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As she grew older she became less patient with housework 随着年龄的增长她对家务活越来越没有耐心 As he wasnt ready in time we went climbing without him 因为他没及时做好准备我们没等他就爬山去了 Young as he is he knows some of the family secrets 尽管他很小但是他也知道一些家里的秘密 The teacher asked us to watch carefully and do as he showed 老师让我们仔细观看然后按照他教的那样去做 即境活用 15Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot in Canada_this was a memory she especially treasured Aas Bif Cwhen Dwhere 解析as 表示原因 答案 A 堂 课 双 基 词义辨析 1Effective treatments do exist but _ they are very expensive Aunfortunately Bparticularly Cindependently Dapproximately 解析unfortunately 不幸的是particularly 特别地 independently 独立地 approximately 大约 答案A 2 This television programme is designed to educate and not merely to_ Aastonish Bconvince Centertain Dslide 解析entertain 使娱乐 astonish 使惊讶 convince 使信服 slide 滑动 答案C 3She was _with joy when she was informed that she would be promoted Astruggled Bdefeated Cconquered Dovercome 解析overcome 战胜 struggle 挣扎 conquer 征服 defeat 打败 答案D 4He will demand _ evidence before he adopts a new theory Aoutstanding Bconvincing Camusing Dcharming 解析convincing 令人信服的 outstanding 显著的 amusing 引人发笑的charming 妩媚的 答案B 5In every field of science art literature drama and sport they have made _ contributions Aswift Boutstanding Cconsiderate Dgenuine 解析outstanding 显著的 swift 急速的considerate 体贴的 genuine 真的 答案B 6As is often the casedeaf people communicate mainly by_ Agesture Bwhisper Ccontact Dsignal 解析gesture 手势 whisper 耳语 contact 联系 signal 信号 答案A 7My brother likes eating very much but he isnt very _about the food he eats Aspecial Bordinary Cparticular Dcontent 解析 be particular about 对挑剔 答案 C 8 I saw Bob play the piano at Johns party and on that _he was simply brilliant Ascene Bcircumstance Coccasion Dsituation 解析on that occasion 在那时 答案C 9He _in his wifes ear for fear of being heard by others Awhispered Bshouted Cexplained Dreplied 解析whisper 耳语 shout 大叫 explain 解释 reply 回答 答案A 10Workers _ angrily to the news of more job losses in the factory Aconvinced Bfocused Cadapted Dreacted 解析react 反应 convince 使信服 focus 专注于adapt 适应 答案D 短语填空 badly off pick out cut off in search of up to now feelbe content withstar inbreak into in betweengo by 1_no wonder drug has been found which can cure cancers 2He seems to _ a fairly minor role in the government 3Sarah has missed her chance of_ the school play 4Thieves _ the bank by digging a tunnel and took away lots of money 5We have two lessons this morning but theres some free time_ 6As time_ my credit history was gradually building up 7 They were _ for not paying their phone bill 8He went_ a doctor for his sick wife 9She was _ from dozens of applicants for the job 10Tom has been out of work for years He is now quite_ 答案 1Up to now2be content with3starring in4broke into5in between6went by7cut off8in search of9picked out10badly off 单词拼写 1I found it_ 令人惊讶的 that the young player beat the chess master in the game 2He is a_ 失败者 as an artistbut a success as an art teacher 3If we work with a strong willwe can_ 克服 any difficulty no matter how great it is 4They often_ 款待 their friends at weekends 5Elizabeth Fry helped to improve prison conditions and gave the _ 无家可归的 work and education 6After graduating from Peking University he was _ 幸运的 in having a good job 7I lived in an area of_ 显著的 natural beauty 8Most_ 表演者 feel nervous before they go on stage 9So far there is no_ 令人信服的 evidence that there exists life in outer space 10Some kids are very _ 挑剔的 about foodThats why they dont have a balanced diet 答案 1astonishing2failure3overcome4entertain5homeless6fortunate7outstanding8performers9convincing10particular paperU纸C报纸证件 ironU铁C电熨斗 beautyU美C美人 即境活用 4Words_me when I wanted to express my thanks to him for having given me so much help Aleft Bdisappointed Cfailed Dflew 解析words failed sb 某人说不出话来 答案C 5direct vt vi 导演指示指挥 adj 径直的直接的直率的 adv 直接地 We were directed to hand over our passports 我们得到指示把护照交上去 Directly he came in everyone was quiet 他一进来所有人都安静了下来 direct sb to do sth 指示 令 某人做某事 directthat 从句 谓语动词用虚拟语气 direct sb to a place 引导某人去某地 in the direction of 朝方向 under the direction of 在指导下 in all directions in every direction 朝四面八方 directly adv直接地也可作连词引导时间状语从句意为一就 即境活用 5The government directed that some small coal mines_be closed Amust Bshould Cmight Dcan 解析direct that 从句用虚拟语气 should do 答案B 6particular adj 特别的特殊的特定的讲究的挑剔的 Shes very particular about her food 她吃东西十分挑剔 I noticed his eyes in particular because they were such an unusual colour 我尤其注意到他的眼睛因为它们的颜色非同寻常 Its particularly cold today 今天特别冷 be particular to 是特有的 be particular
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