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Unit 5 Canada”The True North”,Maple Country - Canada,How much do you know about Canada?,Quiz,1. What language (s) do Canadians speak? A. English B. English and German C. English and French D. English and Spanish,2. What is the capital of Canada? A. B. Vancouver Toronto C. D. Calgary Ottawa,3. What is the national animal of Canada? B. Beaver Grizzly bear C. D. Polar bear Penguin,4. What is the Canadian leader called? President Prime Minister Governor King,5. How many “Great Lakes” are there in Canada and what are they? Lake Superior Lake Huron Lake Erie Lake Ontario Lake Michigan,6. Which is the national flag of Canada?,A. B. C. Q D.,9.98million km2,5,500km,position,The Beaufort Sea,the Arctic Ocean,Greenland,The Atlantic Ocean,The Pacific Ocean,Alaska,the United States,Maple country,National Animal: Beaver,Canadas capital: Ottawa,Montreal,Vancouver,A TRIP ON “ THE TRUE NORTH”,Skim the passage and then answer the following questions:,Skimming,What is the passage mainly about? It is about _ of two girls; and it tells us some information about _.,a trip,Canada,2) What is “The True North”? The True North is a name of _.,the cross Canada train,Part 1 Para(s)_ Part 2 Para(s)_ Part 3 Para(s)_,What they really saw and felt after boarding the train brief introduction of their trip Their chat on their way to the station,1,2,3-5,Part I,Li Daiyu Liu Qian,visit their cousins,plane,train,Montreal, Canada,Part II,scenery,distance:_,5,500 kilometres,(from coast to coast),going eastward, you will pass:,_,_,_,mountains,lakes and forests,rivers and large cities,Vancouver,_ climate,the _ part,the most beautiful city,one of Canadas most _ cities, the oldest & most beautiful _,warmest,popular,forests,wet,Part III,Read Paras 3-5 and fill in the blanks.,have a gift for,catch sight of,the Calgary Stampede,the Great Lakes,acres,urban,summary,China,by air,Vancouver,by train,Rocky Mountains,Calgary (Stampede),A wheat-growing province,Thunder Bay,After dinner,Lake Superior,Toronto,towards,Part 1 Read Para.1 and finish the chart below,plane,Montreal, Canada,visit their cousins,Skinning,Li Daiyu,Liu Qian,train,Part 2 Para.2,Canada,distance _ (from coast to coast),Going eastward, youll pass 1._ 2._ 3. _,scenery,mountains,wide rivers & large cities,5,500 kilometers,lakes & forests, Vancouver,1.The _part 2.the most _ city 3. one of Canadas most _ cities 4.oldest & most beautiful _ 5.wet _,warmest,beautiful,popular,forest,climate,have a gift for,catch sight of,the Calgary Stampede,Part 3 Para. 3-5,acres,the Great Lakes,urban,
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