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大二英语中国文化概况中国文化概况期末资料 作者: 日期:Chapter 1 A General Introduction to Chinese CultureWords and Expressions:the descendants of Yan and Huang 炎黄子孙 porcelain 瓷器The appellation of ChinaChinese history began with two legendary figuresEmperor Huang and Emperor Yan, who, together with their tribes, inhabited the drainage area along the middle reaches(中游) of the Yellow River. By the time of Xia Dynasty, after centuries of living side by side, these two tribes had gradually merged into(合并,融合) one. Consequently, the Chinese people usually call themselves “the descendants of Yan and Huang”.People at that time believed that the land they lived on was the center of the world, and called their state the Middle Kingdom(中国), thus giving China its country name.China is the appellation of our country given by foreigners. The porcelain china is the transliteration of the place name Changnan(昌南), which was the old name for Jingdezhen(景德镇). The porcelain made in Changnan was smooth and bright, and earned another name of artificial jade. It became famous both home and abroad and was exported to Europe in large quantities.In Europe, people regarded Changnan porcelain as something precious and delicate and would take pride in possessing one. As time passed, people in Europe forgot the meaning of Changnan and switched the original meaning of porcelain of the word “china” to the place of its origin.Chapter 2 Chinese Philosophy and ReligionPart 1 Chinese Thoughts and PhilosophyWords and Expressions:Confucianism 儒家 Taoism 道家The Analects 论语benevolence 仁慈,善行ritual礼制,仪式,惯例filial piety 孝,孝心The Development of Ancient Chinese Philosophy The philosophy in Pre-Qin times (先秦子学)The orthodox philosophy during the Han Dynasty (两汉经学)Metaphysics during the Wei and Jin dynasties (魏晋玄学)The buddhist philosophy during the Sui and Tang dynasties (隋唐佛学)Neo-confucianism in Song and Ming dynasties (宋明理学)Application philosophy in the Ming and Qing dynasties (明清实学) The philosophy in Pre-Qin times (先秦子学)The philosophy in Pre-Qin times was marked by the emergence of various ancient philosophical views. The most influential schools were Confucianism (儒家), Taoism (道家), Mohism (墨家) and Legalism (法家)1.ConfucianismConfucianism is a school of thought represented by Confucius and Mencius. Confucianism has influenced the Chinese for thousands of years and is deeply rooted in Chinese culture. It is an integration of intellectual, political, and religious tradition with the focus on the individual morality and ethics in daily life and the proper exercise of political power.Who is Confucius?Family name: Kong; Given name: Qiu; courtesy name: ZhongniHe is a great thinker, an educator, a statesman, a philosopher, the founder of the Confucian school and Confucianism. The landmark of Confucianism is the Analects, which was written by his disciples after his death.The core of Confuciuss philosophy are the concepts of Ren (benevolence)Ren(仁): Confucius defines it as “Airen”(爱人),that is , to love others.The Chinese character “仁”(benevolence) consists of “a person (人)” on the left and “two(二)” on the right indicating the relationship between people.Li (ritual)Li (ritual-礼)refers to the rules of human conduct and moral norms such as politeness, courtesy, propriety, proper etiquette and good manners ranging from speech and behavior to the performance of rituals which are usually codified and treated as an all-embracing system of social norms.Xiao (filial piety) Xiao(孝)refers to the filial piety, which was regarded as one of the greatest of virtues in Chinese tradition, denoting the respect and obedience that the children should show to their parents.Zhong (loyalty)Zhong (loyalty-忠)is a great virtue, which emphasizes the obligations and duties to the superior, to friends, family, and spouse.2. TaoismFounded by Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, the school advocates the doctrine that the Dao is the course, the principle, the substance, and the standard of all things, to which all of them must conform. Based on the work of Dao De Jing, Taoism promotes the belief that a person should live a simple life, not to strive for wealth, fame or power, which will only give one worries and trouble. The school favours the political principle of “achieving good government through non-action”(无为而治) 3. MohismBase on the teaching of Mozi, the school cherishes universal love which states that if all the people in the world loved one another, there will be no hatred, calamities, and hostilities. In politics and ethics, Mohism proposes honoring virtuous people, opposing fatalism (宿命论) and aggressive wars, and upholding thriftiness(节俭). 4. LegalismLegalism, begun by Hanfeizi, espouses (主张) laying down laws to unify the thought of people, promoting agri
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