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精品资料推荐BEC中级听力 主讲:高媛媛第一课时考试简介:三部分,30题,30分钟听题,10分钟誊写。Part One: 填空题:Words, NumbersPart Two: 搭配题:大意+推测Part Three: 选择题:大意+细节+推测Test 1 Listening 40 minutes (including 10 minutes transfer time)第二课时I NUMBERS1 日期: the first of October, October the first, October firstthe 27th of July the 18th of June Sep. the 12th Sep. the 15thMay the sixteenth Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹Weather Report 天气预报2 电话号码:double six 66 triple seven-777 four zeros-000065046721 24556211 307781093 编号:reference number, booking number, catalogue number, conference room number数字+字母+符号字母:GJ,MN,OL,BDTPSM, SN, SO, SL,符号:dash slash /4 数量:hundred: 后有两位数thousand, million, billion, trillion:t, m, b, tr点三杠四,从右向左:英-中:杠四16t5201/6520523t50052/3500中-英:点三18万6000186,000背景知识:proprietor 自主经营者 proprietorshippartnership 合伙corporation 公司 company, business, firmmeeting of shareholders 股东大会Board of Directors, the Board 董事会Chairman, Chairperson 主席President 总裁,执行董事CEO 首席执行官 CTO 首席技术执行官 CFO 首席财务执行官 CIO 首席信息执行官Vice President 副总Sales Executive 销售主官 Marketing Executive 市场主官Marketing 市场market research, survey, questionnaire, interviewmarket segmentation, target consumer, consumer behaviour, consuming habits市场细分 消费者行为 消费习惯Salesproducts, consumerpotential consumer: choice, preference, attitudesdifficult consumersprice tag 价签Personnel/Human Resources 人事部/人力资源部recruit, recruitment, takeon 招聘They took me on five years ago. 五年前他们把我招了进来。interview 面试 candidate 候选人three rounds of interviews 三轮面试Training & Educationin company training 内部培训outside training 外出培训evaluation, performance evaluation, score, marks, grade 评估,打分,评级第三课时fire, dismiss 开除resign, quit, leave, resignation 离职pre-sales, after salesCustomer Services 客户服务部 interest become interested in sth. arouse ones interest in sth.installation 组装Accountancy 财会部门 记录帐目 accountant 会计Financing 财务部 Fund-raising 集资 financial analysist 财务分析师company logo 公司标识 company image 公司形象company reputation 公司名誉 good-will spokesperson 代言人日程 schedule diary check my diaryproject schedule 项目计划itinerary 行程agenda 议程item 一条内容postpone till some time postpone to some time 推迟到.I thought.but. I meant, I had thought. 后面的内容没有实现Part Two 分析:1分类:places/addresses/topics/opinions/reasons/purposes/function2重点:purpose/topics/function3解题方法:1)审题,找中心词2)先听后选3)注意力分配:首句方向;末句信息最多 but, however, so, therefore although, though, despite, in spite of4)注意陷阱:原词第四课时Part Two 分析:4 PURPOSE1) descriptive a. complaint: make, confirm product quality 产品质量 b. appointment/meeting/invitation: make, confirm 时间/事件 change 先道歉 推迟(postpone) 取消(cancel) 细节变动 confirm 先道谢 c. assistance/permission/advice: ask for, give 上级对下级是give,下级对上级是ask for d. satisfaction/appreciation/compliment/congratulation You deserve it. 是你应得的。/你活该。 e. make an enquire/ask for information/order/make a reservation2 重点:purpose/topics/function 2) persuasive a. recommend/suggest/propose soI thinkshould, had better, would, have to effective 有效的 help, work b. explain so, then, therefore, as a result, thats why c. apologize/refuse d. contradict 比较 in comparison, however,while, on the other hand similarly, quite similar, likewise3) neutral a. doubt thinke it over, take sth. into account, reconsideration b. criticize/sarcasm/warn movie critic 影评人第五课时5 FUNCTION1) 人员:security guard, receptionist, typist, (dictate), secretary, assistant badge 胸卡 salesperson, shop assistant, consultant, advisor, analyst, researcher too fussy/picky 挑三拣四的 expert, specialist, operator, cleaner, courier(通信员,联络员) engineer, machinist, technologist, technician 问题:problem, trouble, failure,breakdown,crackdown,out of order engineer 工程师 machinist 机械师 technologist 技术人员 technician 技工 tech-support 技术支持 trainer, trainee session 一次课 participant 参与者 fee 费用 seminar(座谈会),presentation, discussion, workshop group(分组) airhostess, stewardess(空中小姐) check in, luggage, case, purse, take off, land, arrive, board, window seat, aisle seat, briefcase(公文包)suitcase(拉杆箱) 住宿:预约reserve/book 入住 check in 登记表 registratio
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