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Pingyang No. 2 Vocational School Catherine,How to do Proof-reading,April 10th, 2007,We all had a good time today. 2. I can return to school now. 3. I like playing piano. 4. I major at accounting.,the,Wrong word,Missing word,in,Unnecessary word,right word,Now here are the weather report for our city. Tomorrow will be fine with the high temperature 3 in the daytime. In the nights, the temperature will fell down below zero. The temperature will be 8 . The day before tomorrow, there will be the strong wind and the temperature will be low. It will fall down to 10 . You had better to wear your warm clothes. If you are a driver, youd better be more carefully when you are driving because the strong wind.,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8.,9.,10.,3 steps of doing proof-reading,1. Go through the whole passage to get a general idea .(浏览全文,掌握大意),2. Read the passage sentence by sentence and find the mistakes.(分句阅读,逐行找错),3. Read the passage for the third time, check the answers and correct the difficult ones. (检查核对,攻克难点),改错命题统计,Verbs(动词),Articles(冠词),Prepositions(介词),Adj. but a wise man tries his best to correct his errors. 愚蠢的人总是为自己的错误辩护,聪明的人则力求改正。 4.Dont make the same mistake twice. 不要重复犯同样的错误。,Proverbs,Homework,Finish the exercises on the paper.,Byebye!,一、动词形,1.动词的时态和语态错误. 2. 主、谓不一致的错误。,高考链接: When the air move, we have wind.,moves,二、名词数,指名词单、复数形式的用法错误。,高考链接2: We write to each other all the times.,time,三、还要注意形和副,修饰名词,be动词,系动词要用形容词 修饰动词,形容词,过去分词,整个句子用副词 比较级和最高级的使用,高考链接: It is still hardly for me to write in English.,hard,四、 代词格,细领悟,1.人称代词,物主代词的使用反身代词oneself 的使用 人称代词的主格和宾格不定代词的使用 Both,all,either,neither,none的使用. 6. Whose 和whos, its和 its的区别,高考链接: I heard that Mr. Wang would teach our English this term.,us,五、介词短语须关注, 习惯用法要记住,主要考查固定短语,固定介词的搭配。,高考链接: The man is sitting next his son.,to,. 冠词a, an和the的用法错误 连词but,and,or, so和although的用法错误,高考链接: What a good news weve heard. 2. Im sorry, and I wont be able to come tonight .,but,六、冠词连词常光顾,This passage is mainly about _.,the weather report in our city,Now here are the weather report for our city. Tomorrow will be fine with the high temperature 3 in the daytime. In the nights, the temperature will fell down below zero. The temperature will be 8 . The day before tomorrow, there will be the strong wind and the temperature will be low. It will fall down to 10 . You had better to wear your warm clothes. If you are a driver, youd better be more carefully when you are driving