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高考英语完形填空模拟训练-新冠Chinese netizens, who had to _1_indoors for days to combat the ongoing _2_ of the novel coronavirus related pneumonia, began to _3_their wish lists of things they would do immediately after the epidemic_4_.Among the 24,000 participants from all over the country, nearly half said they would love to meet their loved ones, and _5_ 10,000 said they would go out shopping or go to a movie theater and eat hotpot, according to a popular online surveys under the topic what you want to do most after the epidemic_6_ on Chinese Twitter-like platform Sina Weibo on Sunday.I really need to hit the gym. I have spent days at home doing _7_but eating and watching TV shows on the couch between sleeps, some vowed online._8_also showed that many wanted simply to resume their old_9_ .I would love to go back to my university to work on my dissertation, to make sure I can _10_on time, wrote one. I want to work and make money, so I can buy myself a house, wrote another.The epidemic outbreak had _11_304 lives as of Sunday morning. Under similar discussion_12_ , many netizens made more profound reflections on life and_13_ in the aftermath of the outbreak. If we can_14_ the disaster, lets remember not to devour wild_15_. And if medical workers can save us from the disease, lets learn to respect their lives and to treat them with_16_ , one netizen wrote. Even after the disease, we should develop habits of washing hands properly and _17_, and of wearing masks in crowded _18_places, another _19_.Some also said they would love to reschedule their family gathering for the Chinese New Year, as many who were fighting _20_the epidemic in frontline areas had been unable to make it this year.1. A. go B. stay C. sit D. sleep2. A. appearance B. outbreakC. emergence D. experiment3. A. read B. watchC. share D. dream4. A. die away B. give awayC. turn away D. goes away5. A. another B. otherC. the other D. others6. A. launched B. forbadeC. guided D. mixed7. A. anything B. nothingC. something D. anyone8. A. Agreements B. OccasionsC. Comments D. Applications9. A. routines B. tripsC. expressions D. trouble10. A. contact B. graduateC. disturb D. project11. A. left B. observedC. refused D. claimed12. A. topics B. conclusionsC. reasons D. purposes13. A. school B. societyC. education D. home14. A. enjoy B. acquireC. add D. survive15. A. animals B. plantsC. desert D. stones16A.selflessness B. atmosphereC. kindness D. greedy17. A. fluently B. frequentlyC. additionally D. hardly18. A. obvious B. easyC. open D. public19. A. proposed B. quarreledC. criticized D. finished20. A. with B. against C. for D. to答案 ;BBCDA ABCAB DABDA CBDAB赠:路痴Donny: Hey琼燕! You went hiking over the weekend, right? How was it?QY: The view was breathtaking! 我跟朋友去了一个国家公园,可气的是,我们都是路痴,走错了好几回,1个小时的路足足走了3个小时!Im such a road idiot.Donny: Road idiot? (诡异的笑) Thats not how we say it! You can say, I have no sense of direction.QY: 哦,direction 是方向,所以No sense of direction就是没有方向感 - 路痴啦!Donny: Right! People with no sense of direction can easily get lost. 路痴经常迷路。QY: 这说的不就是我么?下礼拜我们要开车去南京,一定又会迷路.哎,Donny, 你原来是不是在南京住过?Donny: Yep! I lived in Nanjing for 3 years. I know that citylike the back of my hand.QY: Like the back of your hand? 了如指掌?Donny: Exactly! It basically means that I know Nanjing really well. You can also say: I know every nook and cranny of Nanjing.QY: Wait!Every nook and cranny? nook 一定是 n-o-o-k, 那 cranny 要怎么拼呢?Donny: Cranny is spelled c-r-a-n-n-y. When people say every nook and cranny, theyre talking about every tiny corner and out-of-the-way place.QY: 我明白了, every nook and cranny 就是所有边边角角,犄角旮旯。对了,既然你对南京这么熟,你一定要跟我们去!这样我们就不会走丢了。Donny: Sure! Id love to go back! Now lets see what youve learned today!QY: 第一:形容路痴可以说:somebody has no sense of direction;第二,对一个地方了如直掌,是know somewhere like the back of ones hand;也可以说know every nook and cranny of a place.
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