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校园常用的英语口语 上课点名等的英语说法】 Oh! You d better hurry! 噢!你快点儿吧! A: Oh! Youd better hurry! Theres only 10 minutes left. 噢!你快点儿吧!只有10 分钟了。 B: Ive really got to go now. 我现在真得走了。 It s nearly time for class. Please hurry up! 要上课了,请你快点! Hurry! 快点! Get moving! 快点干! Youd better get a move on. 你快点。 A: Its nearly time for class. Please hurry up! 要上课了,请你快点! B:Take it easy 别急嘛。 nearly ad. 几乎,差不多 I ll finish my breakfast in ten minutes. 我十分钟之内就能吃完早饭的。 A: Hurry up, buddy. I dont want to be late again. 快点,老兄。我不想再迟到了。 B: Don t worry; Ill finish my breakfast in ten minutes. 别担心,我十分钟之内就能吃完早饭的。 You want to play truant? 你准备逃课呀? A: The class will begin in half an hour, you want to play truant? 半小时以后就要上课了。你准备逃课呀? B: I have no choice. Whats more, the class is boring. 我别无选择啊。更何况,这课也很无聊。 truant n. 逃学者 play truant“逃学,旷课 ” How about saying “yes” for me if the teacher calls the roll? 老师点名时,你帮我回答个“ 到” 如何? A: How about saying yes for me if the teacher calls the roll? 老师点名时,你帮我回答个“ 到” 如何? B:No problem. 没问题。 Will the bell ring soon? 就要打铃了吗? Did the bell ring? 打铃了吗? A Will the bell ring soon? 就要打铃了吗? B: The bell will ring in 2 minutes. 还有 2 分钟就要打铃了。 Hurry up, or well be late. 快走,要不然就迟到了。 A: Hurry up, or well be late. 快走,要不然就迟到了。 B: Slow down. I cant follow you. 慢点,我跟不上你了。 Is this seat vacant? 这座位有人坐吗? A:Is this seat vacant? 这座位有人坐吗? B:You can sit here 你可以坐这儿。 Hey, have you previewed Chapter Two? = Hey, have you prepared Chapter Two? 嘿,你预习第2 章了吗? A: Hey, have you previewed Chapter Two? 嘿,你预习第2 章了吗? B: No, I havent. I watched the soccer match last night. 没有,我昨晚看足球比赛了。 Have you prepared your project? 准备好你的设计方案了吗? A: Have you prepared your project? 准备好你的设计方案了吗? B: I havent. You know, the soccer match didnt end until midnight last night. 还没呢。你要知道,足球比赛到昨天半夜才结束。 The teacher will ask for it. 老师要求交上去。 The teacher will collect our homework. 老师会收我们的家庭作业的。 A: Have you done the homework? The teacher will ask for it. 你做作业了吗?老师要求交上去。 B:I havent finished yet 我还没有做完呢。 I stayed up a I night but I still couldnt finish it 我熬了一整夜,仍然没有写完。 A: Have you turned in your paper? 你交论文了吗? B: No, not yet. I stayed up all night but I st ill couldnt finish it. 还没有。我熬了一整夜,仍然没有写完。 stay up“熬夜,不睡觉 ” Maybe theyre supermen who think differently than common people. 可能他们是超人吧,想法与一般人不一样。 A: I dont know why theres always someone sitting in the front row in such boring lessons. 真不知道,为什么在这样无聊的课上还有人喜欢坐在前排。 B: Maybe they re supermen who think differently than common people. 可能他们是超人吧,想法与一般人不一样。 Every time I attend this class, I feel very sleepy. 每次我一来上这种课,就犯困。 A: Every time I attend this class, I feel very sleepy. 每次我一来上这种谋,就犯困。 B: We may bring the chess next time. 下次我们可以带副象棋来。 attend v出席,参加 sleepy a. 困倦的,欲睡的 Stop talking now so that we can start. 别讲话了,我们开始上课。 I m waiting for you to be quiet . 我在等你们安静下来。 We wont start until everyone is quiet. 等你们都安静下来我们才开始上课。 Is everybody here? 大家都到齐了吗? Is there anybody absent today? 今天有人缺席吗? A: Is everybody here? Ill call the roll. 大家都到齐了吗?现在我点名了。 B:NoDavid isnt here 没有,大卫没来。 David has asked for sick leave. = David is on sick leave. 大卫请病假了。 A: What s the matter with David today? 大卫今天怎么了? B: David has asked for sick leave. He got a cold. 大卫请病假了。他感冒了。 He has something urgent to do. 他有紧急的事。 A: Why is David absent? 为什么大卫缺席了? B: He has something urgent to do. He wasnt here yesterday, either. 位有紧急的事,昨天也没来。 urgent a. 紧急的 Who s on duty today? 今天谁值日? Whose turn is it? 该谁了? A: Who is on duty today? 今天谁值日? B: Don t look at me. Its not my turn. 别看我,不该我呢。 on duty“值班,值日 ” May I come in? 我可以进来吗? A: May I come in? 我可以进来吗? B: Yes,please 请进。 I have missed the bus. = I didnt catch the bus. 我没赶上公共汽车。 A: Why are you late again? 你为什么又迟到了? B: Im sorry. I have missed the bus. 对不起。我没赶上公共汽车。 Is there a grade for class participation? 上课参加活动是否打分数呢? A: Is there a grade for class participation? 上课参加活动是否打分数呢? B:Yesthere is 打的。 participation n.参与 【超级恋爱篇】 1、Looks like hes kinda grown attached to me. kinda=kind of 在美国口语中十分常用, 是“ 有一点 .”的意思 grow attached to 开始喜欢上 . 2、I break off a relationship. break off 断交, catch up 言归于好 3、Looks like those two are up to someithing, huh?They can come out in the open. 那两人最近关系好象有点暧昧,是吗?他们大可以公开来往。 4、How am I supposed to ask for a date? “ 约会某人 ” 可以说ask someone out,ask . for a date 常用的方式有: What are you doing this weekend? Would you like to go out this weekend? 5、I just dont feel comfortable holding hands in public. hold hands 牵手,还有hand in hand,arm in arm 6、Well, I struck out this Valentines Day, too. Valentines Day 情人节 7、What a drag! I got that “Let s just be good friends” line again. drag 令人沮丧的事或物,line 说词 8、 I wonder if theres an easy way to break up and still be friends. break up, split up 都是分手的意思 9、Too bad. I almost thought we had something. something 指特别的交情 10、I see my girlfriend home. see.home 送某人回家, see.off 则是送行的意思 11、He is playing the field. play the field 和很多异性交往,反义为go steady 12、I pretend to give him the cold shoulder. 我故意假装冷落他。此外cold turkey 是指冷漠的人 13、Well, its over, anyway. T
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