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富士康NXT培训资料,备件更换 吴国庭,配件更换传送皮带更换,Replace or adjust conveyor belt when the PCB transfer error.,配件更换置件头电池更换,Battery ( Module servo Box & H01/H08 Head) Replace Battery when the Battery alarm , note: Dont shut down the machine.Dont Remove Head from module when replace battery.,配件更换伺服器电池更换,将冷却风扇从反面盖板中取出,在风扇运转的状态下将导线拖出来 从拆下的反面的开口部分用手伸进模组, 找到要更换的电池盒。 请打开电池盒,将电池与新品更换,配件更换-吸嘴置放台萤光贴纸,Replace or clean Nozzle station fluorescent seal when confirm nozzle alarm happen.,6,Replace Fuse when the Fuse broken according to LED display. Note : shot down the machine when you replace it. Module Remote I/O,配件更换-模组远程控制I/O 电路板FUSE,配件更换Module controlbox I/F board,Replace Fuse when the Fuse broken according to LED display. Note : shot down the machine when you replace it. Module Control box I/F Board,配件更换-基座远程控制I/O 电路板,配件更换-远程控制I/O 电路板1 (4M 基座),配件更换-真空泵温度保险丝,配件更换模组冷却风扇,配件更换-料站托架DC 电源的风扇,M3 Base,配件更换MTU伺服控制箱的电池,确认控制的RDYLED 处于点亮状态 打开控制箱前面的电池盖板 拆下电池的导线插头,与新品的电池更换 确认BATLED 已经点灭后,关上电池 盖板,配件更换-TY 轴TZ 轴伺服放大器的电池(MTU),配件更换-中转电路板的保险丝(MTU),配件更换相机更换,主电源开关OFF,配件更换Mark相机,绝对不要松动相机单元的螺栓和定位栓,主电源开关OFF,配件更换Mark相机,拆下灯具单元的连接线插座,拧松螺栓(4 根),拆下灯具单元,与拆下时相反的顺序安装新的单元,配件更换waste tape cutter,Waste tape cutter Replace or lubrication waste tape cutter when it display red color on the monitor. Waste tape cutter 1/2,配件更换waste tape cutter,主电源开关OFF,配件更换SERVO BOX,M3/M6 SERVO BOX,配件更换CPU BOX(MODULE),Replace Module CPU box when module CPU alarm. upgrade Matrix data( send the Matrix data to module, and send the Pallet tilt data to module if you use Pallet level) after replace new one. M3/M6 CPU Box,配件更换control box(base),Replace Base control box when it damaged. Base control box 1,配件更换CPU BOX (BASE),Replace Base control box when it damaged. send Final offset after replace it.,配件更换-Vacuum Pump control box,26,NX配件更换conveyor control box,Conveyor control box Replace Conveyor control box when it damaged. Conveyor control box,1,2,3,4,
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