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农场英语名词2008 作者: 日期:45%石硫合剂结晶45% of the lime sulfurslf crystallization,krstlazen 波美度 Baume,bme degrees 捆、束bundlebndl 托盘 traytre 养蚕 raiserez silkworm 蚕silkworm 蚕箔,蚕薄a bamboo,bmbu (or reed) tray for raising silkworms养蚕用的平底竹编器具 蚕蔟a small bundle of strawstr for silkworms to spin cocoon on or make cocoons 供蚕作茧的草蔟,即“蚕山” 粪便、排泄物excrement kskrmnt蚕沙silkworm excrement 家蚕粪,黑色,形同沙粒,干透后可作为枕头的装料或入药 消毒disinfect dsnfkt vt. 将消毒蚕丝naturalntrl silk 家蚕为结茧而吐的丝,可用来纺织绸缎 蚕蚁newly-hatched silkworm 刚孵化hatch ht的蚕,体小而黑,形如蚁蚕蛹silkworm pupa pjup;silkworm chrysaliskrsls 蚕蛾的蛹蚕纸paper on which the silkworm moth has deposited its eggs 蚕蛾在其上产了卵的纸 蚕蛾mothm dormancy drmnsi n. 生物 休眠,冬眠;生物 蛰伏蚕子,蚕种silkworms eggs 蚕蛾产的卵蚕眠inactiveness of silkworms before they shed their skin; dormancy of silkworm 蚕蜕皮前不动不食的状态。俗称眠。六、七日眠一次,经四眠后蜕皮即上簇结茧桐tung t 油桐树tung tree 桐油tung oil 柚子树grapefruit 枇杷loquat 化蛹pupate pjupet 动成虫imago (imagines) 蛾,蛾子moth 蚕蛾silkworm moth 杀虫剂insecticide; insect poison; biocide pesticide rodenticide n. 杀鼠剂,啮齿类毒杀剂,杀啮齿类的biocide n. 除污底毒剂,杀生物剂 n. 除污底毒剂,杀生物剂 n. 杀行剂 n. 杀菌剂 n. 杀生物剂,毒剂n. 抗微生物剂,杀虫剂 n. 杀生物剂,生物杀伤剂 植物保护protect 公顷hektare ha. 区域area region转换transform change 害虫pest 昆虫insect hexapod 操作便道 work road 公里kilometer 社会 society 经济economic 生态ecology 效益benefit 消毒disinfection 规模scale 平方米square meter 合同contract 联系contact 支持supportant蚂蚁 queen ant蚁后 male ant雄蚁 termite蚁 white ant白蚁 worker ant工蚁 bee, honeybees蜜蜂 bumble bee大黄蜂 drone雄蜂 queen bee蜂王 wasp黄蜂, 胡蜂 beetle甲虫, 金龟子 Japanese beetle日本金龟子 fly苍蝇 horsefly, gadfly厩蝇,牛虻 flea跳蚤 silverfish 蠹虫 louse, lice虱子, 白虱 spider蜘蛛 mosquito蚊 anopheles按蚊,疟蚊 wiggler孑孓 ladybird 瓢虫 glowworm, firefly 萤火虫 cicada 蝉dragonfly 蜻蜓 cricket蟋蟀 locust蝗虫 grasshopper 蚱蜢 praying mantis螳螂 caterpillar毛虫 centipede 蜈蚣 butterfly蝴蝶 sulphur butterfly白蝴蝶 cabbage butterfly 纹白蝶 pale clouded yellow纹黄蝶 swallowtail凤尾蝶 moth蛾 silkworm moth蚕蛾 bedbug, bug臭虫 stink bug椿象 cockroach蟑螂 scorpion 蝎子 Lime Sulphur石硫合剂 land tenure 土地所有制 tenancy, leasing, lease 租佃 land settlement policy 殖民政策,移民政策land consolidation 土地集约 to cultivate, to farm 耕作 to till, to manage, to run 经营 reaping 收割dry farming 旱作农业 irrigated farming 灌溉农业 extensive cultivation 粗放耕作 picking 采摘intensive cultivation 集约耕作 crop rotation 轮作 mixed farming 多种经营 threshing 脱粒single-crop farming 单一经营 to clear 采伐 to weed 除草 to plough 犁,耕 (美作:to plow)ploughing 耕作 (美作:plowing) to fallow, to plough up, to turn 休闲 to loosen 松土 to dig 挖掘to earth up 覆土 to harrow, to rake 耙 to grow 栽培 to plant 栽植 to ensile, to pit 青贮to transplant, to plant out 移植 seed 种子 to sow 播种 broadcasting, broadcast sowing 撒播to stake 支木柱 stake 支柱 to prune 修剪,整枝 pruning 修剪,整枝 to graft 嫁接to harvest 收获 harvest, harvesting 收获 to pick 采摘 to cut, to mow 刈割 cutting, mowing 刈割 to thresh 脱粒 haymaking 割晒牧草 to bind(into sheaves) 捆,扎 soil improvement, soil dressing 土壤改良 land reclamation 开垦荒地 manure 肥料irrigation ditch, irrigation channel 灌渠 to manure 施肥 fertilizer 化学肥料 to fertilize 施化肥spreading 撒布 to fumigate 熏蒸 to spray 喷射 insecticide 杀虫剂 pesticide 农药weed killer, herbicide 除草剂 pest 农业害虫 parasite 寄生虫 locust 蝗虫termite 白蚁 rodent 啮齿类 weeds 杂草 rust 锈病 mildew 霉病 小蚕共育室cooperative rearing room of young silkworm
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