 归纳:be terrified at意为“被吓一跳”;be terrified of意为“对/因感到恐惧”。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,(2)terrifying adj. 可怕的 The steep hills were very scary to climb up and even more terrifying to come down. 攀爬陡峭的山坡确实令人恐惧,而下山则更令人胆战心惊。 You might think that jumping out of a plane is exciting,but when you do it for real,its terrifying. 你可能会认为从飞机上跳下来很刺激,但是真要跳时还是挺可怕的。,活学活用用terrify的正确形式填空 (1)This movie is and very funny. (2)He looked so that I thought hed seen a ghost.,terrifying,terrified,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,3.Without waiting,I dived into the sea to try and escape. 我毫不犹豫地跳进了海里,设法逃生。 考点一escape vi. 逃脱,逃跑 He tried to escape,which was found impossible at last. 他企图逃跑,结果发现不可能。 She longed to escape from her mothers domination
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