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2020营销策划鞍山万科营城子城市花园项目营销策划东北财经大学本科毕业论文鞍山万科营城子4#A城市花园项目营销策划作 者 院 系 工商管理学院 专 业 市场营销 年 级 学 号 指导教师 孟 韬 答辩日期 6月6日 成 绩 内 容 提 要鞍山市房地产市场经过进些年的发展,已经成为鞍山经济发展的支柱之一,为提升鞍山市的国民生产总值,振兴鞍山市经济发展,塑造城市良好形象贡献了很大力量。随着国家“振兴东北老工业基地”政策的实施,纲城鞍山获得了前所未有的发展机会,并伴随城市化的进程,以及城市向郊区的延伸为房地产业提供了难得的发展机会,万科作为一个全国性的房地产企业,重新投资于鞍山的房产市场,欲抓住这一宝贵机会,将万科化的住宅带到鞍山来,让钢城人民住进真正的高档楼盘,以集团标准化的产品,创新的设计理念激发鞍山房产市场的潜在需求,打造万科地产的又一经典佳作。本文通过对一个具体实例的全程策划,力图通过实证生动地展示在理性开发和理性消费的时代,开发商如何进行房地产投资和房地产产品开发,以一个统一的经营理念,贯穿企业,充分利用企业外部资源,把握机遇和规避风险,在创造最佳经济效益的同时,实现最佳的社会效益。本文从结构上分为六部分。第一部分介绍了项目开发情况和开发商的状况。第二、三部分对市场进行了分析,包括鞍山市房地产市场发展现状及未来走势分析,从而引发了项目的优、劣势分析,同时强调对目标客户的分析的重要性。第四部分根据相关资料和分析结果对该项目所做的市场定位。第五部分根据已知的项目情况,从产品、价格和广告等方面确定的营销策略及具体的实施过程。最后一部分总结了项目所取得的成绩,并根据项目的实际情况提出了一些建议。关键词:市场定位 营销策划 房地产营销 AbstractAnshan City real estate market passes by into the development of amounts year, the one of a pillars that has become the saddle mountain economy the development, for citizens total output value that promote the saddle mountain City, develop the saddle mountain City economy, molding the good image in city contributes to measures very strongly.Along with the nation “develop the old industry in northeast base” the policy puts into practice, the saddle mountain city acquired the unprecedented development the opportunity, and accompany with the progress that city turn, and the extension that city face the suburban area was a real estate industry to provide seldom of development opportunity, ten thousand sections be used as a nationwide real estate business enterprise, investing afresh in the saddle mountain of house property market, wants to hold tightly this a precious opportunity, will ten thousand the residence that sections turns to take the saddle mountain, letting steel city people live into the real upscale floor the dish, with the product that group standerdize, creative design the latent need that principle stir up the saddle mountain the house property market, create ten thousand section real estates isagain a classic excellent piece.This text passes to a concrete and solid ages for of whole distance planning, dint diagram passing substantial evidence vividly displaying in the reasonableness development with reasonableconsuming, development the company how to proceed the real estate investment to develop with the real estate product, with an united of principle of management, pierce through the business enterprise, make use of the business enterprise exterior resources well, hold the opportunity with evade the risk, create the best economic performance at the same time, realize best social performance.This text is devided into from the construction six parts.The first part introduced the item development circumstance with the condition that develop the company.The second and third parts proceeded the analysis to the market, including saddle mountain City real estate market development present condition and future trends analysis, but caused the item excellent, the bad situation analysis, emphasizing at the same time to the importance of target the customers analysis.The forth part is according to related data with analysis results to a market for doing fixed position. The fifth part according to already the item circumstance that know, from the product, price with advertising the marketing strategy that await the aspect makes sure and puts a specific way into practice. The last part tallied up the item a score for obtaining, and put forwards the some suggestion according to the actual circumstance of the item.Key words: Market positioning Marketing planning Mareketing of Real Estate目 录一、总论1(一)项目概述1(二)项目开发的经济与社会意义1(三)项目开发商万科集团概况2二、市场环境分析3(一)鞍山市房地产市场现状分析趋势分析3(二)项目区位环境分析3(三)项目竞争环境分析4(四)项目SWOT分析 9三、目标市场分析及定位9(一)目标市场分析9(二)目标市场定位 12四、项目定位及营销概念 13(一) 形象定位 13(二) 价值定位 14(三) 概念主题来自万科,来自奥地利 14(四) 功能主题山地住宅小镇 14五、营销策略 15(一) 产品策划 15(二) 销售价格策划 18(三) 推广促销策划 18(四) 营销执行 20(五) 整体及年度销售计划方案 20六、结论 21(一) 销售实绩 21(二) 问题与建议 21参考文献 22后记 23封底 24鞍山万科营城子4#A城市花园项目营销策划一、总论(一)项目概述
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