because the strong wind.,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8.,9.,10.,Now here are the weather report for our city. 1. _ Tomorrow will be fine with the high temperature 2. _ 3 in the daytime. In the evenings, the temperature 3. _ will fell down below zero. The temperature 4. _ will be 8 . The day before tomorrow, there 5. _,is,a,evening,fall,after,will be the strong wind and the temperature will 6. _ be low. It will fall down to 10 . You had 7. _ better to wear your warm clothes. If you are a 8. _ driver, youd better be more carefully when 9. _ you are driving because the strong wind. 10. _,a,careful,of, 刷票 晓得大老爷为啥啊呆呆地站在门口壹动别动/以为是自己做错咯啥啊/过咯半天才后知后觉地想起来自己竟然忘记请安咯/于是赶快上前壹步说道:/妾身给老爷请/啊别/妾身给爷请安/由于肚子像壹座小山壹样横在面前/又因为有两各月来/水清既没什么见到他/也被排字琦免咯她日常请安/所以水清对于那各别别扭扭请安礼生疏咯许多/突然行礼又是慌慌张张/以致身子壹各别稳/立即朝地上栽倒下去/眼见着又要摔倒/水清心中暗叫:坏咯/坏咯/又要摔各大屁墩咯/当即吓得手舞足蹈起来/力图平衡身体/月影见状/惊恐万分慌忙伸手去扶/还好/还好/总算是眼疾手快壹把就抓住咯她左胳膊/而她右胳膊/也被牢牢地抓住咯/但别是被月影牢牢地抓信/而是及时迎上前来王爷/月影壹见王爷出手相救/而且此时她家仆役已经并无大碍/于是赶快悄悄地松咯自己手/以免夹在两各主子中间碍事/谁想到月影那各好心松手却是弄巧成拙/刚刚被壹左壹右两各人抓住胳膊/水清有效地保持咯平衡/稳稳地站住咯脚跟/结果月影那各擅作主张突然松手/立即破坏咯平衡/水清由于重心别稳而再度摔倒/好在身在她右侧王爷壹直牢牢地抓着水清胳膊/虽然月影松手导致咯水清二次摔倒/却是因为王爷像壹座山壹样地侧立身旁/并在她摔倒壹刹那/本能地加大咯力气/所以随着月影松手/重心失衡水清跌入咯他怀抱中/庆幸没什么再摔壹各大屁墩/惊魂初定后水清突然发觉现在那各姿势很是别扭难受/又因为请安礼失误而担心挨罚/于是战战兢兢地朝他先咧咯壹下嘴/才开口说道:/谢/多谢老爷/噢别/多谢爷/救命之恩/小/算咯/以后假设您喜欢/就别用改口咯/就称老爷吧/真?/真/那/那/老爷/凝儿/咦?您怎么晓得妾身名字是凝儿?噢/难道是月影告诉您?/是您自己告诉爷/自己告诉他?自己总共也没什么见过大老爷几次面/哪壹次也没什么跟他说过自己名字叫凝儿啊?正在百思别解之时/水清忽然发现大老爷眼睛怎么湿乎乎?然后/怎么会有泪水流下?/老爷/您为啥啊哭咯?谁欺负您咯?/是您/凝儿/那句话将水清说得莫名其妙/她还欺负他?分明是他欺负她啊/可是/那泪水/看着挺好玩呢/于是水清想也没想地就伸出手去抹那些泪水/她先是用食指胡乱地在他脸上涂抹壹气/然后忽然想尝尝那泪水味道/于是又将食指放进嘴里尝咯尝/当即咧咯嘴:/怎么那么难吃啊/他止别住地热泪长流/他想告诉她/泪水怎么会是香甜呢?只有苦涩/咸酸在其中/可是他又别想告诉她/痛苦只有他壹各人承担就足够咯/她现在别晓得啥啊叫做痛苦/有多好/为啥啊要打搅她如此纯真世界呢?第1326章/鱼肉水清之所以想要品尝壹下泪水味道/那是因为她饿咯/现在已经是晚膳时间/王爷到来之前/主仆两人壹边闲说话/壹边等着竹墨送晚膳/结果两各人没什么等来竹墨/却是将王爷迎进咯屋/耽搁咯那么半天/水清肚子都饿得咕咕叫咯/其实竹墨早就将晚膳送咯过来/只是月影没什么让她端上来/毕竟王爷在那里/怕他会有啥啊事情吩咐/此时眼见着水清品尝起泪水/月影当然晓得她家仆役早就饿坏咯/于是小心翼翼、拐弯抹角地暗示道:/启禀爷/别晓得您今天在哪里用膳/假设爷在那里用膳话/奴婢那就/壹听月影禀报/他那才闻到咯壹股饭菜味道/于是强压下心中悲伤/开口说道:/爷就在那里用吧/月影本是虚晃壹枪/借着请示他在哪里用膳方式来提醒他晚膳时间到咯/根本就没什么打着他会在那里用膳主意/毕竟那各院子主子别是得CHONG之时/谁想到她只是随口壹提/王爷还果真就在那里用膳咯/被打咯壹各措手别及/于是月影慌慌张张地回道:/那奴婢让厨房再为爷准备几各菜/别用咯/那里菜爷也吃习惯咯/别用特别准备啥啊/您现在就端上来吧/回爷/奴婢还是让厨房再多准备壹些吧/您怎么那么哆嗦/赶快把饭菜端上来/月影无奈/只得与竹墨两人将饭菜端上来/然后月影负责水清/竹墨负责王爷/忙完净手事项后/待月影将食盒打开/王爷那才晓得为啥啊月影刚才那么坚持地要为他再多准备几各菜/就像刚刚初见变得又白又胖水清那样极度震惊/现在见到满桌美味佳肴/他再壹次被极度震惊/壹共六各盘子/四各主菜两各主食/壹盘酱肘子/壹盘烧全鸡/壹盘水晶鹅肉/壹盘清水爆肚/壹盘水煎肉包/壹盘菜饽饽/还有壹盘鱼茸羮/当那些菜品壹壹摆放整齐后/月影忐忑别安地望向他/王爷之所以坚持别让月影添菜/因为他想当然地认为他与水清口味相同/他也吃别太多/无非就是添双筷子而已/而当他此时面对如盛宴般大鱼大肉之后/他眼前竟是突然浮现出水清曾经为他/做/过那三道只能看别能吃美
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