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- 1 -素能提升演练(二十六)选修 6 Unit 1. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空by coincidence;a great deal;on the other hand;in the flesh;appeal to;lead to;concentrate on;lie in;in possession of;scores of1. We werent _ the new house located in the suburban district until July. 2. _ people arrived at the stadium, excited to see the game. 3. Doctors believe that smoking may _ lung cancer. 4. _ I met the person wed been discussing the next day. 5. She looked very pale, and seemed to have suffered _. 6. I want to sell the house,but _ I cant bear the thought of moving. 7. Advertising is intended to _ consumers, but it does not force them to buy the product. 8. I have corresponded with her for some years, but I have never met her _. 9. They wanted to _ the basketball match. 10. I think the problem may _ the fact that no attention has been paid to this matter. . 完成句子1. The education program _ combining brain work with manual labor is being widely spread throughout the country. (aim)旨在把脑力劳动和体力劳动相结合的教育方案正在全国推行。2. The reporter _ interview the famous basketball player about his recent plans. (attempt)这位记者一直试图就那位著名篮球运动员最近的打算对他进行采访。3. A teacher _ has the potential to be an excellent teacher. (possess)有幽默感的老师才有成为优秀教师的潜质。4. London Olympics was on the way, _ athletes from all over the world. (appeal)伦敦奥运会即将举办,它吸引着全世界的运动健将。- 2 -5. Without the timely help of our army, more people _ in the flood in Hainan this summer. (lose)今年夏天在海南的水灾中要不是军队及时地救援,更多人将会失去生命。6. If _ long enough to have a job, I would choose to be a doctor, helping these AIDS patients. (be)如果我能活到参加工作,我要选择医生这个职业,帮助这些艾滋病患者。7. _ the policy was a failure, which made us disappointed thoroughly. (evident)很明显,这项政策是个败笔,它让我们彻底失望了。8. It didnt take the children long to _. (figure)用不多久孩子们就能算出正确答案。9. _ is almost impossible. (predict)精确预言未来是不可能的。10. She speaks English so fluently as if she _ in America ever. (study)她的英语讲得这么流利就好像她在美国学过英语似的。. 多项选择1. During the Renaissance, people began to concentrate less on religious themes and _ a more humanistic attitude to life. A. adapt B. adopt C. possess D. predict2. 2012 漳州模拟The audiences reaction made it _ that this play was a great success. A. evident B. familiarC. relevant D. skeptical3. All her energies are _ upon children and she seems to have little time for anything else. A. guided B. aimedC. directed D. focused4. There is _ concern about the pollution among the people. A. a couple of B. a good deal of- 3 -C. a good many of D. a good number of5. 2012 荆州模拟The paper studies some _ cases in which something somehow wrong leads to the miscommunication, so that English teachers may improve their teaching. A. distant B. typicalC. exotic D. misleading6. He _ to get a high position in the company, but failed because of his carelessness. A. managed B. succeededC. attempted D. thought7. _, my deskmate and I were born on the same day and same year,so we have a lot in common. A. By accident B. By chanceC. By coincidence D. By adventure8.2012 南京模拟After decades of effort, the city is still trying to _ how to ban smoking in public places. A. look through B. get through C. figure out D. take out9. At the very beginning, Einsteins Theory of Relativity was so _ that few scientists could understand. A. absorbed B. abstractC. absolute D. interesting10. Since they wont listen to the advice, we have to _ force. A. appeal to B. stick toC. keep to D. apply to. 阅读理解(A)My high school courses in the United States were so much fun. Instead of being lectured and tested over and over again, we were actually able to be really creative with our usual - 4 -schoolwork. In chemistry class, to understand how a double bond (双键) forms, we made models out of eggs and crayons (蜡笔). In calculus (微积分), to illustrate the Riemann theory, our math teacher put on wig (假发) and played a rock song on his guitar. In English, to fully appreciate Macbeth, we went to the hall and acted it out without any preparation. In history, to help us memorize (记忆) important dates and facts, we played mini basketball flashcard games. All these random, fun things made each class and each day enjoyable. Believe me, I really did look forward to going to school every morning. I think one reason for this is that many American students lack motivation. Chinese students are motivated to study hard because it is in our culture. Our parents and teachers tell us over and over again that we must study hard. American students, on the other hand, do not have this pressure. Even when they go to college, most state universities set the bar low for entrance examinations. So teachers need to find fun ways to make classwork appeal to stude
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