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精品资料推荐摘要物联网,简而言之就是连接物品的网络,它是互联网的应用扩展和延伸。主要是利用各种传感设备和通讯手段,将M2M(即人与人、人与物、物与物)与互联网相连接,实现智能化的识别、定位、跟踪、远程监控和管理的一种网络。它是整合信息管理技术变革和促进信息产业的开端和基石,被称为继计算机、互联网之后世界信息产业发展的第三次浪潮。物联网就是通常我们说的在应用智能化感知、识别技术、普适计算、泛在网络(Ubiquitous Network)的基础上将人与物、人与人、物与物联系起来的一种中介。在我们平时能够看到并感觉到的世界里,“物”是普遍存在的并不断变化的个体,“物”与“物”之间的联系,必然“联”到“网”中来,这里所说的“物”是感知末梢的传感器设备、接收感知信息的智能终端或者人。而网关就是我们平时所说的网络层上的协议转换器,它具有高效率、实时响应、高可靠性、低功耗、抗干扰能力强等特点,利用其特点有效的融合了基础通信网与无线传感器网络,这些优势使得传统的智能家居的区域监控发生了翻天覆地的产业变革,即把监控区域中的设备和无线方式有机组合,这样就可以实现一个能够全面感知与管理的系统。本文全面介绍了物联网智能网关的总体设计思路以及各个分模块的实现过程,并对整个设计中用到的物联网关键技术ZigBee及其协议栈Z-Stack作了概括介绍,同时对网关的软硬件设计、实现及测试也作了较为清晰明了的介绍与分析。以设计实现智能家居系统中的近程控制系统为例,根据物联网的原理、概念、应用,设计一个功耗低、成本少的物联网服务网关。而低成本、低功耗也是该控制系统的重点和难点所在。本文即是重点论述该网关是怎么实现的、较传统网关有什么优势、该网关的应用意义等方面。首先要实现互联网的扩展和延伸,即是将基于TCP/IP协议的Internet与基于ZigBee协议的无线传感器网络相连接。在硬件设计上,利用高性能的ARM9系列的smart210微处理器作为主控芯片,外接一个网卡PHY芯片,通过串行通信实现与传感网协调器的通信。接着就是为了实现无线传感网的监控,这就需要利用WEB远程登陆到ARM网关服务器。在软件方面,为了使程序看起来有层次感,模块化,在代码设计方面力求简单明了。最后利用嵌入式操作系统Ubuntu实现资源的管理和调度,借助通信协议栈实现TCP/IP与网络的互联。本文的独特之处在于实现:嵌入式超文本服务器端、近程控制终端与WSN协调器三者数据同步。应用ZigBee协议栈实现了数据的无线传输,实时监测并显示室内温度与系统IP。关键词:物联网;服务网关;WSN;ZigBee;嵌入式系统The design of IOT Smart Gateway Based on LoongsonAbstract:Just as its name implies,the Internet of things is the connection of network and objects.It is the application extension of the Internet. It connects the M2M ( people and people,people and things, things and things) to the Internet through a variety of sensing equipments and a variety of means of communication, so that realize the intelligent identification, location, tracking and remote monitoring and management of a network.As a key roleof a new generation of IT and new technology revolution, it is thebeginning and foundation to promote the technological change which includes integration of the information industry and information management .We also call it “the third wave of world information industry development”.The Internet of things is a kind of mediation to link people with things,people with people,things with things on the basic of application of intelligent perception, recognition technology and pervasive computing, Ubiquitous Network (Ubiquitous Network) .In the macroscopic world things have the nature of ubiquity, diversity and mutability. The things can be as the sensor of nerve endings, or the smart terminals or the people.And gateway is a protocol converter based on the network layer , It has the ability of high efficiency、real-time response、 high reliability、low power consumption and strong anti-interference ability,This makes the better connection of basic communication network and the wireless sensor network .It also brings new industry opportunities to the traditional areas such as smart home monitoring .By this ,we can monitor equipment through wireless way of the area of the organic combination, so as to realize a comprehensive perception and complete management system.In this paper, we discusses the gateway system, the design and implementation of the key technology of Internet of things application, gateway layer and the hardware and software of the system design scheme of home automation systematically.As an example to realize the remote and close range control system of smart home system, starting from the concept of Internet of things, It is the most important and the most difficult of the control system to design a low power consumption, low cost of Internet service gateway .This paper is focus on how the gateway work, what advantages it have than traditional gateway, the gateway application significance and so on.The most important step isto realize the expansion and extension of the Internet, that is, the Internet based on TCP/IP protocol will be connected to wireless sensor network based on ZigBee protocol.On the hardware design, we use ARM9 series smart210 microprocessor as the master control chip, external a PHY chip, Then realize the communication with sensing network communications coordinator through serial communication. Remote login to ARM gateway server.Followed by,in order to realize the monitoring of wireless sensor network, which requires using remote login to ARM gateway WEB server.On the designer of software , to increase the system application flexibility,we put forward a hierarchical, modular design thought. Using Ubuntu embedded operating system for resource management and scheduling and with the help of a communication protocol stack ,we realize TCP/IP and network interconnection.This article is unique inachieving the data synchronization among the embedded Web server-side, short-range control terminals the WSN gateway.The system achieved the wireless transmission of data based on ZigBee protocol stack, realized the real-time monitoring of indoor temperature and system IP.Key Words: The Internet of Things; service gateway; Wireless sensor networks; ZigBee; Embedded system目录第一章前言 11.1课题研究的背景与意义 11.2国内外研究现状 21.3论文内容与结构 3第二章系统总体设计与相关技术分析 52.1物
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