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小学五年级英语期末模拟试卷 姓名: 班级: 得分: 听力部分(40分)一、听音排序:听句子,选出与你所听内容相符的图画,并将其序号填入图下的括号内。(听两遍)(25=10) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听音选择:听句子,选择句子中读到的单词,将序号填入题前括号内。(听两遍)(210=20)( )1. A.square B. triangle C. rectangle D. diamond( )2. A.hill B. near C.year D. dear( )3. A.show B. know C. how D. now( )4. A.camping trip B.camping site C. go camping D.come in ( )5. A.make a kite B.fly a kite C.make a model plane D. ride a bike( )6. A.telescope B.telephone C.elephont D. tin-opener ( )7. A.father B.grandfather C.grandparents D. grandpa( )8. A.floor B. follow C. flower D. window( )9. A.hot B.pot C. dog D.bag( )10. A.towel B.towels C. blanket D.blankets三、听音选择:听问题,根据所听问句,选择正确的答句。(听两遍)(25=10)( )1. A.Yes, there are . B.No, there isnt . C.Yes, there isnt .( )2. A.Yes, she is . B.No, she does . C. Yes, she does .( )3. A.He has a twel . B.Yes, he is . C. He is walking in the garden .( )4. A.Id like a mask . B.I like masks . C. Yes, you can .( )5. A.Thank you . B. Not at all . C. Im sorry .笔试部分(60分)四、单词辩音:判断下列每组词中的画线部分的读音是否一致,用“T”或“F”表示正误。(14=4)1、home do ( ) 2、towel know ( )3、great cake ( ) 4、children child ( )五、英汉互译:在横线上写出相应的英语或汉语。(18=8)1、新年 2、追赶 3、太阳和月亮 4、画五个五角星 5、this morning 6、how to open the tin 7、a map of the world 8、help me do housework 六、选择填空: 选出能填入句子空白处的最佳答案,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(115=15)( )1. Are there flowers in the garden ?A. some B. any C. a ( )2. I live Baoying my parents .A. on , and B. in , and C. in , with ( )3. Here a telescope you .A. is , to B. are , for C. is , for ( )4. Look! The bees(蜜蜂们)_ in the flowers.A. danceB. dancingC. are dancing( )5. Id like football after school .A. playing B. to play C. play( )6. is Mike doing ? Hes sweeping the floor .A. Where B. Whose C. What ( )7. Mike and David are playing basketball. Lets go and Join .A. him B. them C. us( )8. We are showing our things each other .A. to B. at C. for ( )9.What is the sun ? Its a circle .A. shape B. colour C. time ( )10. What the students ?A. does , has B. do , has C. do , have ( )11. How many and are there in this picture ?A. rectangle , diamond B. stars , circle C. diamonds , triangles ( )12. Why you go to school today ?A. isnt B. dont C. doesnt( )13. I dont like pictures .A. draw B. to draw C. drawing( )14. I get up _ seven _ Sundays .A. at ; on B. at ; in C. in ; on( ) 15. What shape is the mans head in the picture? _.A. Its a triangleB. Its a squareC. Its a circl七、单句改错:下列每句的划线部分中,各有一处错误,请将其序号填入题前括号内,并在句子后面的横线上订正。(25=10)( )1、What do you doing ? Im watching TV. A B C( )2、The children is running in the playground . A B C( )3、Toms brothers has six dogs. A B C( )4、Are there any juice on the desk? A B C( )5、I like playing the football with my friends . A B C八、翻译句子: 根据中文提示,完成下列句子,每空一词。(18=8)1、迈克又什么?他有一个望远镜。What does Mike ? He a telescope .2、你要去哪里? 我要去图书馆。 are you ? Im going to the library .3、不要忘了在贺卡上写上你的名字。Dont forget write your name the card .4、给我们示范一下怎样拼拼图。Show how do the puzzle .九、情景配对:从B栏中选出与A栏相对应的答句,使对话完整。(16=6)I( ) 1.Is that David?( ) 2.Are they sweeping the floor?( ) 3.Heres fifty yuan.( ) 4.How to open the fish tin ?( ) 5.Have some chicken, please.( ) 6.Why dont we make some Christmas (圣诞)cards? IIA. No, thanks. Im washing bowls.B. Good idea.C. Yes, this is David speaking.D. Thanks. Heres your change.E. Perhaps they are.F. You can use a tin-opener.十、阅读理解:阅读下列短文,完成文后各题。(9分)(一)阅读短文,
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